Gifts of Spring — Scarf Prettiness

When I heard that I’d won the contest for a lovely vintage silk scarf over at Hostess of the Humble Bungalow, I settled in to practise patience waiting for it to arrive. I needn’t have — that hostess is organized and efficient!

And she packs a lovely parcel — how fun is snail mail! Lots, I say! Lots of fun!

Black tissue paper, a white ribbon, and even a little extra — a lovely black and white notebook (the pink trim makes it the perfect match for the outfit I wore the other day — I’ll have to carry with, next time!)

Inside the charmingly addressed envelope, a pretty card which I immediately guessed must be a William Morris pattern, knowing the Humble Bungalow’s Arts & Crafts provenance.

Sure enough, that’s what the back of the card says — a William Morris wallpaper design. More charm!

And finally, I opened the black tissue (which makes a gorgeous background for the scarf) to reveal . . . ta-da!

Isn’t it pretty! The silk is lustrous, not as stiff as Hermes (perhaps simply because it’s vintage and is more worn-in?), and the scarf is a wonderfully generous size.

Do the colours suit me? I think so! It’s perfect with this white shirt, à mon avis.

And because I know the Hostess has a pair of Gap wide-legged jeans, I pulled mine out, grabbed a wide belt (French Connection), pulled on my Converse (today was a walking day), and posed for you. Doesn’t the scarf add polish to jeans-and-Converse? Admittedly, many of you are not so fortunate in such a flexible dress code at work, but this does the trick for me.

The scarf also works well with navy — although I began with a light coat over this sweater today, I found I took it off and carried it. Imagine! Sweater only, in March! Sadly, the rain returns tomorrow and I’ll need that trenchcoat, but today the scarf at my neck was enough to keep any chill away.

So thank you again, Hostess of the Humble Bungalow. And know that your lovely scarf has found a good home here, not so very far away from you. Perhaps you’ll even come visit it some day!


  1. LPC
    25 March 2010 / 2:55 am

    You look so adorable. The scarf colors are lovely on you, and the Converse is so, so, witty!

  2. Susan B
    25 March 2010 / 3:15 am

    Such a lovely scarf and it really looks great on you. I love the navy ensemble. Those wide-legged jeans with the Converse are tres chic!

  3. Tiffany
    25 March 2010 / 3:27 am

    Lucky you! That looks great.

  4. hostess of the humble bungalow
    25 March 2010 / 3:29 am

    Oh I am so happy that you like the scarf…and you are so adorable…and your smile is like a breath of fresh air!
    I could not be happier at this moment…love your choice of shoes and wide leg trousers…I wonder if the scarf will invite comments on the ferry?
    It will go with pink…I think!

  5. Unknown
    25 March 2010 / 6:39 am

    Wow! That pretty scarf do fits you. You look so gorgeous on it.

    Travel and Living
    Job Hunter

  6. indigo16
    25 March 2010 / 11:30 am

    After all these years I finally wore a pair of converse style trainers with some wide legged trousers the other day, I looved it and wished I had embraced this look earlier. I can get away with the trainers at work by feigning a limp!
    I meant to say I loved the icy pink with black, it is a lovely combination.
    We too have warmish weather and I will be easing my mid term stuff back into my wadrobe before boxing up all but the lightest wool.

  7. Duchesse
    25 March 2010 / 12:53 pm

    You are the woman meant to wear it!

  8. Patricia
    25 March 2010 / 3:48 pm

    This is a great look – and yes, the scarf colours DO suit you, it looks lovely! Patricia

  9. jillian
    25 March 2010 / 4:57 pm

    It's very flattering on you! Funny, I'm wearing my chucks (black leather) with jeans and a semi-dressy top combo today. So similar! Very funny.

  10. materfamilias
    25 March 2010 / 5:09 pm

    LPC: Thanks! What more could I ask than to be adorable and witty!
    Pseu: I'm surprised how much I enjoyed that combo
    Tiffany/Patricia/Duchesse: Thanks!
    HHB:It will be great with pink, yes! And it's soooo silky!
    Indie: Suspect your students are impressed by the trainers — your height makes you a better candidate than I am for the wide-legs, but I like them anyway.

  11. La Belette Rouge
    25 March 2010 / 10:34 pm

    That is a gorgeous scarf and I love the outfit! You really know how to rock a jaunty outfit.

  12. materfamilias
    27 March 2010 / 12:40 am

    Jillian: We're almost twins! (well, twins, several decades apart!)
    Belette: Thanks!

  13. Mardel
    3 April 2010 / 11:46 am

    That scarf looks fabulous on you, and the entire outfit in fact. Perfect juxtaposition of the scarf with the wide-leg jeans and the converse.


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