Opera Continues . . . and some What I Wore

The Vancouver Opera Blog posted this photo of my fellow bloggers and me at last Saturday’s World Premiere of Lillian Alling. Great news: Social Media Manager Ling Chan asked me to join them for the rest of the season, and I’ll be blogging to you next about Lucia di Lammermoor.

And here’s my What I Wore for this week. Yes, I’m debating about the dress’ length as well, and I almost consigned or gave it away at the end of last winter. But I’m feeling a bit defiant about the whole “I’m too old to wear that,” even as I’m wary of looking foolish. (There’s a great post about Shopping and “I’m Too Old” here). And while the length and the black-red contrast may be a bit dramatic, the rest of the outfit is relatively restrained — although high-contrast, it’s a limited palette, the lines are simple, the adornment limited. And best of all, it’s easy to wear, great to build an outfit around very quickly. I’d love to find another sweater dress as well shaped through the middle (this has some cleverly subtle distractions) but just a bit longer — until I do, I will probably hang on to this one.

Pater approved, although he’s a dangerous yardstick to trust in this regard.

Dress: Helmut Lang, bought on sale 2 winters ago; Beads: Birks; Cuff: Local Boutique, Israeli artisan-made, 3 years old; Cherry Red Tights: Hue; and Black Boots: Fluevog Truth Britneys. I’m holding a cherry-red alpaca lace scarf that I wore for warmth when I needed it, whipping it off when I got overheated.


  1. Susan B
    23 October 2010 / 12:39 am

    I *really* don't think the skirt is too short, especially when worn with the boots and tights. Heck, you've got the gams for it, why not?

    And congratulations on your "gig" with the Vancouver Opera. That should be fun for you!

  2. LPC
    23 October 2010 / 1:06 am

    I like the dress – it's not too short. You do all that running and biking, go for it. It's not undignified looking on you. I probably would have worn a different necklace, though, in a different shape, or that worked somehow differently with the neckline. Of course, I have trouble with necklaces over all, so I may not be a good source of input. Imogen had a great necklace post this morning – and as I said there, it's the thing I struggle with most in What To Wear.

  3. Tiffany
    23 October 2010 / 3:38 am

    Not too short – not with tights! Without, it might be.

    BTW, must know, is the book on the middle shelf, almost the last on the left (black, red & yellow), James Kelman, 'How late it was, how late'?

  4. Patricia
    23 October 2010 / 11:26 am

    How great is that, that you get to combine two of your favourite things: blogging and opera! I think you look fabulous! Patricia

  5. materfamilias
    23 October 2010 / 3:53 pm

    Pseu: Thanks for the encouragement. I'd never wear something that length with bare legs (well, except summer-casual around the house), but the tights and boots seem to mitigate, I hope. And yes, the opera blogging is a fun gig — I'm v. pleased about it.
    LPC: Thanks re the dress. As for the necklace, it's so personal, isn't it? I like the strength of this one (simple shapes, but large enough for impace, hammered-texture surface) for the way it can stand up to, and enliven, the black. It does actually fit Imogen's rule of filling a curved (scoop) neckline with a curved-shape necklace, but that's not to say something else might not have worked better (and I have worn different choices with this dress) — I'm curious to know what you would have filled that space with — I'm sure it would be v. tasteful. (In fact, for much of the day, I had that red scarf thrown around my neck for a bit of warmth).
    Tiffany: Yes, you spotted it — it's the Kelman, nestled right in near Kafka and Kesey . . .
    Patricia: Yes! And dressing up, for a third fun thing!

  6. jillian
    23 October 2010 / 4:11 pm

    I was going to say EXACTLY what Pseu said 🙂 Really. You look fantastic. What to work it!

  7. LPC
    23 October 2010 / 5:06 pm

    I probably would have worn either a shorter necklace, up higher around the neck, or none and at all and big earrings instead. If I step back, that just tends to be my particular taste.

  8. Anonymous
    23 October 2010 / 8:30 pm

    Are you kidding? You have great legs, and you look great.

    Beautiful boots!


  9. materfamilias
    23 October 2010 / 8:51 pm

    LPC: Interesting. . . I really haven't any necklaces shorter than this, and I feel as if I'd choke in them. I do have one I especially like that's much lower-profile which I like with this dress as well. And while I rarely wear big earrings, I can see how that could work nicely here instead of any necklace at all.
    Christine: Thanks! And yes, I'm loving these Fluevogs — so wear-all-day comfortable, yet they're punching above their weight, style-wise.

  10. materfamilias
    23 October 2010 / 9:18 pm

    and Jillian, how did I miss you? Thanks!

  11. nik
    23 October 2010 / 11:58 pm

    great to hear frances! i'm so excited for this season. we are so fortunate to be doing this! cya dec.4! 🙂


  12. girlcook
    24 October 2010 / 5:18 pm

    I just whistled for you, did you hear it?
    Werk it mom, you look hot!


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