Blooms beat Gloom

The weekend’s going to be grey and rainy, but with these little guys popping up all over, who can be gloomy?
Mind you, I’m tempted to gloominess by a cough that’s threatening to become something more . . . I’m insisting that it’s a lower-neck cough rather than an upper-chest cough on the basis of the old advice that exercising/running is okay if one isn’t well from the neck up, but that it’s better to rest up if the illness hits below that. Remember I have that big run with my sisters on Sunday, the Half Marathon that I’ve been looking forward to. Seems that plan is under consideration, depending how I feel by tomorrow . . .
Still, I’m not going to be gloomy. After all, I sent the finished draft of my paper off to the editors this morning, a big monkey off my back.
And we’ve made some travel plans I’ll let you know about soon. Although before that, I really have to finish my Eating in California post. . .
Meanwhile, though, let’s get out there and enjoy our weekends. What will you be up to?


  1. Susan B
    11 February 2011 / 4:39 pm

    Oh, those little white flowers are just so perky! So perfect for late winter/early spring blooms.

  2. NancyDaQ
    11 February 2011 / 4:40 pm

    I love that you have crocus peeping through already.

    As for me, I'll be getting ready for our trip to Puerto Rico!!

  3. Susan Tiner
    11 February 2011 / 5:20 pm

    Lovely crocus blooms. Our tulips are coming up, but no blooms yet.

    This weekend we are entertaining 🙂

  4. LPC
    11 February 2011 / 5:31 pm

    Crossing my fingers for your health. And going out to hunt for narcissus spikes just in case.

  5. Duchesse
    11 February 2011 / 9:21 pm

    So tender and precious, those early blooms. Stay well, good luck!

  6. Tiffany
    11 February 2011 / 9:24 pm

    Hope you pull up ok for the half! Good luck.

  7. mette
    12 February 2011 / 7:01 am

    Please take care of yourself, no running now.
    The small crocus buds are so precious!

  8. materfamilias
    12 February 2011 / 3:36 pm

    Pseu: they are perky, aren't they? Enough to perk me up, for sure.
    Nancy: Sunshine in your future, then!
    Susan: I only have the small species tulips in my garden, and I noticed their spikes were well through, up about four inches. It's unstoppable now! Enjoy your time with your guests.
    LPC: Hope you find some!
    Duchesse: Aren't they just?! Much more appreciated than if they appeared amidst all the summer colour!
    Tiffany: Thanks! I'm crossing my fingers and drinking lots of hot water.
    Metscan: Thank you — I'm guessing it will be quite some time before you see croci.

  9. jane ..
    12 February 2011 / 9:46 pm

    this wonderfully pouring down with rain day is perfect for just cuddling up inside, by the fire, with a good book .. letting your body rest up and rejuvenate in time for tomorrow .. good work on the paper ..

  10. Anonymous
    13 February 2011 / 4:00 pm

    Dear Mater

    Have been following your blog for some time but only just got up courage to comment. I'm a late middle aged SE England Legal Library Information Professional living in SE UK & working in London. Hoping to visit Vancouver in April/May tis year & looking for ideas. OH is a railway enthusiast.


  11. materfamilias
    13 February 2011 / 11:04 pm

    Jane: and the rain stopped in time for the race — sometimes it gets it right!
    Jennimay: glad you took the plunge and left a comment. Sounds as if our paths may be crossing mid-air (we'll be in London end of April) — the must-sees in Vanc'r really depend how much time you're spending here, and you might also consider taking the train up to Banff, depending on timeframe and budget. It's a pretty spectacular route — our budget doesn't usually reach to the ViaRail cost, but you might be able to get a deal booking from overseas. If not, consider driving up the Fraser Canoy, perhaps all the way up to Craigkellachie to see where the "last spike" of the Cdn. National Railway was driven. And watching a train snake through some of the canyon tunnels is pretty amazing.
    There's also a neat ride up to whistler by train and there's a train from Victoria up to Qualicum or Parksville on the island that goes through some wonderful terrain.
    Now that you've commented once, I hope to hear more from you, especially as your travel plans solidify. . .

  12. Mardel
    14 February 2011 / 3:46 pm

    Oh the leaves and the little budding flowers are just enchanting. I love this time of year, the first buds of spring, although it is not quite here yet where I live. Today it at least feels like spring, even though the snow is still well past knee deep in the fields, but the sun is shining and the temperatures are rising into the upper 40's which is a great improvement.

    I had a great weekend, moving furniture out of our main living areas for new flooring, taking a bad twist and fall on a patch of ice where I pulled something in my hip, and still managing to make it into NYC where I spent the afternoon with K-line. Then I came home to another water leak and a small electrical fire caused by water leaking onto the main circuit panel. There is nothing quite like coming home from a day in NYC to find your house crawling with firemen. But no major damage done. The electricity has been temporarily fixed while we wait for new parts to come in for our generator, and the plumbers are now doing their share.

  13. materfamilias
    14 February 2011 / 4:25 pm

    Mardel, I don't know what to respond to first. That is a dramatic weekend!'How cool that you got to meet and visit with K. I'm sure that would have been a big treat of an afternoon for both of you. But the injured hip, the fire, the electricians and plumbers and flooring — it all sounds a bit apocalyptic! (now there's an illogical pairing, even worse than a little bit pregnant!)


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