Of Blazer-Twisting, Nana-ing, and Dining . . . A Day in a Grandmother’s Life!

Although I may show you, later, that this blazer also works well with skirts/dresses, this is my last Polyvore-on-the-floor with it for now. Skinny jeans (Wilfrid from Aritzia), a black sleeveless top (Animale), zebra-print/black patent peep-toe heels (Anne Klein), black patent leather bag (Arcadia, Winners), a pendant and some bangles — easy to put together, fun, and, I think, Classic with a Twist. For a less business-y vibe, I’m looking for a turquoise clutch, but making do meanwhile with a so-dark-green-it’s-almost-black one.

Below, details of the rhinestone-studded leather wrap bracelet I couldn’t resist (didn’t need to at its very reasonable price) — except for this and the bangles, everything but the blazer has been in my closet earning its keep for some time now, and the blazer’s now doing the same, thanks to Karen’s challenge! (Did you read about Pseu’s shopping trip with Karen? Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Thanks for all your wishes that Nola get better quickly — I’ve never seen her so unhappy and, suspecting an ear infection, her mom called from work to ask me to meet her at the doctor’s office where she’d arranged a little look-see with the otoscope. Here’s Nola (in the doctor’s office play area) at her most subdued, stalwart, but not enough energy to flash her usual smile at the camera, although you can see she’s trying . . .

She did manage to say “nana” a few times through the morning, though, thrilling a certain woman of a certain age.

And it turned out that her ears were clear, so time and sleep and lots of cuddles will do the trick rather than antibiotics. I was so glad that I’d been in the neighbourhood and able to help out — I drove them back home, made them lunch and changed a very poopy diaper, giving Mom a break after her tiring weekend nursing her little patient — wish I lived closer and could lend a hand more often. Then left once Nola was down for her nap so Mom could have some well-deserved quiet time.

Took my by-then-quite-stiff-and-sore quads home for a little nap myself — recovering from a Half Marathon takes a few days! — and then Pater treated me to a very nice meal at L’Altro Buco on Haro. Sadly, we learned they close in June and we’ll have to go over to Kits to their original location if Pater wants the veal chop again (he places it among the best things he’s EVER eaten!). But meanwhile, we enjoyed their Dine Out Vancouver special menu which began auspiciously . . .

pork belly rillettes on bacon bread for him

tomato soup with horseradish/chive crème fraîche and “grilled cheese” for me.

Took the ferry home Tuesday afternoon and now it’s time to dig in and get some writing done and prepare for an event I’m presenting at tomorrow evening. Yet here I am, chatting with you . . .


  1. K.Line
    5 May 2010 / 4:40 pm

    What a cute girl! And that soup must be the new popular dish. I just had the exact same thing at a nice restaurant here in TO. It's very yummy.

  2. La Belette Rouge
    5 May 2010 / 5:08 pm

    Nola is so cute that she distracted me from the food. It has to be a very cute child that would take my eyes away from that delicious looking food.

  3. LPC
    5 May 2010 / 6:19 pm

    As Belette says, Nola is so cute she distracted me, but from the clothes. I have found a local store that carries Smyth. Nola, however, with that face, OMG. She looks like what we would call, in California, an old soul,

  4. Susan B
    5 May 2010 / 6:37 pm

    Once again you've put together some Polyvore Perfection! You're making that blazer earn its keep.

    Nola is SO cute, even under the weather. Glad it wasn't an ear infection; they're so prone at that age. Soon she'll be asking her mom to call Nana on the phone to say hi…

  5. Laura
    5 May 2010 / 8:52 pm

    Wow you've really got it all…adorable grandkid, gorgeous food, incredible athleticism…what more could a woman ask for?

  6. Mardel
    5 May 2010 / 10:06 pm

    Oh Nola is such a cutie, although I'll admit that I looked at the soup too and it looks wonderful. The jacket is really up to taking on a variety of looks and it is good to see it is finally coming out to play.

  7. materfamilias
    6 May 2010 / 12:17 am

    K: Always funny how quickkly trends whip across the country — a smaller world than we sometimes imagine!
    LBR: So if I were dining with you and wanted to steal a particularly scrumptious-looking morsel from your plate, I'd have a secret weapon? . . . .
    LPC: So that's how those celebs find their Smythe jackets down in California . . . and we're also linked by some vocab apparently, 'cause we also use the term "old soul" exactly that way.
    Pseu: Yes, and I'm so ready for that, all Skyped-up and waiting for the call . . .
    Laura: well, since you asked, I might have a short list. . . tough to be serious when I'm laughing so hard at "incredible athleticism" but you're right that I'm feeling pretty blessed, pretty lucky indeed!
    Mardel: Well made soup, a simple and satisfying pleasure!

  8. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    6 May 2010 / 7:13 am

    Love your polyvore and those zebra shoes!

    Hope Nola is better.

  9. indigo16
    6 May 2010 / 11:41 am

    I used to LOVE it when my kids were ill, the peace and quite was bliss all that lack of energy meant I could relax too! Time off work was irksome but I used to take mine in and make up a bed for them in the office! Bad Mother!!
    Yeah for no antibiotics too, nothing like a raging temperature to burn it off instead.. Like I say Bad Mother

  10. materfamilias
    6 May 2010 / 5:25 pm

    Thanks, Imogen — I think everyone needs a little zebra in their life! and yes, thanks, our little girl seems to be on the mend.
    Alison: I know how that works for some illness, with a very subdued child who only wants to sleep. I could be that kind of Bad Mum as well. Doesn't work for the constant vomiting kind, of course, nor for the raging ear infections that make for constant work-disrupting sobbing. Our poor little one wanted to be held, when she wasn't sleeping, and would break into unconsolable sobbing. Not workplace-friendly. . . .


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