Classic with a Twist, the Christmas Version?

Let me just sneak in a last few favourite images from Christmas before the year closes. . . here’s my son “helping” Nola set up the Brio train set of his (and his sisters’) childhood. You might notice that Nola is nowhere in the photograph. I think she lacked the necessary vision.

As for vision, my son’s GF had it: Nola was delighted to open this colourful gift — a handmade adjustable (as in will fit for years, but also can be draped around shoulders, arms, wherever a little person might need more adornment) TUTU! So much more fun than the traditional pink. . .
and goes much better with Christmas trees and red pyjamas. Classic, with a twist, the Christmas version — I wasn’t fooling!
My son-almost-in-law (wedding’s in June) offers another favourite moment in the background — I was tickled that so many of us kicked back with new books over our five days together. It pleases me inordinately to be part of a family of readers, and I very much hope Nola picks up the habit.

We took our tree down yesterday as it was beginning to drop needles like crazy — Christmas is back in its box except for all those lovely memories and good vibes. We’ll spend our traditional New Year’s Eve which means that after heading to a movie this afternoon, we’ll come home and have a special meal together. Pater cooks it, often a very good steak with the trimmings, and we’ll watch another movie or, just as likely, watch the next few episodes of Angel. Then we’ll walk up the road to a party we go to almost every New Year’s to see the clock tick past midnight with a group of friends and neighbours. I suspect we’ll be in bed and asleep by 1, so not a wild and wooly night.

What about you? Christmas packed away yet? Has it left you melancholy or content? and what are the New Year’s Eve plans? Whatever, I’m thinking of you all and wishing you a Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you peace and happiness.


  1. Guernseygal
    31 December 2010 / 5:51 pm

    A happy new year to you too 🙂
    I'm not allowed to pack up christmas until daughter returns to Uni.
    We have an artifical tree (thanks goodness or there would be needles everywhere). It's not too bad really because she insists on putting the tree up when she gets home and as she doesn't arrive til about a week before Christmas usually, we aren't bored with the decorations by the time she goes back ( first week in Jan sometime)

  2. Susan B
    31 December 2010 / 6:16 pm

    These are lovely and sweet pictures. I'm sure that tutu will be a favorite for many years!

    We're hosting an open house this evening. We'll open some wine and champagne, put out some hors d'oeurves, and enjoy the company of family and friends who have promised to drop by.

  3. K.Line
    31 December 2010 / 7:56 pm

    Ha! Love the vision-lacking of those toddlers 🙂 But your son doesn't seem to be so thrilled – nor would I be!

    Scott is taking down the tree as I write. And I'm stalling on the cooking I should be doing. Guests aren't going to forage for themselves, alas.

    Have a great NYE. Kxo

  4. Tiffany
    31 December 2010 / 11:09 pm

    Happy New Year! We don't take our tree down until January 6 each year, so the house still looks Christmassy for now. NYE was quiet – took our kids down to a nearby park where we met friends to watch the famous Sydney fireworks, the 9pm version (for kids and families). I was in bed asleep before midnight, but son & spouse got on the roof to watch the midnight ones! Planning to spend today thinking about the year ahead … and avoiding the heat.

  5. Patricia
    31 December 2010 / 11:35 pm

    Hello Mater – a Happy New Year to you! We just saw in the new year quietly at home about half an hour ago – tomorrow morning we head off to Austria for a week of skiing (boys) and reading (me). All the best, Patricia

  6. SewingLibrarian
    1 January 2011 / 12:33 am

    Happy New Year to you! We are staying in tonight with the children, having a festive dinner, and then regular activities. The tree comes down tomorrow. I'm ready for it to come down. I've been going through our possessions and getting rid of things we don't need (well, things I don't need, really, as I'm not touching my DH's things). The beginning of the new year always seems a good time to do this exercise.

  7. materfamilias
    1 January 2011 / 10:23 pm

    G-gal: Enjoy it 'til the last moment! This is the earliest we've taken it down, but again, I haven't had one for quite a few years and had forgotten how dry the needles get, how they fall everywhere.
    Pseu: I suspect this will become a wonderful tradition that your friends and family will enjoy.
    K: He wasn't actually glowering, just looks like . . . I think he was so tired of me capturing him mid-grin that he decided to exercise some control over the image.
    Tiffany: You've already turned over a page on the New Year calendar! Your New Year's Eve sounds perfect to me, as we were also asleep by midnight having enjoyed a lovely meal together and realizing neither of us wanted to head out afterward.
    Patricia: Ah, curled up inside against the cold, with a book, while the menfolk burn off energy elsewhere — sounds absolutely perfect! enjoy!
    SL: We're packing up for a little trip, but in some ways I'd prefer to be doing what you are — feels just the right time to organize toward a more ordered year.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.