Backstage Tour

We’ve just come back from the backstage tour, and we’re realizing from some of the chat surrounding our blogging table that there are some conflicting feelings about being here tonight while the Canucks are playing just down the road. Jokes are being made about whether the scores could be posted alongside the translations projected above the stage.

From what we’ve seen backstage, there will be gorgeous scenery, at the very least, to compensate for that missing ice, those red and blue lines . . .

Above, the sickbed for the Kleenex scene . . .

Paul, as usual, is fascinated by all the technical data. I’ll get him to pitch in a few facts later. For now, I’ll just note that the set is co-owned by VOA and Glimmerglass, and has been stored in New York since Glimmerglass put this on a couple of years ago. It gets shipped out in trailers and then assembled by a stage crew here, an impressive achievement considering the size and weight of the walls, doors, mirrors, etc.

But those chimes are chiming now to let us know that we should be moving towards our seat. Back soon with a report on the first two acts. . .


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