What I Wore, Last Week of Classes

I doubt I’ll ever manage IndigoAlison‘s wondrous feat of turning out a whole week’s Wardrobe Watch at once, with commentary and analysis yet. But I did manage to catch Pater twice this week on mornings when I was dressed and ready to run for the ferry with a few minutes to spare. So two, two, two outfits in one post (two mints in one. . . does that old commercial for Certs still echo for anyone else? the joys of being a certain age, this mammoth trove of trivia in the memory bank).

Did you spot the anomaly above? Yes, I am wearing two different sorts of footwear — does anyone else ever do this? try one shoe on one foot, a boot on the other, and then pose in front of the mirror, turning this way and then that, determining the best look?

Which do you prefer? Which do you think Pater did? And what did I walk out of the house in?

So that was Thursday. Tuesday brought out a bit of leopard as silk chiffon trim on this knit tweedy-wool cardigan. Always fun to wear, but it doesn’t get out too often as fun must be parcelled out judiciously, no? It’s so cozy, though, that it might get out of the closet more often now, as winter is firmly ensconced (as it certainly is for our fellow bloggers and their compatriots in Paris, London, and other parts of Europe–brrr!).


Thursday, top photos. Dress, Sandwich; Boot, Fluevog; Brogue, Browns. In the end, btw, I substituted simple silver ball studs for those dangly earrings which just seemed too busy.

Tuesday, bottom snap. Tissue-weight olive-grey top, Wilfred (Aritzia); heavy jersey skirt (brilliant stretch, makes the pencil shape manageable), BCBG; cardigan, Simon Chang; shoes,Fluevog.

Now I have to go pack whatever I’m going to wear to the opera tomorrow night. I’ll be blogging “live” from the lobby as I did for Lillian Alling, so I think I’ll at least pick matching shoes. Tell me now, which ones do you think I wore Tuesday?


  1. LPC
    3 December 2010 / 4:38 pm

    Hmm. You usually wear boots, but I'm going to guess the brogue-ish shoes? And I have to say, your style is so creative. I really enjoy it.

  2. Susan B
    3 December 2010 / 5:39 pm

    I'm just in awe of your eye for finding great pieces, and then combining them judiciously! And you know I'm dying over the leopard trim, don't you?? The boots or the brogues work, but I'd guess Pater voted for the boots?

    And I think I need to send Doug up that way to get some snapshot lessons from Pater…

  3. mette
    3 December 2010 / 5:47 pm

    The brogue shoes. Your dress with them is very nice!

  4. Susan Tiner
    3 December 2010 / 7:04 pm

    I prefer the shoes, so I will guess that Pater did too.

  5. L'age moyen
    3 December 2010 / 11:31 pm

    I would have gone for the boots. They would have added a nice bit of kick-ass (oh, pardon me!) to the outfit.

    As for your second outfit, baby, that's hot. Love, love, love the Fluevogs.

    Either way you look fab!

  6. Anonymous
    4 December 2010 / 2:22 am

    Hmm, I'll guess you wore the boots with the first outfit.

    Your lovely face reminds me of the American singer, Carole King. Has anyone mentioned that to you before?

  7. K.Line
    4 December 2010 / 2:40 am

    I totally prefer your choice and I love the dress!

  8. K.Line
    4 December 2010 / 2:42 am

    Honestly, my brain is not at its best right now. I saw the brogues of the second outfit with the dress of the first outfit and put them together in my mind. Let's just say I like everything, ok?

  9. Anonymous
    4 December 2010 / 5:09 am

    I'm guessing the boots. Mine are coming to California with me. I do believe they rock

  10. materfamilias
    4 December 2010 / 6:43 am

    LPC: Thanks! And the brogues it is (er, was.)
    Pseu: So funny — I was sure Paul would go for the boots as well, but he actually chose the brogues.
    Metscan: You guessed right, and thank you.
    Susan: You're right! as you can see from my responses to other commenters.
    L'age moyen: I agree that the boots are kick-ass, which is why I love them. . . but this time I picked the brogues, surprisingly. Thanks so much for the compliments — the shoes in the last photo are Fluevogs, the most comfy imaginable and I love, love, love them. (Pseu has a pair as well and would probably agree with me).
    Terri: Wow! Carole King, I'm so flattered. No one's ever said that — I used to get compared to Margaret Atwood, oddly enough (I think the curls and the "strong nose" were the strongest likenesses).
    K: Thanks — so is that the painkillers I hear talking? I hope so, for your sake, you poor dear!

  11. Duchesse
    4 December 2010 / 2:39 pm

    I guessed the brogues as recall you said Pater liked them… So the memory is not totally gone! Is this "it"for classes, before your leave?

  12. Glennis
    4 December 2010 / 11:13 pm

    I really love the cardigan! And the Fluevogs.

    I'm so sad I tried on Fluevogs Operetta boots at the Seattle store, and just couldn't get my foot in – the instep was too tight. I've been coveting them for ages and finally found them in my size – and they simply didn't work.

  13. materfamilias
    5 December 2010 / 11:59 pm

    Duchesse: No more class now 'til next September! Of course, I still have a huge pile of final papers, then exams at the end of next week, meetings galore, etc., etc., But still, pretty good stuff!
    Aunt S: That is sad indeed!

  14. Mardel
    4 January 2011 / 2:38 am

    I picked the brogues, and I see you did too, although I almost went for the boots. If it had been me I might have gone for the boots, and yes, that is something I do all the time, the trying on of different shoe options in the mirror or the camera lens. Not a daring as you to blog it thought.

  15. Mardel
    4 January 2011 / 3:51 pm

    Hmm, seems I may have lost a comment. I guessed the brogues, and see from the comment that I was right. I do that all the time, the weighing of the shoe options in front of the mirror or the camera.


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