Milestone . . .

My “bourgeois heroism” has run smack into the limitations of my immune system and I’ve been sleeping as much as possible trying to get rid of this cold/potential sinus infection since Thursday, given that we leave on Tuesday — you know how much fun it is to have a problematic sinus on a nine-hour flight, right?

But in between sleeping, packing, and crossing items off my list (and writing new ones on it), I thought a quick update might do re the occasion of Wednesday’s celebration.

As I said earlier, I’m surprised I haven’t mentioned anything about the cause for this earlier, as it marks a huge lifestyle change around here: Pater is retiring — he has enough accrued vacation time that he won’t officially be off the hook/payroll ’til the fall, and he’ll hang onto his Blackberry until then, but from Friday on, he’s mine, all mine! Given that his positions for the last eleven years have been in a different city from me (five of those in Ottawa, only a few thousand kilometres away!), and I’ve become very comfortable with having the house to myself during the week, and given that we’re both firstborns, one a Leo, the other a Taurus, neither of us shrinking violets, there will be some territorial negotiation going on. Partly why we decided to begin with the jaunt to Europe — neutral, fun territory unencumbered by domestic politics.

Anyway, the celebration on Wednedsay was both impressive and quite moving. Pater’s EA had contacted me quite a few weeks ago about a surprise event, but she knew he would prefer a “small, elegant cocktails” event after work to a big dinner-roast. Then she contacted me again to say it would still be “elegant cocktails” but so many people were asking her if they could attend, many of them wanting to say a few words, that it turned into a much larger happening. In the end, there were at least a hundred people there in a beautiful room at the Convention Centre in Vanc’r, overlooking the water. As the event grew larger, P’s EA had let go of the idea of surprising him, so he and I walked in together knowing what to expect. Except . . . we never anticipated they would have set up a full honour guard of the uniformed portion of his department (he’s been the top guy in the Pacific region of a rather large gov’t dept that oversees a large natural resource — I’ll say no more than that to preserve some of his privacy). I’ve been going to events with Pater over his 34 years in the department, and haven’t ever seen an honour guard assembled at a retirement — the tribute was very effective and very much appreciated.

People had flown out from Ottawa; within BC, some had chartered planes to make their schedules work; there was a representative from the US gov’t commending P’s work over the years on international treaty-making; a representative of the United Way had been sent to acknowledge his transformation of their campaign within the federal civil service; some lovely and thoughtful gifts were presented; many speeches were made, some by the top echelon from Ottawa, but just as movingly, some by those who had worked for, and alongside, him during his many decades. In these days of easy cynicism when public servants are so often mocked as ineffective, lazy, and greedy, the recognition of Pater’s dedication to good governance was highly appreciated.

Getting back to, and attending, that retirement celebration was the last biggie on my list, and Thursday was spent relaxing and finishing a few work-related tasks. I still have to buy a swimsuit for Portugal, but couldn”t muster up the energy. Friday my cold had taken over and we ferried back to the island where garden maintenance is high priority! And more lists — if I get a minute I might even show you the packing . . .

Meanwhile, enjoy your weekend — here, we’ve got the first sustained sunshine in weeks (Seriously, there was a photo in the Globe and Mail last week of someone playing with a boogie board on one of the local beaches — and the caption pointed out that the individual was “taking advantage of the 18 degree temperature”!! Talk about damning by faint praise! we’re not even close to room temperature yet, and it’s worth a headline!) Hope your weather is fantastic (altho’ if you’re in London, perhaps you could hold off on the good weather ’til we arrive on Wednesday . . . )


  1. Lizhk
    12 June 2010 / 3:56 pm

    Congrats to you for finally getting Pater's time, and to Pater. It sounds like it was a great send off, thank you and acknowledgement of his work (and his style!). I hope your cold clears up in time for the great escape.
    Oh, and thanks for the fantastic link to Delores and her male knitting companion….it gives me ideas for my blog. Bon voyage.

  2. NancyDaQ
    12 June 2010 / 4:54 pm

    Congrats to Pater on his great accomplishment. I bet you'll enjoy having a house husband once you get settled.

  3. hostess of the humble bungalow
    12 June 2010 / 5:33 pm

    What an honour for years of service and dedication.
    And I thought it was a milestone birthday!

    I'd be curious as to what you wore to that event!

    I hope your cold goes away asap…there are a lot of them around…Mr. HB has one too.

    Take care mater…

  4. mette
    12 June 2010 / 7:45 pm

    My congratulations to your husband! Enjoy your time together!

  5. materfamilias
    12 June 2010 / 8:01 pm

    Thanks, Liz, and Pater thanks you too — isn't Delores great??!
    wish I could be at your HotFlash party on Tuesday, sounds like fun!
    Nancy: Thanks — I suspect I will — he's a great cook!
    HHB: You'd have been pleased — I was all in black and white, comme vous — actually, a black-and-white animal-tribal print linen sheath with my metallic grey jacket and my black high-heeled Fluevogs (like Pseu's orange ones) — since everyone had come from work, I had to be careful not to overdo, but I felt I had a bit of leeway to dress up as I'd be in the spotlight a bit. Pater claimed I looked "hot" and his opinion counted bigtime for that occasion!
    Metscan: Thanks! We're going to have fun on our trip, for sure!

  6. LPC
    12 June 2010 / 11:13 pm

    Congratulations to Pater. You both seem from here to be such admirable people. Enjoy it all.

  7. Patricia
    13 June 2010 / 12:21 am

    Congratulations to Pater! I, too, thought it might be a birthday, but this is even better. I'm very impressed by your description of the party – it was a real tribute to him. Wishing you a super trip – looking forward to hearing the details in due course.

    Summer has finally arrived in Budapest – temperatures in the 30s this weekend. Hope the weather holds in London for you! Patricia

  8. Tiffany
    13 June 2010 / 1:39 am

    Sounds like a wonderful and well-deserved send-off. I did laugh at your description of both being first-borns – spouse and I are also, and it certainly does make territorial negotiations necessary. When we were both at home – working – for a couple of years, it was a very steep learning curve! But having a holiday together is a great way to ease yourselves into it. Hope you get over your cold and have a wonderful time.

  9. materfamilias
    13 June 2010 / 4:59 am

    Thanks, LPC
    Patricia: I treally was a tribute — I was proud of him and happy for him. Enjoy those 30 degree temps — I'd usually say that's a bit too warm for me, but right now, I'd just say bring it on!
    Tiffany: So counting your firstborn (your son?) you have three dominants, as do we! Much head-butting! So yes, you can see why we're going to ease ourselves into this next phase — it's always interesting, this marriage business!

  10. K.Line
    13 June 2010 / 5:25 am

    What a great way to retire! Sounds like it was a fantastic event and the fun is just beginning. Feel better soon.

  11. Duchesse
    13 June 2010 / 9:43 pm

    Congratulations, via you, to Pater, who was so warmly respected and appreciated. This had to be a daunting responsibility especially in these times. Not many couples could weather the seas, pun intended. And now you begin anew. Do feel better!

  12. Gina
    15 June 2010 / 2:01 pm

    Please extend my congratulations to Pater as well. I think it's going to be wonderful for the both of you.

    I hope you are feeling better.


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