Thank you, and you, and you . . .

I was recently honoured to receive three blogging awards. While I’ve thanked the bestowers in comments on their blogs, it’s time I acknowledged their kindness here:
Metscan, who has commented here thoughtfully, perceptively, and tastefully for quite a while, has recently, to the pleasure of her many cyber-friends, started her own blog Metscan, giving us a glimpse into her very stylish Nordic life. She kindly awarded me the Sugar Doll blog award. Thank you, Metscan!
Another commenter-turned Blogger, the charming Hostess of the Humble Bungalow, passed along to me the Beautiful Blogger award. Again, thank you so much for this honour!
And to complete the hat-trick, the fabulous Femme dĂșn Certain Age (the Parisian femme, not the LA one — did you know there were two? did you know I’ve hung out in Vanc’r with the LA one qui est trè charmante, and hope someday soon to meet the Paris one?) granted me the Sunshine Award (and said some nice things about me, blush . . .)

All these awards come with the requirement that the recipient link back to the giver, which I’ve done, but they also ask for long lists of never-before-disclosed factoids about moi-même and they request that the awards be passed along to other bloggers. Well, I’ve been blogging almost three years, having posted close to 600 times, and you may have noticed that I’m not exactly a closed book — people, if I haven’t told you yet, I think there might be a good reason, so if you want to know more about me, I’m afraid you’ll just have to come back here for new adventures.
And as for passing the awards along, much as I love the support in this blogging community, the way that awards help spread the joy and make new blogs known, I will echo some other fellow recipients who have commented recently on the difficulty of this task. After a certain time blogging, unless one manages a huge blogroll daily, awards and memes get stuck in a bit of a loop. I have a fairly small roster, and I’ve already passed memes or awards on to most of those at some point. I do need to update my blogroll in the sidebar and that’s on my to-do list for the end of term.
Meanwhile, though, I will draw your attention to some blogs I think you might enjoy, ones I think deserve a bigger audience:
There’s the obviously modest but talented, thoughtful, witty, and creative Tiffany down under at Truly the Dullest Blog.
And my gardening neighbour and friend, Jane, at GardenThoughts — Jane is wise and perceptive, a talented gardener who loves to share her knowledge along with her joyful view of the world’s daily gentle beauties. she doesn’t post often, but when she does, the posts are just lovely.
I love to see the ” stylish women of a certain age” component of the blogworld growing, and one blog I’ve recently discovered that covers that territory so well is L’Age Moyen. Regular what-I-wore photo-posts show creative yet work-in-daily-life stylings that inspire. Well worth adding to your blogroll.


  1. Tiffany
    14 March 2010 / 12:24 am

    Thanks, mater! I am most undeserving, being an irregular blogger at best …

  2. jane ..
    16 March 2010 / 2:48 am

    somehow, there's a sense of being honoured that goes along with being mentioned in your blog .. thanks, mater ..

  3. materfamilias
    16 March 2010 / 3:35 am

    Tiffany: you might not be terribly regular — nor is Jane — but I love your voice and look forward to all your posts.
    Jane: the honour is all mine — I truly enjoy your blog!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.