Opera Knitting

Isn’t this just the best picture? Wish I’d taken it, but I foundit on Vancouver Opera’s Facebook page. Members of the chorus knitting away backstage during Lillian Alling . . .

I haven’t mentioned my knitting projects for a while now, but they’ve been multiplying. . .

I’m almost finished back and front on the v-neck I’m making for myself (a Vogue Early Fall 2010 pattern) — sleeves are bracelet length so shouldn’t take too long — I’m hoping to finish this within the month. Lace patterns, of course, never look like much until they’re blocked, but I can already tell that this bamboo, silk, merino combo makes a lovely fabric.

Besides the lacework requiring some attention, though, this is hardly a portable project, and I need something to work on while riding the ferry each day, so I’ve got some worsted socks on the go. Besides the ones in the photo below, I made a pair in the lighter colour, striped with the leftover darker blue — my plan is to make a pair for each of my sons-in-and-out-of-law. They’re worsted, so they knit up quickly, and they’ll be toasty warm after a day skiing.

This next project is one I’m itching to get to — and some would argue I’ll itch once I do get to it, but mohair doesn’t bother me that way. I was drawn to this pattern as soon as I saw it last winter, but resisted it as potentially too trendy. Until I saw a sample made up at Mad About Ewe, my local yarn store. It’s going to be so wonderful to wear some gloomy winter day — a swingy tunic-dress of floaty-light mohair to wear over a silk t-neck and some leggings. It should be a really quick knit, but I’ve made myself a deal that I can’t start it until I’m on the final stretch of that v-neck pullover. (Would simply casting on be cheating? Perhaps a row or two, just to check out the colour and drape. . . ?)

Another store sample tripped me right over to the cash register with an extra pattern and two balls of the scrumptious Debbie Bliss Fez (85% Extrafine Merino; 15% Camel — yummy!). Knitting sweaters in size 2 is a welcome treat — very little delay to this gratification, and I’ll get the added pleasure of seeing Nola wearing her birthday gift — just have to get it finished by next weekend. Shouldn’t be too hard considering I got to the armholes in two or three hours’ knitting.

I’ve also got some very pretty Worsted for making socks as per Daughter #3’s request — she points out that nothing else keeps her feet warm enough when she’s studying late at night.

And then I was trying to figure out where I’d stashed the mohair pictured above — and surprised myself by opening a bag of yarn I remember buying late last winter, yarn for quick gifts — cowls, hats, and the like.

So apparently I’m ready to join the Vancouver Opera choir. Oh, damn! they want a voice as well as knitting ability? Maybe not then . . . .


  1. NancyDaQ
    12 November 2010 / 12:02 am

    I'm considering re-starting knitting, since the yarn-eating cat has passed away and the other one could care less. The temperate weather and my lack of speed are holding me back. I guess I could get a practice skein or two…famous last words!

  2. hostess of the humble bungalow
    12 November 2010 / 12:02 am

    I can hear the chorus…knit one purl two…lah lah…

    When I saw that picture I thought it must be a religious sect or nuns…too funny mater!

    BTW you are a prolific diva with the yarn 🙂

  3. Unknown
    12 November 2010 / 12:18 am

    I so want the lace Vogue sweater…it is really sumptuous! And bamboo, silk and merino? Oh my!
    I had made a lacy one like that once; over the years it stretched to 4X's its size! OOps, must have goofed on the gauge….

  4. K.Line
    12 November 2010 / 12:34 am

    Oooh, that top photo is creepy. And I just bought some placemats in exactly that same shade of pink.

  5. indigo16
    12 November 2010 / 1:16 pm

    I remember the lure of those knitting shops, the garment already created, the complete pack ready to buy, tempting me. Sadly what gives you pleasure would give me a nervous breakdown just getting the right tension makes me…well tense!

  6. materfamilias
    12 November 2010 / 4:40 pm

    Nancy: Famous last words, indeed! I think I see the top of your head, just disappearing into that rabbit hole marked "Just a skein or two". . .
    Hostess: They do look a bit sect-ish, don't they? The costumes are from a powerful scene in the opera when Lillian Alling is incarcerated at Oakalla, then a women's prison.
    F>50: I'm counting on the merino content to keep the stretch from happening — silk alone I wouldn't trust!
    K: Oooh, those placemats will really pop against all your wood — very modern contrast.
    Alison: Funny, isn't it, how we manage to find the creative medium that suits us, while others just shake their heads in dismay at the very notion.

  7. Susan Tiner
    15 November 2010 / 5:16 pm

    Goodness, how do you find time to teach and write and knit too? I love the colors.

  8. materfamilias
    16 November 2010 / 5:10 am

    Susan: It's more a compulsion than a case of finding time . . . 😉


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