What I Wore, Thanks!

To my usual trepidation about posting What I Wore, I’ve added concern about having foolishly invited criticism through yesterday’s post. After all, if I can be so picky about a mere loose end . . .

But if you re-read that post, I hope you’ll see that I wasn’t so much cavilling at the finish (or lack thereof) of that scarf as I was trying to puzzle out my spontaneous, unguarded response.

And as I suspected, your comments on the matter helped me sort out what I was responding to — thank you so much! So I’m going to keep trusting to your generously understanding natures and offer up Wednesday’s outfit, with and without my leather jacket, which I think works well with these heels.

Dress: Kenneth Cole, 2 years old; black Mary-Jane Tsubo heels, also 2 years old; Chan Luu chalcedony & silver necklace, 5 or 6 years old and a real favourite.

Jacket: Mackage

Have I mentioned how much I like dressing in dresses? So easy to look pulled together (and this one’s a knit, so it’s comfy as well). If I weren’t wearing this with the leather jacket, I’d throw a lightweight Grandpa cardigan over top — purple, black, or grey, for example. This dress also works with that Smythe jacket I bought this past spring — grey with metallic threads.

Pater’s getting much better at snapping these shots, and I seem to be relaxing a bit, but I do wonder what the neighbours must think of my posturing. Thank goodness, I have the most wonderful neighbours in the world, on both sides, so whatever they think, they’ll continue to be kind . . .

We were to have Thanksgiving here on the island this weekend, with 3 of our 4 home, along with their partners and our granddaughter. But they took one look at the crowds anticipated on BC Ferries’ busiest weekend of the year and decided to stay in Vancouver — so Mahomet’s heading to the Mountain. Our apartment oven is on the small side for a turkey, but on the plus side, the limitations of the setting free us up from some of the expectations, and we always have a congenial time there crowded around the smaller table. And though I would dearly have loved the house-ful here, I’m secretly relieved that the visiting will be limited to the meal, as I’m taking 80+ essays along for marking.

So to all my Canadian readers, Happy Turkey Day, and may you have much to be Thankful for. And to readers elsewhere, have a lovely weekend as well along with my Thanks for your welcome company.


  1. K.Line
    8 October 2010 / 8:53 pm

    I cannot believe your people are foregoing an opp to have holiday dinner at your beautiful island home. That is wrong! I'll come!!

    But def bring the sassy outfit to Vancouver. Very hawt.

    Happy TG to you too…

  2. Susan B
    8 October 2010 / 9:21 pm

    I like the dress! It looks great on you and I can see how versatile it would be.

    Have a lovely, lovely Thanksgiving weekend with the family!

  3. LPC
    8 October 2010 / 10:07 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving! Your photos get better and better.

  4. Tiffany
    9 October 2010 / 12:01 am

    Great dress – and the light in those photos is beautiful. Enjoy your Thanksgiving (if not the essay-marking). It's a tradition I wish we had here. Fortunately my best friend is married to an American so we get invited to dinner at theirs every US Thanksgiving and I get to bake pumpkin pies and eat turkey …

  5. Duchesse
    9 October 2010 / 1:00 am

    Such a stylish dress that looks comfortable (in a stealth way) too! And I love the necklace. You look happy, ma!

  6. hostess of the humble bungalow
    9 October 2010 / 1:13 am

    I think you look great…and your classic choices feel current and stylish.
    Happy Thanksgiving Mater.

  7. Unknown
    9 October 2010 / 3:11 am

    Am reading Diane vn Furstenburg's book, and this dress reminds me of her wrap-dress. Very chic and love the shoes also!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. materfamilias
    9 October 2010 / 3:48 am

    Kristin: I know! They could eat turkey and then walk on the beaach, gorgeous view, etc., and go back to the city all rejuvenated. But nooooo. . . You're invited, though, anytime!
    Pseu: Thanks! Now we just need one of those lovely Napa Valley pinots to go with the bird.
    Thanks, Lisa — he's getting to that shutter more quickly, which helps!
    Tiffany: And I suspect you probably bring along some appies as well! Thanksgiving is a perfect celebration, requiring no gifts other than companionship and appreciation.
    Duchesse: Thanks! Your opinion on the necklace, especially, matters. I love the sturdiness of the chalcedony floating on the fine silver chain, and the watery colour has its own seductive power. And the way stone warms against one's skin . . .
    Thanks, Hostess — I bet you and your crew will have a fabulous feast together with that new little girl to admire.
    F>50: Yes, I like it because it's like the DvF dresses — and even a bit better as hers have been too short lately.

  9. Glennis
    9 October 2010 / 5:10 am

    You do look wonderful. I love comfy knit dresses like that. It's hard to wear stockings here in southern California – it's equally tricky to have pale white bare legs in winter!

    I'm going to an event tomorrow where I have an LBD to wear – hope it works out.

  10. Mardel
    9 October 2010 / 2:31 pm

    Oh that dress is wonderful and I love the necklace and the way the lovely blue stones seem to float against the skin due to the contrast with the very fine chain.

    I think your photos get better and better and I am sure it is much nicer to have a photograper than a self-timer. With someone actually taking the pictures the interaction between the two comes into the photos and brings a warm and life to the final photos.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  11. Patricia
    9 October 2010 / 8:13 pm

    I love this look and was so glad to be able to expand the first photo to see it in detail. The necklace is indeed stunning – love the colour. I particularly like your silver wrist jewellery. I'm looking for a silver cuff, think it's a lovely chic look. I can't make out if the beads on the other wrist are pearls or just silver-coloured? In any case, I've lately become more interested in white metal jewellery – being a blond child and still (in my head) somewhat blond, I always thought that yellow gold was best for me. However, today I looked at some silver eyeglass frames and will probably get them. I think it's a cleaner look. Patricia

  12. La Belette Rouge
    10 October 2010 / 9:18 pm

    That outfit is fantastic. Really, so much to be thankful for: those boots,that dress, and that jacket!!!!!!! Hope you and your family have a gorgeous Thanksgiving.

  13. materfamilias
    11 October 2010 / 12:14 am

    Aunt Snow: Hmmm, having to keep the legs shaved year-round, what a tradeoff for good weather!
    Enjoy your LBD event!
    Mardel: That's exactly why I love this necklace. And it's interesting what you say about the photos — my sister was saying the same thing just yesterday.
    Patricia: So funny, I've been reversing that process — having always worn silver, thinking it my colour, I'm experimenting with more gold as I'm realizing I can wear warm shades I used to think were off-limits for me.
    Anyway, that bracelet is from Tiffany: silver balls on a fine silver chain. On my other wrist is a silver cuff bracelet carved by a West Coast (Kwagiutl) First Nations artist — I wear it at least 4 days a week!
    LBR: Believe me, I'm grateful! And your blog is one of the things I'm grateful for. . . hope you had a good weekend!

  14. indigo16
    11 October 2010 / 4:47 pm

    I too am in love with dresses, just perfect at this time of year. I really love the necklace you are wearing, it looks a lovely milky shade of blue, but that could just be the light. I will google it later.
    How about that dress with an acid yellow slip! I wish I knew where to buy such a thing.
    Oh I have deck envy now!

  15. materfamilias
    12 October 2010 / 4:01 am

    alison: Yes, it's watery-milky, but perhaps as much green as blue.
    You may have to make your slip — it wouldn't be hard, right?
    And yes, we do love our deck, altho' the weather for enjoying it is almost gone.


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