Tale of Two Purses

I’ve shown you this favourite purse before but I don’t know that I’ve influenced any of you to put it on your shopping list. Here on our little island, though, my neighbour and friend, Marion, an inspiringly fabulous “woman of a certain age” asked if I’d mind if she bought one for herself. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, plus our circles don’t seem to overlap much except on the ferry, so I gave the purchase my blessing. And even then, although I think she’s had hers for almost a year, our bags had never met until the other day when I was heading off to Vancouver and she and a friend were heading to an International Women’s Day lunch. Luckily, we both had our cameras and posed in the sunshine by the ferry waiting room, laughing at the coincidence (no doubt both secretly hoping there wouldn’t be too many more . . . )

What about you? Have you ever had a friend or acquaintance follow your sartorial lead with exactly the same garment? Did you mind? Do tell . . .


  1. Susan B
    11 March 2010 / 7:04 pm

    You both look great with your red bags! I'm becoming more and more convinced I need to give a red bag another shot. Love that doctor bag style!

  2. LPC
    11 March 2010 / 9:04 pm

    I think I'd be terribly flattered if anyone took my sartorial lead. I am when blog readers do, and email me about it, that's for sure:).

  3. Mardel
    11 March 2010 / 9:13 pm

    I think I'd be quite flattered.

  4. Susan B
    11 March 2010 / 10:15 pm

    Oh and to answer your question, I'd be supremely flattered!

  5. Patricia
    11 March 2010 / 10:18 pm

    What a lovely sunny day! (Said after it snowed ALL day here!)

    No, I have never influenced anyone else with my style (probably because I don't have much of one), but I'm in your friend Marion's position – a friend here has a lovely bag which I'd love to get. Or at least a different one of the same brand. I think I will wait until just before we return to Canada – I'll probably never ever see her again, so problem solved! :0) Patricia

  6. hostess of the humble bungalow
    11 March 2010 / 11:20 pm

    My closest long time girlfriend and I buy the same things all the time BUT we are shopping independently and surprise each other when we show up dressed in the exact same thing! We both have similiar taste and it never bothers me. WE do call now just to check who's wearing what so we do not deliberately look like twins!

  7. Tiffany
    12 March 2010 / 4:39 am

    Gorgeous bag! I don't think anyone would ever choose to follow my sartorial example …

  8. materfamilias
    12 March 2010 / 5:06 am

    Pseu: I could see you with a red bag!
    LPC: I guess I'm wondering more how you feel when the flattery/imitation is "up close and personal"
    Mardel/Pseu: what if she showed up at the same lunch wearing the same shoes or dress or bag?
    Patricia: Good way to handle it and you get exactly what I'm aiming at.
    HHR: I once had a friend that used to happen with, back when we lived in a small town together — and it was always funny, never awkward, even if we showed up somewhere with the same shoes — depends on the relationship, I think. Lucky you having such a good buddy!
    Tiff: I don't know about that — even at this distance I've been inspired by your style1

  9. L'age moyen
    12 March 2010 / 3:18 pm

    I love the intense 'redness' of the bag! I'm crazy for the doctor bag look.

    If one is going to follow a friend's sartorial lead I believe the best way to do it is to 'fess up and admit that you admired it and wanted to do the same. Then we're in it together. I love that.

  10. Anonymous
    12 March 2010 / 4:29 pm

    on the above twin comment…:)well….yesterday i took all the kids shopping in the states….found some really cute runners for the girls (twins)…in both sizes bonus…and double bonus…they were only $17.00….and wouldn't you just guess that Grace decided it would be a good time to announce her reluctance to wear the same shoes as her sister….she finally agreed to use them as "gym shoes"….far cry from Hilary and I and our always matching outfits eh?

  11. Angie Muresan
    12 March 2010 / 10:20 pm

    Honestly, I feel more annoyed than flattered. It happened once with a certain friend. Everything I had she went out and bought. When I saw her flirting with my boyfriend at the time, I ended our friendship. She creeped me out.

  12. materfamilias
    13 March 2010 / 12:42 am

    L'AM: That's exactly the way Marion handled it — and when she asked me if I minded, I knew she was sincere, and that if it bothered me, she'd do without. And it hasn't been a problem.
    Kath: I wondered when that would happen — and it would be Grace!
    Angie: Yes, this is the kind of honesty I was looking for — I think there must be many cases when it's more irritant than flattery. This one sounds like a movie starring Bridget Fonda — creepy indeed!

  13. Duchesse
    13 March 2010 / 12:48 am

    I'm usually complimented, the o nly time I feel uneasy is if the item is all wrong for the other person.

    When in my 30s and 40s I had a dear GF whom I'd visit. As a sign of affection we would go out and buy the same item (one of many!) when we shopped on those visits.

  14. Anonymous
    27 March 2010 / 4:45 pm

    Wait–what bag was this? Yes, I must have!

  15. Anonymous
    28 March 2010 / 9:09 pm

    Pseu and I just bought the same Rachel Roy teal watercolor print jacket! I can't wait to see her in it. I love mine, it's polyester stretch which I normally would hate, but it's so comfortable and still classic in style that I can look past the fabric. I mean, if I wanted to swim in a blazer, I could do it. It's that kind of Poly-lycra blend. I have to find my camera so I can take photos!


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