Paris Dreaming. . . .

 I’m reading philosopher Mark Kingwell’s mesmerizing book, Concrete Reveries: Consciousness and the City, and it seemed a good time to post more photos from that city I’m homesick for, Paris. . . . just fragments, really, of architectural geometries I find pleasing. Above and below from the Caserne Babylone, a 1935 building occupied by the Republican Guard.

 And below, just the very typical lines of Parisian residential buildings, the ubiquitous shutters . . . .

 and the embellishments that collectively add to the city’s charm . . .

 As I was going through photos to choose for this post, I came across this one, and it seemed quite relevant in  light of the hurricane threat faced by Eastern Seaboard cities this weekend. Without minimising that threat, this mark of the Crue de la Seine reminds us that although Paris was covered by water up to this height in January 1910, and thus testifies to the resilience and regeneration of cities.

That said, I hope that you are all safe and that damages inflicted by Irene will be minimal.  At the very least, I hope that those of you spending an anxious, frightened weekend have a hand to hold while you tough it out, along with a very absorbing book, and a supply of candles and batteries. Good luck.

 Now tell me, what city or cities are you dreaming of this weekend?


  1. Susan Tiner
    27 August 2011 / 7:20 pm

    My oldest friend Rich was fortunately able to change his flight to leave NYC early yesterday morning, before the storm, and so we'll be having a safe and dry dinner with him and my kids in San Francisco this evening.

    Of course all my other NY friends and relatives are bracing for whatever comes!

    I love that photo of Paul with the messenger bag. Does he generally carry one? It looks chic to me when men carry bags.

  2. K.Line
    27 August 2011 / 7:31 pm

    We're totally dreaming of the same city. I have to go back to Europe, like, stat.

    Beautiful photos…

  3. Tiffany
    28 August 2011 / 2:02 am

    I'm dreaming of Paris, London and New York. Unoriginal, I know … have also possibly added Amsterdam to our list of cities to visit next summer.

  4. Mardel
    29 August 2011 / 7:54 pm

    I'm always dreaming of Paris, or Madrid, or London, or even New York lately, though I used to take it for granted.

    Gorgeous photos.

  5. materfamilias
    29 August 2011 / 10:53 pm

    Susan: So glad your friend's flight plans worked out — I'm sure he was very appreciative of his visit with you. And yes, Paul has got into the habit of carrying the messenger bag — I bought it for him at M0851 this year before our trip. Last year, he carried just their small Functional which didn't have enough room to stash extras for me 😉
    K: In the meantime, you'll have Montreal . . .
    Tiffany: I've been thinking of Amsterdam as well, ever since K (above) posted about her trip there. But more realistically, I think we might try to get to Barcelona next trip.
    Mardel: Tell me whether I should consider Madrid over Barcelona. I'm thinking the latter for architecture particularly. . . and I envy you ever being able to take NY for granted!


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