Heading off, More Jeans. . .

I’m heading off to a big conference in a small city — Fredericton, New Brunswick will be swamped by the 6000 projected attendees of the annual CONGRESS of scholars in the humanities and the social sciences.  As I’m packing up and final-editing my paper, I thought I’d leave you with a What I Wore shot, continuing in my polished-jeanswear series.

You’ll note that the proportions of the boyfriend jean to my short-ish cardi look better when I sit than when I stand — In the interests of honesty, though, I decided to show you both. I get a bit tired of the implicit imperative to strive always for taller and leaner.

Boyfriend jeans, Current/Elliott; olive tee, Club Monaco; printed cashmere cardi with 3/4 sleeves, Winners;

And these shoes, bought in Paris five or so years ago, and treasured ever since. . . .

Now I’m off, but I’m bringing camera and netbook so I can post if I find a minute. I’ve only been to the Maritimes once, eight or so years ago, and we bypassed Fredericton, so I’m looking forward to exploring the city in between the papers and discussions and lobster dinners. Meanwhile, have a good weekend and I’ll report back to you soon.


  1. Susan Tiner
    26 May 2011 / 10:25 pm

    Have fun in Fredericton!

    I know what you mean about the constant striving for long over lean.

  2. Tiffany
    26 May 2011 / 10:27 pm

    You look great. I also get sick of being told that as a 'petite' I shouldn't wear ankle length or rolled up jeans, as though my only priority in life is to pretend to be taller than I am! You look relaxed and chic at the same time, and it doesn't get much better than that!

  3. LPC
    26 May 2011 / 11:53 pm

    Wait a minute! I think the proportions look great! Seriously. I'd tell you if I didn't. That cardigan looks absolutely great on you. Tall is only one mode in the universe.

  4. hostess of the humble bungalow
    27 May 2011 / 3:40 am

    You look great in your jeans, tee and sweater.

    I really like the colour of your hair and your outdoor patio with the stones and arching wood wrapped with fairy lights. it looks like it would be a romantic space to relax and perhaps enjoy an al fresco dinner!

    Safe journey mater.

  5. do,write. read
    27 May 2011 / 5:25 am

    Go Mom Go!!!

  6. Miss Cavendish
    27 May 2011 / 6:53 pm

    I had the best fish and chips and bottle of Moosehead after 12 years away from the Maritimes at a hotel in Fredericton en route to the Island. The hotel was just to the left of the city, on the water. If that's your conference lodging, go for it!

  7. Northmoon
    27 May 2011 / 8:01 pm

    You look great in those jeans! I'll join you in your mini-revolt against taller and leaner.

    Not in boyfriend jeans though, I have 9 pairs of jeans so I'm not purchasing any more until some leave the premises!

  8. materfamilias
    28 May 2011 / 9:02 pm

    Susan: Especially if one is short and, well, not lean.
    Tiffany: Yes, brava, brava! and thanks for the encouragement.
    LPC: I like that, I'm living another mode. And thanks for validating the outfit — sometimes one's critical inner voice is untrustworthy. . . .
    Hostess: Trust a gardener to notice the setting — we're really enjoying this relatively new space, especially as the vines are starting to fill in — we'll get the hammocks strung here as well, if it ever gets into the 20s. . .
    Miss C: My lodgings are way out in Mall-land, but I'll keep an eye out for the Moosehead, fish&chips combo — sounds like a good thing!
    Northmoon: Ah, the closet-winnowing challenge . . . jeans are easy to accumulate in large numbers, aren't they!

  9. Mardel
    28 May 2011 / 10:33 pm

    The proportions look fine to me the combination and the gorgeous sweater are fabulous on you, as does the setting of your lovely garden. I'm so envious as I toil away in my pretty much new and not yet filled-in beds.

    Even though I am tall, I grow very weary of the emphasis on looking tall and lean, or sexy, or young or whatever. It makes for such monotony, and besides why not dress for our own individuality and views of ourselves, which may sometimes be those things listed above, and other times most definitely not.

    Your photo makes me yearn for my old Current/Elliott boyfriend jeans. They were my favorite pair. Unfortunately I can now pull them up over my hips buttoned and zipped, so they had to go.

  10. materfamilias
    30 May 2011 / 8:40 pm

    Mardel: I know your gardens are going to be absolutely splendid, but I agree that one can get quite impatient waiting for that maturity to arrive.
    And yes, you say it exactly — it's monotonous to always be striving to look long, lean, sexy, young, chic, smart, etc. There are so many other adjectives to explore . . .

    Perhaps you need another pair of Current/Elliotts — they're so very soft and comfortable, aren't they!


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