Ta-Da, The Wedding Shoes Revealed


Wow! That was fun! Thanks for all the great guessing — the two votes for the Fatimas (below) especially coming from the very discerning Miss C andLisa almost had me re-thinking my choice . . . But also made me smile at the confirmation of my move to a contrasting/complementary colour.

One more shoe I thought could be a contender, I tried these Rhons on in the Granville Fluevog store on Sunday . . . they’re very pretty on, I have to say, what with those cut-outs, that revised spectator , that slightly Orsay side. The heel’s a bit higher than my choice, though, and I’m looking for comfort on the wedding day (that was also my complaint with the well-named Paris, especially in the Ostrich pink, yummy).

So I chose a shoe from the Coffee family, Fluevogs that work well for my feet. I have boots and pumps made on the same last/heel already, and the latest rendition have added padding. And I think they’re so pretty! Clean, simple, and sassy — a perfect match to the dress. The Breva, in ice blue

The colour varies a bit depending on the light and can look green as easily as blue. In fact, it matches my chalcedony Chan Luu necklace beautifully.

 The cuff is one I picked up in London last year — the eye of that peacock feather is a more intense version of the shoe colour . . . I’m still debating whether or not to wear it or to look for something else. That decision may depend on what I find in the way of a clutch.

 Megan suggested one in the yellow surrounding the peacock feather eye — or would that more properly be the iris? Hmmmm, that may be too much colour-blocking for me, but it might be fun.

 And I love the way the shoes look with jeans . . .

 I think they’re going to be quite versatile.

So did my choice surprise you? Not sure I should ask if you approve. After all, they’re mine now, and I’m looking forward to hugging my bride-daughter and my new son-in-law in them, ready to toast and to wipe away a few tears and to dance and dance and dance. . . .


  1. LPC
    25 May 2011 / 4:37 pm

    We were all converging on the same color family, weren't we? I love the contrast. I'd be tempted to leave the neckline alone and wrap that gorgeous Chan Lu around my wrist.

    That they are comfortable is like chocolate sauce on sea salt caramel ice cream:).

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    25 May 2011 / 4:52 pm

    I wondered about the Rhons too…and considered these but did not think of the blue. I am such a conservative when it comes to colour.

    That chalcedony is such an amazing stone…it has such energy, it's a great choice for summer too.

    The dress looks like silk shantung…is it?
    That's the fabric I wore when my son wed.

    I am sure that you can convince pater to take a photo of you on the special day!

  3. K.Line
    25 May 2011 / 7:04 pm

    Ha! Well we agree on the colour! I don't know if I would have guessed those but they are fantastic. With the dress and with jeans!

  4. Susan Tiner
    25 May 2011 / 7:46 pm

    I love the pairing of the shoes and necklace with the dress. Very beautiful. Nice job Mater!

    And the cuff is gorgeous. I am starting to get curious about jewelry now.

  5. Duchesse
    25 May 2011 / 8:42 pm

    The shoes are divine, the cut is so feminine, the colour, essence of summer! Agree you could the necklace as necklace or bracelet- depends on hair. Ahhhh, it's utterly un-'mother of bridey' and so beautiful.

  6. Mardel
    25 May 2011 / 9:07 pm

    Well I agree on the perfection of the shoes.

    I meant to come back to your guessing game, but things got a little hectic here. But the Rhon's with the cutout were one of my guesses, although I went for the more pale color (thinking if it were me, they would blend into my ghostly skin, but realizing that you get a little more color than I so probably not) then I was dithering back and forth between the two coffee collection shoes, the Breva, which you chose,and the Macchiato, which comes in a similar color. But perhaps I am still just kicking myself for not buying the Macchiatos last year in a different color. I would have said the ice blue is too pale for me, that last year's color better, but seeing your photos with jeans, I am wondering if I am just dismissing out of hand without thought.

