Paris Shopping — a Dress for the Bride’s Mother

 I bought my Mother-of-the-Bride shoes this weekend. I was going to show you, but then realized that I hadn’t yet delivered on a promise to show you the MOTB dress I bought at MaxMara in Paris. Here it is with all the reflected joys of Paris street life stirred in.

Perhaps it’s more casual than what you think of for a MOTB dress, but the wedding will be a small one — immediate family and a few close friends, about 30 of us. Bride in long white dress, groom in suit, no wedding party. Emphasis, Megan says, should be on dressing to celebrate — with lots of colour.  So I’m sure the dress will be perfect for this mother of this bride. I love the way I feel in it, very confident and comfortable yet polished — and a bit sassy to boot. All good things, right?

 Service in this shop, by the way, was phenomenal. So much so that after agreeing on this dress, I ended up getting another (grey jersey, with 3/4 sleeves, very practical and smart). Very cute to watch Pater paying close attention to the vendeuse‘s instructions and suggestions — about ideal length, ways to adjust folds, and, especially, how to tie the sumptuous back bow on my honeysuckle-fuschia beauty here. I’m counting on him to remember. (The bow emerges from that bodice band — it’s a very flattering look for me — as is the dress overall, more a-line than the smock it might appear on the mannequin here)

I have to admit that I’m very, very tempted to wear this dress before the wedding, but so far I’ve resisted. By the way, did I mention it has pockets? Side-seam pockets that don’t detract from its lines at all but are there, comfortingly. I love pockets!

So next post I’ll be ready to show you my shoes. They’re from here. Why are you not surprised? 😉

EDITED TO ADD: LPC/Lisa’s comment below seems a great suggestion to me — if you’re tempted to guess which pair of shoes I chose from this website, go for it! You might remember that colour is key, but I don’t necessarily do matching. . . .


  1. Susan Tiner
    23 May 2011 / 5:39 pm

    Oh, I love pockets too. The dress is pretty and I look forward to seeing a photo of you wearing it, after the wedding of course.

  2. LPC
    23 May 2011 / 5:51 pm

    I KNEW it would be Fluevog. I am tempted to try to guess which ones from their website. I love the color on your dress. Will there be any kind of floral ornamentation? Somehow I had an immediate vision of some flowers pinned to you.

    I imagine it is so joyful to see your children married. I look forward to your thoughts, although I am sure some of them will need to stay private, as they belong more to your daughter than to you.

  3. Mardel
    23 May 2011 / 7:20 pm

    The dress is very pretty and I can imagine you wearing it. I will be looking forward to seeing you actually in the dress. The Fluevog's do not surprise me, but I am curious as to which. I cannot pick.

    What a joy, a daughter's wedding.

  4. Marguerite
    23 May 2011 / 10:41 pm

    Gorgeous dress, Mater! I agree with the others that the color is smashing and will lift you up everytime you wear it. Was just at at an afternoon wedding this past weekend in Florida. The bride chose silver and yellow as the color scheme which was very fresh and contemporary. Can we see the grey dress as well?

  5. L'age moyen
    23 May 2011 / 11:33 pm

    The dress is beautiful. You have to let us have a peek. As for the shoes, I'm just salivating over the choices. Really too hard to bear. I thought belle star were outstanding but so were the pump like shoes in divine colours. You are going to have a fabulous day in this fabulous outfit. Oh yeah, I'm sure your daughter will have fun too!

  6. LPC
    24 May 2011 / 12:45 am

    Could it be these sandals? Or, perhaps these? I'm guessing you will have done a very good job of choosing.

  7. indigo16
    24 May 2011 / 11:17 am

    Yes, the dress looks divine, Max Mara eh! I love their clothes and will be expecting copious photographs from the day. No, don't wear it, no matter how careful I guarantee something will splash!
    I have not checked out the website for shoes but would go metallic/bronze if it were me.

  8. Miss Cavendish
    24 May 2011 / 12:56 pm

    Hmmm. Perhaps these? (Fatima in turquoise/gray)

    Or these? (Attention Paris in pink ostrich)

  9. Miss Cavendish
    24 May 2011 / 12:58 pm

    Ahh–just saw that LPC and I selected the same shoe! 🙂

  10. Mardel
    24 May 2011 / 2:25 pm

    See, I said I couldn't pick, but here I am again. LPC's first choice was one that I would consider if it were me, but then again, our taste is different enough that I wasn't sure they would be you. My other choices were way more formal and dressy and I'm not convinced that is where you are going with this outfit.

    In fact I may still be considering that first pair myself for a different occasion.

  11. materfamilias
    24 May 2011 / 3:10 pm

    Susan: And these are really good pockets!
    LPC: I'm not sure Megan is thinking of a corsages at all, and I wouldn't want o wear one if the groom's mom isn't, but that's an idea — the dress would suit it really well.
    Mardel: It really will be a joyous occasion — we're looking forward to it.
    Marguerite — I did have some pics of the grey dress from the last opera outing, but I wasn't happy with them. One of these days, if the weather stays as cool as it has been. . . Silver and yellow sounds like an unusual and quite magical colour theme; I really like grey and yellow together.
    L'Age M: I know! I really shouldn't be directing people to that website — it's way toooo tempting. Sounds as if you might have got close to my choice, altho' I'm not saying more while people are still guessing.
    Lisa: Oh, it's fun to see the guesswork — it's neither of these, but you're affirming one element of my choice. Can't say more now. And note Miss C's choice below matches one of yours.
    Alison: I agree that metallic would be great with the dress . . . and also agree/suspect that the dress will probably be visiting the drycleaners immediately after the wedding.
    Miss C: You and LPC/Lisa are on the same wavelength!
    Mardel: Aren't those a great shoe? But I'm curious about your formal/dressy choices as well.

  12. Duchesse
    24 May 2011 / 10:53 pm

    I'm late ,moving in- just had to say the dress is perfect, so graceful yet happy. Love it and you will be beautiful in it, glowing within and without.

  13. K.Line
    25 May 2011 / 4:08 am

    OK, I have to go look at some shoes, apparently! And I think you should wear the dress before the wedding if you'd like to. How wonderful to have a dress that is so useful – so wearable – that you can use it on a number of occasions.

  14. materfamilias
    25 May 2011 / 5:17 am

    Thanks so much, Duchesse — hope the unpacking is going smoothly. I do love the dress — it's easy and elegant both, I think.
    K: Like maybe take it for a little test drive, just to make sure it's perfect, right? And yeah, I'm pretty tickled that it's going to be more than a one-off in terms of use.

  15. Tamera Beardsley
    23 September 2013 / 3:15 am

    oh I do enjoy lacing back… to enjoy the whole history of this dress! I too…adore pockets!!


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