More Opera, Sartorial, Festive Stuff

As promised, some opera sartorial splendor in the form of a kilt worn by Todd Wong of Gung Haggis Productions — ideally, I would have taken a close-up of Todd’s beautiful brocade vest, patterned with dragons — his outfit represents a melding of two cultures — Scots and Chinese, and an opera set in Scotland was a perfect venue for this Orientalized plaid. Can you imagine haggis, Asian-style?

If I can toot the family horn (and why not? It’s my blog after all) I think my daughters are rather sartorially splendid as well. Left to right, Bronwen, Megan, you-know-who, and fellow blogger Stacey.
Here, just my girls and I in front of the sign announcing Bloggers Night — my name is on the sign and in the playbill/program — I’m famous! (alert readers will note the near disaster that is the proximity of my leopard coat to Meg’s dress — better head right to coatcheck with that baby!)
I must say, of all the operas I have seen, I feel surest in recommending this to anyone — really, if you have the opportunity to get to one of the three remaining performances, I urge you to do so.

Paul and I buy our own series subscription tickets, and I assure you I am not receiving any enticement from VOA for telling you this, but seriously folks, this is beautiful, beautiful music, wonderfully performed. My dirty little secret, if you promise you won’t tell, is that during most operas, there is a point when I succumb to the day’s tiredness. My head begins to nod, I wonder if I could just close my eyes for a minute. . . But not for this show. Not a single second. And Paul felt the same way — he leaned over at one point to say “I’m really enjoying this. Really!”

And I’m convinced that GutiĆ©rrez particularly, while already racking up many kudos internationally, is going to be one of those greats, joining names like Sutherland and Callas. I hope to see her in many more roles, and suspect I’ll be quite pleased to look back and remember having seen her in her early years.

Once again, we stayed for the first bit of the after-party, enjoying the post-performance vibe of exhiliration and relief, nibbling on treats both savoury and sweet, and mingling a bit with the cast. How impressive to learn that Bilgili and Gutierrez have a 2 1/2-month old baby who travelled with them for this production — I was barely applying makeup when mine were that age, never mind travelling internationally to perform in front of large audiences!

After the after-party, we headed to Bacchus at The Wedgewood. Paul and I always stop here for a drink and pizza on our way home from the opera, and sharing this with the girls was even more fun. Son-almost-in-law Rob joined us, and we hoisted Guinnesses, chowed down on our thin-crust mushroom pizzas, and enjoyed the singer-pianist’s jazzy covers. The end of a perfect evening!


  1. LPC
    5 December 2010 / 6:06 pm

    The Chinese vest and kilt is quite the combo. I also particularly like the red dress – although you all look good. I do envy you the company of your children and their significant others.

  2. Tanis
    5 December 2010 / 6:38 pm

    Am dreaming of Asian haggis and envying you Lucia di Lammermoor.

  3. Patricia
    5 December 2010 / 7:48 pm

    Mater, the whole family looks wonderful! I've been in bed most of the day with a bad cold, so I'll try to read your review etc. later, but I think this new sting to your bow (opera bloger) is very exciting!! P.

  4. Tiffany
    6 December 2010 / 12:43 am

    Looks and sounds like it was a wonderful evening. Asian haggis is probably not as bizarre as it might seem – the Chinese do a pork sausage (lap cheong) so maybe they could combine the two …

  5. materfamilias
    6 December 2010 / 1:13 am

    LPC: I also really love that red dress — it's by a local designer and it suits B to a T. Both she and I "shopped our closets" but the redhead needed a bit more spotty drama.
    Tanis: That'll be some dream — perhaps it will manifest in a poem some day . . .
    Patricia: Oh no! I hope those men are caring for you as you do for them during illness. I'm having fun with the opera blogging, although it's def. a bit of work.
    Tiffany: You're a whiz in the kitchen — maybe you'll swirl up a batch . . . you're right, there are some reasonable starting places for the meeting.

  6. hostess of the humble bungalow
    6 December 2010 / 2:22 am

    I have never seen an Asian fellow sporting a kilt…and you all look very glamourous…nice to cap the evening off with a drink and a pizza…an opportunity to dissect the event and chat amonst yourselves.

  7. indigo16
    6 December 2010 / 11:48 am

    I must confess my Wardrobe watch is taking a bit of a hit at the moment, like a lot of bloggers the lack of light is a nightmare and I change my mind so often, what I thought I might wear changes daily.
    I particularly loved your first dress in the previous post, I have become a big fan of dresses which are easy to layer without looking fussy.
    I am very impressed by your opera blogging; I would really struggle to write with such immediacy it takes me hours to conjure up a post only for me to distil it into 3 short sound bites!
    You are probably like me and get a great buzz from seeing your children look so beautiful in photographs, which they do.
    Finally you will appreciate this, having not heard from Daisy for a week I get a hysterical phone call to say her most recent essay gained a first!! Brains and beauty, a job well done!!

  8. Duchesse
    6 December 2010 / 2:31 pm

    The family that plays together, eapecially in *leopard*, stays together. Wonderful photos. Chinese Scots… Chots? Skinese?

  9. Susan Tiner
    6 December 2010 / 5:07 pm

    Happy Monday Mater. Your girls are beautiful! The red dress and the leopard dress are both stunning.

  10. La Belette Rouge
    7 December 2010 / 3:24 am

    You look like you had a wonderful time. Love that you and your leopard are famous. It is fame well deserved. And, I know you know it, but your family is gorgeous.

  11. materfamilias
    7 December 2010 / 3:39 am

    Hostess: Yes, it's great to have some time to de-brief and just enjoy each other's company.
    Alison: I'm with you on the easy-layering dresses — such a no-brainer yet still smart way to dress. Not surprised by Daisy's achievement — she's a daughter to be proud of indeed!
    Duchesse: I wonder whether my girls will still be wearing leopard when they're my age. . .
    Susan: Thanks — happy Monday to you as well.
    LBR: I'm a bit biased, of course, so it's lovely to hear that outside observers also think my kids are pretty cute.

  12. Vancouver Opera
    9 December 2010 / 9:13 pm

    Hi Frances,

    Wow, got to meet the whole family at Lucia! And what a lovely family it is.

    Thanks for being a part of our Blogger Night at the Opera! I'm glad everyone had a wonderful time at Lucia.

    See you at La clemenza di Tito.

    Happy holidays!

    Ling Chan, Social Media Manager
    Vancouver Opera

  13. materfamilias
    11 December 2010 / 6:11 pm

    That's actually only half the family, Ling (a quarter, really, if you count the partners, and we do!). I hope to get our others out to the opera at some point.
    It was a wonderful night, and I thank you for inviting me to participate — really looking forward to Clemenza now — meanwhile, enjoy the holiday season.

  14. Mardel
    4 January 2011 / 4:03 pm

    Oh you all look so happy and the opera sounds like it was utterly fabulous.

    I admit to feel a tiny bit of relief when you mention the tendency to nod occasionally. It is one of my qualifications for a fabulous performance, that I am caught up in rapt attention when usually the day and the effort to get to the performance, especially when a commute to NYC was required, usually compel me to fight the tendency to nod off to a moment of music filled dreaming. I don't feel as guilty now, if I am such esteemed company.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.