    The blue is beautiful and your ideas for accessorizing the dress just divine. You will be a beautiful mother of the bride without the clichéd MOB look.

  7. Tiffany
    25 May 2011 / 10:44 pm

    Lovely – the colour contrast is gorgeous, the shoes look even better on … Can't wait to see pics of the full outfit!

  8. Miss Cavendish
    26 May 2011 / 12:21 am

    They do indeed look very pretty on, and the colour works beautifully with your dress! Have a wonderful MoB day!!!

  9. L'age moyen
    26 May 2011 / 12:39 am

    Excellent choice! Love the colour, and they look great with jeans. You're going to look fabulous!

  10. Northmoon
    26 May 2011 / 12:59 am

    Can't go wrong with a pair of Fluevogs! Excellent choice.

  11. materfamilias
    26 May 2011 / 1:48 am

    Lisa: Yes, the responses really confirmed the colour choice for me. And funny, I'd also been thinking about wearing the necklace as bracelet. There's quite an expanse of neckline, though, and I love the way the stones appear to float — not as effective in a bracelet as at the neck. But I have a few weeks to play around with choices and I thank you for the suggestion.
    And chocolate sauce on caramel sea salt ice cream? Mmmmm!
    Hostess: I love chalcedony, especially in this incarnation — thanks! The dress is a fairly heavy, tightly-woven cotton with 3% elastathane — and there's a hint of sheen to it, which is probably what's suggesting the silk shantung. I bet your dress was lovely.
    K: No one guessed these, perhaps because I tend to show funkier or more playful choices. But I think the play comes in the colour contrast (not to mention the shape of the heel) and I love the d'Orsay cutaway.

  12. materfamilias
    26 May 2011 / 1:53 am

    Susan: The cuff is plastic or, possibly, some kind of resin, and was laughably inexpensive, but I love the peacock feather. Not sure it will make the final cut, but it's def. in the running.
    Duchesse: Thank you — your approval means much!
    Mardel: The Macchiato looks wonderful in the blue — I was very tempted but since I already have it in black — plus Pater preferred the simplicity of these, and I have to agree, really.
    Tiffany: They do look good on, don't they? Thanks!
    Miss C: Thank you! And one of these days, I'll have to post the photo of a dress I saw in a Paris window and immediately thought of you. . . .
    L'Age M: Yes, but would they look good in a Kharmann Ghia . . .
    Northmoon: Couldn't agree more!

  13. Anonymous
    26 May 2011 / 12:53 pm

    I love the choice that you made! What a beautiful colour choice with your dress. You will definitely be the hottest/most chic MoB I have even seen.

    Now, I'm sorely tempted to buy those shoes…


  14. Glennis
    26 May 2011 / 8:23 pm

    Fluevogs! Perfect always. The color is lovely, too. And stick with what you know, you'll be comfortable.

    Ooh, the Paris style is mighty nice….drools. Isn't there something I need it for? But I am staying away from higher heels these days.

  15. materfamilias
    26 May 2011 / 11:25 pm

    Aunt Snow: Isn't that Paris tempting?! But yes, I'm trying to stick to a more moderate heel, one I can actually wear — these are surprisingly comfortable.

  16. materfamilias
    26 May 2011 / 11:35 pm

    Christine: Thank you! I'm really happy with my choices as well. And, you know, temptations aren't always meant to be resisted. . .

  17. pavlova
    27 May 2011 / 2:18 pm

    Your shoe choice is perfect….color is divine as are the accessories you are pondering. Everything about this shoe
    is elegant…the color, the style, and that HEEL shape!!!
    AND…they look great with jeans….
    Enjoy your trip and safe travels.

  18. materfamilias
    28 May 2011 / 8:55 pm

    Thanks, Pavlova — I'm pleased with the way it's coming together.
    and that the shoes passed the jeans test . . .

  19. Tamera Beardsley
    23 September 2013 / 3:16 am

    Gorgeous choice!


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