They’re Hitched! I have photos . . .

I was thrilled to capture this expression on Rob’s face as he fed Meg her piece of cake — it’s such a typical mix of his holding happy amusement and adoring her completely.

We’re heading back to the island today after a lovely, very satisfying wedding.  I’m not really ready to chat much after so many busy and emotional days, still catching up on sleep and adjusting to the slightly different configuration of my world, watching Pater sort through his emotions, and comparing them to my own. It’s no small thing, a wedding, and even though long anticipated, and even though it’s not the first in a family, it changes one’s place in the world, one’s relationship with life and death and the whole damn thing.

So, yeah, tired. And happy. And thought you might like to look at some photos while I’m thinking and feeling and resting up.

Meg and her niece, Nola — and Maaaa snuck in there as well — that coral colour kept showing up and it’s as flattering on everyone as they say — but I think Nola wears it best!
Daughter #2 and her partner: they look awfully fresh and pretty for a couple who ran their first  half-marathon just that morning!
Megan and her Granny and a French 75, my new favourite champagne cocktail.
Daughter #2 and her Grandpa . . . I love this photo!
Grandma and Grandpa — 62 years married!
The four grandparents — Nan, on the left, flew in from England mid-week and left  the morning after the visit. Rob hadn’t seen her for years and doesn’t know when he will again, so . . . rather emotional.
The girlfriends — two of them of almost twenty years of friendship, one  perhaps ten — they were so supportive, and they’re so very lovely.
Oh, she loved to pose — I have many, many great shots!
Wonderful, wonderful food — the groom is a valued cook here, the bride once apprenticed with the  chef de cuisine, and the kitchen showed their appreciation of the couple in the superb dishes. The couple designed the menu themselves and it was beautifully executed, wonderfully plated
The couple wanted an intimate wedding, immediate family and a few close friends only — this meant we all fit at one long table — you could feel the two families bonding with each bite . . . 

Oh, and yes, we made her cry . . . And she wasn’t the only one.

I’ve got many more photos, so I will be prevailing on your wedding patience over the next few days as I display a few more . . . For now, I’m off to catch a ferry . . .


  1. Susan Tiner
    28 June 2011 / 4:00 pm

    Aww. These are so lovely Mater. What a beautiful bride and beautiful wedding. I love it that they wanted to keep it small and intimate.

    No wonder you are tired and need time to rest and process. I'll be thinking of you.

  2. Susan B
    28 June 2011 / 4:55 pm

    Oh, it looks just lovely. Everything. How wonderful for both of your families. Small, intimate weddings are so nice; people actually get to visit and get acquainted with each other.

    Take it easy, regroup, and breathe. But once you're up for it, I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures. Any full shots of the bride's dress and what you wore??

  3. LPC
    28 June 2011 / 8:19 pm

    Hooray! Looks beautiful! Take your time! Can't wait for more photos! And with all those exclamation marks, I'll just send some hugs.

  4. Tiffany
    28 June 2011 / 10:23 pm

    Oh, it looks so beautiful. Megan looks just gorgeous – love the hair and what we could see of the dress. Do post more photos when you're ready …

  5. pavlova
    29 June 2011 / 1:19 am

    Simply stunning…your daughter looks so happy (and beautiful!!!). I love the intimacy and the one long table….so elegant. Looking forward to more photos!!!!

  6. K.Line
    29 June 2011 / 3:53 am

    Oh, I have goosebumps – these photos are SO BEAUTIFUL. What a gorgeous family you have. The bride is perfection! How wonderful that you have 2 daughters who have found their ways with friends they've chosen to spend their lives with. As a parent, I know that must be a huge joy.

    I have been thinking about you and your family. So sorry I haven't had a chance to comment recently. I've got a lot of new things on the go in my life right now – I'm sure I'll start talking about them soon, when I have 5 minutes. But I have had you on my mind. xo

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    29 June 2011 / 5:17 am

    the photos look lovely…your daughter is beautiful!
    rest up, take care and listen to the soothing sounds of the ocean as the waves break on the shore…

    I look forward to some insightful words and more delightful images…


    I am with you on the French 75's!!!

  8. Anonymous
    29 June 2011 / 5:20 am

    What a beautiful wedding! Megan looks stunning and the wedding dinner was clearly very elegant. And what a great family group altogether. I imagined it to be very relaxed for you in some ways, but of course it is emotionally exhausting. You will be ready to settle back into relaxed island life.

    Your photographs are terrific and I look forward to seeing many, many more. And to tea on the deck on of these days.

