Worn Out . . . .What I Wore . . .

I thought it would have to be a week without a What I Wore shot, given that Pater was away and it’s just been so busy. But when I arrived in our Vancouver apartment last night, pretty much spent, he claimed to think I looked great and offered to snap some shots.

The dress is Catherine Malandrino, silk jersey, bought last year to wear to the opera. But I don’t have many occasions for dressing up, and decided I’d enjoy its comfortable good looks in a more casual setting. I think it works well with my flat Fluevog boots and this purple Line cardigan. Besides my vintage gold hoops, I eschewed jewelry — my glasses are ornate enough and the dress print is fairly demanding.

I told Pater I feel like someone who’s driven past one of those signs we get on BC highways, warning that there are no more service stations for 270 km — and fifteen minutes or so later, I look at the gas gauge and realize I’m almost down to empty, too late to do anything but stop, get out, and push . . . Very close to being out of fuel, I nonetheless feel I have to keep going. The marking has to get done this weekend; the classes have to get taught next week. Pater pointed out the obvious goofiness of my logic, given my analogy, and his logic is the reason I’ve just got up from a two-hour nap! Behind in my marking, but refreshed enough to play with my granddaughter when she arrives in a few hours.

Which means I should be able to muster up a smile for the photo, right? Here you go . . .

Hope the weekend gives you a smile or two.


  1. K.Line
    6 November 2010 / 11:09 pm

    I love that dress. It's so lovely. And the Line cardi is perfectly colour coordinated with it. I love Line, btw. I got the most gorgeous Line cashmere long sweater – it defies description. It cost $400 – 3 years ago. It's the most expensive sweater I've ever bought. And I have no regrets. But I do still think of how much it cost every time I put it on 🙂

  2. Anonymous
    6 November 2010 / 11:54 pm

    You look terrific Frances. Man I love those boots. Have fun with Nola.

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    7 November 2010 / 12:15 am

    Gosh you look amazing.
    Could you share with us where you shop….I would love to own a silk dress in a fine print such as you are wearing.

    it would seem that the nap has revived you as I am sure that some cuddles from Nola will too.

  4. Mardel
    7 November 2010 / 1:32 pm

    It is so nice to see how you are managing to work that rather demanding print into your wardrobe, and you pull it off so easily. You look fabulous and ready to tackle the world.

  5. Susan B
    7 November 2010 / 2:47 pm

    You look great! I think you and Pater are really getting into a good photographic groove. You're right that this dress works as a more casual piece, nicely done!

  6. materfamilias
    7 November 2010 / 4:06 pm

    K: I have this Line cardi and a grey Line vest — I love both, but neither are in cashmere — I can only imagine what this great company would do with such a luscious fabric — yumm!
    Rachel: Aren't they just the best?! Are you wearing yours quite a bit?
    Hostess: This one was a splurge — I found it at Holt's. And yes, we're having a great time with our little girl, such fun!
    Mardel: Thanks! More than the print, the length dismays me a bit. It's shorter than I realized when I bought it, somehow (I think this has to do with bringing Pater back for the second opinion — should have remembered that there's not much that he considers too short!)
    Pseu: He's getting much better at knowing what I want in the snap for blog readers to see — and I'm getting better at waiting patiently for him to get the shot set up. Thanks for noticing.

  7. Patricia
    7 November 2010 / 11:49 pm

    Had to laugh at your comment re. Pater and short clothes! I think you look great! P.

  8. La Belette Rouge
    8 November 2010 / 12:08 am

    This outfit gives me a big smile. I also have to say that the setting for the shot really brings out the outfit. Too bad you can't carry that backdrop with you. You look amazing against those colours( but you always look amazing).

  9. indigo16
    8 November 2010 / 10:40 am

    It is a lovely dress, and good that it is not tucked away, I agree that patterns often do not need too much embelishment.
    I am on the cusp of a massive marking session so will soon be feeling your pain.
    Wise words about Daisy on your last post, I drove up to see her with Kitty this weekend and guess what? She had her boyfriend to stay!! Insensitive and thoughtless all wrapped up in a neat package, but I know none of it is done with malice.

  10. Duchesse
    8 November 2010 / 7:35 pm

    Such a vibrant dress and sosmart to wear it more casually! Your hair is getting so long!

  11. Unknown
    9 November 2010 / 1:38 am

    That dress is gorgeous~you look stunning~

  12. materfamilias
    9 November 2010 / 4:30 am

    Patricia: I know! Men, you gotta love 'em, right? 😉
    LBR: We have the same colour walls in both the house and the apt. — the green's very easy to live with. The red is only in the apartment, on the door, and I love it as well . . . thanks for noticing!
    Alison: Yikes! Now I realize I mixed up Daisy and Kitty's names — so kind of you to say my advice was any good, and let me off the hook for that error. And ah yes, I think I might have been just as selfish at that age — and it doesn't seem that long ago, really. . . They do grow out of it, hopefully for a moment or two before we reach absolute senility!
    Duchesse: Yes, and it's got more volume in an end-of-the-day pic than in the a.m. ones I usually post. Sometimes I'm not sure if I want to let it stay this long, but I do enjoy the option of pinning it up, so I'll leave it for now.
    F>50: Thanks!

  13. L'age moyen
    9 November 2010 / 3:15 pm

    Love this dress and love that you wore it with a purple sweater. Also shows how to wear a short length and keep your dignity.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.