Home Again, Home Again, Jiggetty Jig . . .

I seem to be as alert to the quirky details as I am to the historically or aesthetically significant when I visit a new place. My eye instantly messaged my hand to the camera as we rounded thiis corner window in the Mission District. As a knitter, I was charmed by this festive example of knitting’s influence, although a closer look reveals that the artist here has a limited understanding of the craft or was using it metaphorically to represent creating — which works for me!

Of course ojos de Dios don’t get knit, but rather are formed by wrapping yarn around four intersecting sticks. Here, their folk charm helps the knitting reindeer offer passers-by a Christmas season’s greeting.

These photos are my way of making a transition between San Francisco, (where we were sorely tempted to hit the streets again in yesterday’s sunshine rather than head to the airport — and it’s going to be 16 tomorrow, apparently, 18 on Saturday!!) and Vancouver/our little island home where we’ll be unpacking today, settling back in, and yes, cozying myself into a big leather armchair in a favourite corner with my knitting. Although there was an overnight snowfall of 10 to 15 centimetres the night before last, it was mostly washed away by continuous rain yesterday and last night. Doesn’t sound too pretty, does it? But I can finally have a cup of tea made properly, which is a surprisingly decent compensation.

I’ll admit that I was a bit resistant to this holiday, wanting mainly to coccoon after the demands of end-of-term followed by the realities of hosting the family holiday festivities. And I have some work that I’m quite keen to get to and a biological clock I wanted to re-acquaint myself with now that I have no classes to teach. But for the next six months, Pater and I will be sharing the house 24/7 for the first time in, well, forever, and we wanted to devote some time to having fun together somewhere devoid of domestic politics and full of challenges and rewards for our teamwork. And this goal was achieved — we enjoyed each other’s company, even though his ability to eat prodigiously at breakfast and then do it all again at lunch and at dinner without an ounce of it showing up anywhere on his being makes me absolutely green! (unfortunately, not the kind of green that dulled my appetite one little bit)

Food, now there’s a topic! San Francisco, and then Yountville, both foodie paradises. I’ve made a little list . . . more to come. For now, I’m looking for a big bowl of steamed broccoli! (it’s always tough to find serious veggies on vacation) . . . and my knitting . . .

Season’s Greetings will be taken down from this window soon, I’m sure, although I’ll be in Vancouver and won’t be able to check. But the New Year is well underway, now, and it’s time to get on with it — are you getting back into the groove now? or into whatever new one you want to carve out for 2011? Transition time is almost done now, gears are shifting, what’s that meaning at your place?


  1. Susan B
    13 January 2011 / 5:03 pm

    So glad you enjoyed your trip. You picked two prime locales!

  2. Anonymous
    13 January 2011 / 7:57 pm

    Love the phrase–"reward for our teamwork"!

    I always think that the best part about traveling is the renewed appreciation for home when we return. All the sensual details of traveling recollected over the cup of tea and bite of broccoli.

  3. LPC
    13 January 2011 / 9:12 pm

    Of course, in San Francisco, one can argue that the quirky IS the significant:).

  4. materfamilias
    13 January 2011 / 10:08 pm

    We really did, Pseu — a good slice of northern California, for sure!
    Terri: like Wordsworth's "spontaneous emotions recollected in tranquility"
    LPC: And, in fact, quirky should be recognized as significant wherever!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.