What I Wore, What they Wore — More Opera

Radio silence around here since my weekend opera posting due to a seized left shoulder which severely restricted keyboard time to working on my essay. Thanks to my lovely daughter’s work (she’s in her last term of a two-year program preparing her as a Registered Massage Therapist), I’m almost back to normal. Sorry I have been commenting so little on your blogs, but now that my paper’s completed (save one last proof-reading), I hope to be back in full force.

For now, a little What I Wore, which has been sadly lacking ’round here. Turns out that what one wears on research leave, living on a small, small island, is not so much what one wants to share with the world. But I did dress up a wee bit for the opera, and Pater obliged with the camera.

This is the first time I’ve worn pants to the opera, but you might recognize this outfit as almost the same as I wore for drinks and dinner with my sisters back here. Wearing my new watch with it reminded me of the virtues of shopping my closet rather than hitting the shops. In fact, I’ve used this reminder to keep me wardrobe-purchase-free so far in 2011 (the point of the reminder being that resisting the cheap-thrill rewards of more frequent shopping adds up to enough savings to splurge on something I’ll enjoy much longer).

What I counted on to make this more dressed-down approach opera-worthy were the sequins in the tank top, and the sparkly (fake) stones on the shoes. I could have made it more dressy by wearing heels, but I’m babying my feet in preparation for next Sunday’s half marathon. Perhaps I was trying to compensate, then, with the bling-y bracelet, but looking at the photos before I headed out convinced me to take it off — seemed like just one piece over the top.

Tank: Gilmour; Blazer: Smythe; Pants: Linda Lundstrom; Shoes: Sam Edelman;

Thank goodness for that bit of sparkle, though. Otherwise, the outfit’s a bit sombre, especially compared to these gorgeous, rich tones — the costumes of the choir which I tried to describe to you earlier, and which Ling Chan, the VOA’s Social Media Manager, has captured in the photo below:

This photo, and a host of others taken backstage (and at least one featuring yours truly) can be found at the Vancouver Opera’s Flickr stream.

That’s it for opera now until La Traviata at the end of April. Be sure to let me know, though, if you get to one of the remaining La Clemenza performances.


  1. Susan B
    9 February 2011 / 9:30 pm

    I think your outfit is rather sophisticated! Just the right amount of sparkle.

    The hues in those costumes are stunning. That must've been an amazing stage with all of the costumes and sets.

  2. Tiffany
    10 February 2011 / 12:35 am

    I do love that tank … I think your outfit is very chic.

    And I sighed with recognition at your description of what you wear on research leave not being something you want to blog about – that's me, most of the time. I haven't descended into wearing yoga gear at my desk, but …

  3. Unknown
    10 February 2011 / 12:40 am

    Hi Mater! Welcome back, and great to see your photos at the opera! Paula

  4. Susan Tiner
    10 February 2011 / 12:43 am

    The tank looks great, and you do look very dressed up, to me.

    I hope your shoulder feels better soon.

  5. hostess of the humble bungalow
    10 February 2011 / 1:44 am

    I like the twinkly tank…and the black separates look dressy.
    Hope your shoulder mends quickly…nice of your daughter to oblige!

  6. indigo16
    10 February 2011 / 10:41 am

    I have often advised students to invest in a glamorous trouser suit for a prom rather than a 'wear it only once' dress, they never can see the benefits, but this outfit is a perfect example that trousers do work. I always think of Bianca Jagger or Ines de la Fressange on these occasions and when you think how much of the evening is spent seated it makes so much more sense.
    I know what you mean about slouch style, I got bored witless over Christmas just wearing the same 20 layers, it is good to get out and show off a little occasionally!
    Last night at Pilates we placed a small semi deflated exercise ball under our shoulder blades and rotated our arms it was heaven.

  7. mette
    10 February 2011 / 4:12 pm

    P.S. Off topic: A surprise for you over at my blog. Come over!

  8. Mardel
    10 February 2011 / 4:22 pm

    Oh dear, my right shoulder seized up over the weekend so I feel your pain. Glad you are better though.

    I think your outfit is wonderful with just the right amount of sophisticated sparkle. I hear you about what one wears at home on an island (or in the country surrounded with snow) and photographs.

  9. Patricia
    10 February 2011 / 4:22 pm

    Mater – has it been almost 2 years already since Megan started the massage therapist course? Gosh but time flies!
    Your outfit is very chic – of course, the Hermès watch adds that little something something. I also love the costume colours – that coral pink, isn't that the colour that we all should be wearing next to our faces once we hit 50? :0) P.

  10. materfamilias
    10 February 2011 / 7:40 pm

    Pseu: Thanks. I did feel as if I fit in just fine.
    The costumes really reminded me of what a wonderful foil a calm, neutral background provides for colour– as well as how much I love this particular palette.
    Tiffany: I give myself credit for getting out of my pyjamas, at least (most days, that is!), but I could do much, much better.
    f>50: Thanks, and welcome back to you as well!
    Susan: I think it would get better faster if only I could give it a rest for more than a few days. . .
    Alison: Ah, that does sound like relief — we do something like that with the foam roller, and it's great! and thanks, me and Bianca and Ines, eh?
    Metscan: Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!
    Mardel: Yes, the daily reality of our lives doesn't always stand up to blog scrutiny;-)
    Patricia: Doesn't the time pass quickly! Yes, she'll write her board exams at the end of summer.

  11. Vancouver Opera
    10 February 2011 / 8:35 pm

    Hi Frances,

    You looked tres chic on opening night! I loved your outfit and often times find myself wanting to skip over the dress slash skirt ensemble too.

    Thank you so very much for being a part of another wonderful Blogger Night at the Opera! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed La Clemenza di Tito. (especially the set!)

    Wishing you a speedy recovery on your shoulder! Looking forward to seeing you at Traviata in April!

    ~ Ling


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.