Far From Home, thinking of You . . .

In the interests of really being where I am (in Fredericton, NB) at the moment — after all, I paid the conference, travel, and accommodation fees, NOT to be blogging, but to be out there listening (and I’ve heard wonderful and inspiring lectures — Kwame Anthony Appiah, Ian Baucom, Antonine Maillet, David Adams Richards — as well as attended several panels) — I’m mainly staying away from the keyboard.

But just so you know I’m thinking of you, here’s one of my favourite graffiti pieces collected in London last month, alongside the St. Martin’s Canal, tucked under a bypass bridge. I think it’s witty and poignant, evocative, even heart-breaking seen from a certain perspective. And since I’m away from mine now, I thought this was a good reminder of how fortunate I am to have a home I want to return to.


  1. K.Line
    30 May 2011 / 10:14 pm

    I love it. Goes to show, home is an association.

  2. Tiffany
    30 May 2011 / 10:22 pm

    I love it too … Thanks for sharing.

  3. Susan Tiner
    31 May 2011 / 1:40 am

    Oh, that is heart breaking. The drawn fire and window looking out, juxtaposed with the smiley face.

    BTW you've piqued my curiosity re: your character vs aesthetic. I plan to search your posts to see what you have written but might you consider a recap for newer readers with links back to earlier posts?

    Just a thought.

  4. Miss Cavendish
    31 May 2011 / 12:22 pm

    Love David Adams Richards' early works. The Road to the Stilt House was devastating to read while an undergrad; I remember turnimg the pages with trepidation, fearing what might come next!

  5. indigo16
    31 May 2011 / 12:31 pm

    That whole suitcase thing is a bloody nightmare, I have watched them many times throw with a malicious passion the cases, always with too much force, I have invested in a 'jeep' which has survived so far, but it is never a given these days is it?
    I love your jeans and look forward to my child free days when I can buy such labels; they really do look lovely with the cardie.
    Have a fun time.

  6. Duchesse
    31 May 2011 / 1:30 pm

    The had that drew that, assured and deft, so unlike the quick sprayed "bomb". Don't you wonder who that was?

  7. Duchesse
    31 May 2011 / 1:36 pm

    Susan Tiner: I find that *every* post of materfamilia's reflects her aesthetic and sensibility, whether about her garden, travels or family. Much to discover in those many posts!

  8. Susan Tiner
    31 May 2011 / 10:18 pm

    Duchesse, I think I see what you mean but I tend to think in very precise terms and this week I'm thinking about what is character vs what is aesthetic. For example, LPC says her aesthetic is more muted, less emotive and communicatative than her character, and having met her, I think I know what she means. Whenever clothes seem to communicate power and distance, I look to the face and listen to the voice for more clues. In LPC's case, her sharp, crisp outfit at first made me feel like I ought to pay more attention to my clothes and I worried she might not like me but then her character is so down to earth I didn't feel at all concerned. Although I do want to pay more attention to clothes now.

    My high-style neighbor had a similar effect on me, at first. She told me she dresses to intimidate and I was intimidated at first. But now I know that is a kind of armor she wears and hasn't got anything to do with her character, except maybe that her character is one wanting the protection of armor — she's tiny after all and I'm sure couldn't have made VP at her firm without dressing for serious business.

    I'm curious about Mater now. Mater, is your character and aesthetic one and the same or are they different and if so how?

    Should we try to keep these ideas distinct? That's a rhetorical question. I'm sorting it out.

  9. materfamilias
    1 June 2011 / 12:41 am

    K: It really is!
    Tiffany: Glad you like it — you're welcome
    Susan: and the goldfish! Those just slayed me!
    as for your character/aesthetic question — that's a big one — I'll be curious to see what you come up with from studying past posts. I don't know that I've ever tried to articulate it myself.
    Miss C: I haven't read that one, but yes, that sense of the screws turning ever and ever tighter — and yet humanity is always and ever revealed . . . He read from Friends of Meagre Fortune, quite emotional.
    Alison: Missed you — are you back at it, I hope?
    Duchesse: I do wonder . . . and when and with whom. . .
    and I'm interested in the dialogue between you, Duchesse, and you, Susan. I'm glad D sees my character and aesthetic as revealed over the years in my posting because I'm not likely to parse them more specifically . . . although I can see why you would like for such an articulation, Susan, especially given your current project. If I ever get a bundle of time, perhaps, but probably not this lifetime, I'm sorry. Interesting point about your neighbour dressing to intimidate. . . that would not be me. Also interesting is that I never felt intimidated by any aspect of Lisa nor worried about meeting her. Yet I often lack confidence — somehow her warmth must have come through quite convincingly and I'd also got an idea that our senses of humour matched, which to me overrides much else. Fun points to ponder, anyway.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.