    Well done, all of you!

    p.s. I can never remember passwords so check in once again as anonymous….but not very

  9. Anonymous
    29 June 2011 / 5:23 am

    What a beautiful wedding! Megan looks stunning and the wedding dinner was clearly very elegant. And what a great family group altogether. I imagined it to be very relaxed for you in some ways, but of course it is emotionally exhausting. You will be ready to settle back into relaxed island life.

    Your photographs are terrific and I look forward to seeing many, many more. And to tea on the deck on of these days.

    Well done, all of you!

    p.s. I can never remember passwords so check in once again as anonymous….but not very

  10. Anonymous
    29 June 2011 / 6:37 am

    Oh my, she's beautiful. How wonderful to have a meal all at the same beautifully set table.

  11. indigo16
    29 June 2011 / 9:48 am

    What a luxe wedding, looks divine. Glad you enjoyed your day and please post away, especially some of you!
    I love it when so many of the older generations come together like that, now I see where those wonderful cheekbones come from!

  12. Duchesse
    29 June 2011 / 2:08 pm

    Breathtaking! I started to tear up (in that happy sentimental way) before the last shot and then meg cried and it just did me in. I can see what a happy, intimate wedding this was; congratulations.

  13. materfamilias
    29 June 2011 / 3:44 pm

    Susan: Thanks — it really was a perfect day.
    Pseu: I suspect I have more a composite of views of the dress — the official photographer will have some, of course, but I got a bit distracted . . .
    Tiffany: She was stunning, if a mother might be allowed to boast a little on such an occasion 😉
    Pavlova: It really was an elegant setting — so nurturing and elevating . . . just a perfect tone.

  14. materfamilias
    29 June 2011 / 3:52 pm

    K: Actually, all 3 of our daughters AND our son have found wonderful partners, although only 2 have so far got married (and one is so far saying she's not interested in the whole wedding thing) — it is a great joy to know that they have company, love, and support through life.
    and you know you never have to apologize for not commenting — life gets busy!
    Hostess: I did notice that you're already up on that cocktail — it's celebratory and sophisticated, no?!
    Carol: Can't imagine you ever as anonymous! And you're right, while theoretically fairly relaxed, there were some emotional peaks and valleys — plus day after day of visiting, and long days as well, mean we're happy but tired. Tea would be good, on the deck — and sunshine would be even better! Maybe we'll see you this weekend. Will we ever swim this summer?
    Terri: It was all we could have wanted, truly.
    Alison: I find the oldest generation here puts it all in perspective for me, cheekbones and wrinkles and all.
    As for photos of me, now who would have taken those?!
    Duchesse: Yes, she ended up on a bit of a jag, poor thing. Some of the speeches destroyed her, in a good way, of course. . .

  15. Mardel
    29 June 2011 / 10:00 pm

    Oh so beautiful! I too had a catch in my throat. Of course, more is always welcome. I try keeping up even if I don't always manage to keep in contact.

  16. Gina
    29 June 2011 / 11:06 pm

    What an absolutely gorgeous family! Congratulations to the happy bride and groom!

  17. Alison Watt
    30 June 2011 / 5:28 pm

    Megan looks stunning. And the room is lovely. I was so happy when the morning dawned sunny…

  18. materfamilias
    1 July 2011 / 5:42 am

    Mardel, I understand — thanks for commenting on this post, but please don't feel bad when you can't.
    Gina: Thanks, and I'll pass along your congrats.
    Alison: Isn't she gorgeous?! It was such a happy day and the weather reflected our mood.

  19. 60 going on 16
    1 July 2011 / 8:35 pm

    Everyone and everything – absolutely perfect. All my good wishes winging their way from England for the happiest of futures for Rob and Meg.

    And it brought back incredibly happy memories of my own daughter's wedding, which I can't quite believe was almost nine years ago . . .

  20. Miss Cavendish
    2 July 2011 / 2:12 am

    What gorgeous daughters! Congratulations!!!

  21. materfamilias
    2 July 2011 / 3:38 pm

    60/16: Thanks for the good wishes, which I'll pass along, and I'm glad to have triggered some happy memories. I find I'm saying more and more often these days that "I can't quite believe" some event or other was x amount of years ago.
    Miss C: thank you.

  22. L'age moyen
    4 July 2011 / 12:08 am

    I adore her dress, her hair, the beautiful table … what a wedding! Perfection!

  23. materfamilias
    4 July 2011 / 10:52 pm

    L'age: Thanks so much — we made some wonderful memories that day!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.