Natural Beauty . . .

To paraphrase. . . . Consider the species tulips in my garden, growing through the trimmed-down tufts of last year’s grass, soon to be overtaken by this year’s blades. . .

They neither toil nor spin nor arrange Polyvores on the floor . . . Yet I tell you

even Coco or Audrey or Gaga, in all their glory

was not arrayed like one of these . . .


  1. LPC
    6 May 2010 / 4:12 pm

    Oh, I know. I know. Gardens are such a good, easy source of beauty. I love it when things grow nearly wild best of all.

  2. The Small Fabric Of My Life
    6 May 2010 / 4:13 pm

    So hopeful and optimistic.

  3. Susan B
    6 May 2010 / 5:11 pm

    Wow, that red. Stunning.

    Love your version of "Lilies of the Field!"

  4. Patricia
    6 May 2010 / 10:19 pm

    Hello Mater, I've been MIA for a few days otherwise I would surely have made many comments – poor wee Nola! great polyvores! well done you on your half marathon!! I was attending a funeral in Scotland – the husband of a dear friend died last week after a very short bout with cancer. It was all very sad, but I'm so glad I went. I will see her and another friend again at the end of the month for a planned visit – with such long friendships (27 and 32 years) we are really helping one another through the whole gamut of life experiences – just wish this particular one hadn't come so soon. Patricia

  5. Tiffany
    6 May 2010 / 11:10 pm

    So beautiful! I dreamt of tulips – and many other plants I don't even know the names of – last night. Strange, as we are heading into winter …

  6. La Belette Rouge
    6 May 2010 / 11:17 pm

    I am about to ask a very stupid question, are those growing wild? Do tulips ever grow wild? Is that even possible. I am now leaving in horticultural shame, but first I must say how beautiful these photos are.

  7. hostess of the humble bungalow
    7 May 2010 / 1:33 am

    The last image, with the faint blue of what I think might be forget me knots, looks very artistic indeed!

  8. materfamilias
    7 May 2010 / 7:08 am

    LPC: Yes, these take almost no care at all, and they've naturalized fabulously — more every year!
    Pseu: It's a richly orange red — do you remember that movie, btw? Sidney Poitier?
    Patricia: I'm so sorry for your friend's loss — I'm sure she appreciates her friends' support, but what a tough time for all of you. Take care of yourself as well.
    LBR: I think tulips are indigenous to Turkey, but I'd have to do some googling to be sure. I'm quite sure none are native to N.Am. but the species tulips (so not the hybrid large ones you more commonly see) naturalize quite nicely — once they're in a good spot, they'll settle in quite nicely and need little care, multiplying from year to year on their own. I have several different types that delight me every spring.
    Hostess: Indeed, that's forget-me-not — I love it as a background for orange blooms especially, altho'it's also great against purples. As a gardener, you know how pleasing it is when one year's plans and plantings work out the following spring.

  9. Mardel
    7 May 2010 / 3:06 pm

    I only have a few species tulips, but I also have some hybrid tulips which had been pulled and cast into the woods and a surprising number of these have started their own little colonies. Sometimes beauty surprises us with its tenacity.


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