Menswear for Me . . .

Stepping out in my new two-tone brogues, I soften the menswear a bit with my handknit silk scarf, my leopard-print leather gloves, the tortoise-shell buckle on my hat. And in its cashmere rendition (a great post-Christmas sale at Banana Republic — their Heritage line — several years ago) my tailored coat is already pretty soft on its own.

And if the menswear greys and browns and blacks are too sombre, well I just punch them up a bit with my faithful red bag.

Not too many more days suiting up for winter weather, though. We’ve been suffering grey skies and drizzle, but the temperatures are quite moderate already, and the leaves are starting to appear on some of the shrubs, flowers on others. West Coast spring is on its way, with a whole new wave of wardrobe inspiration, I’m sure. . . Meanwhile, I’m going to make the most out of enjoying winter’s rich, if sombre, palette. What about you?


  1. LPC
    9 February 2010 / 8:18 pm

    So Bloomsbury. Wonderful.

  2. Susan B
    9 February 2010 / 9:20 pm

    I'm really loving the ensembles you've been putting together with those great shoes and bag. I like the mostly neutral palette you've chosen with that pop of red.


  3. Lesley
    9 February 2010 / 9:41 pm

    I'm a big fan of the menswear look and I LOVE that coat.

  4. Patricia
    9 February 2010 / 9:47 pm

    Soft … but so sharp too! I do like the hat with the tortoise-shell buckle. You are lucky – you can wear hats. Unfortunately, I just don't have the face for that.

    Right now we are still suffering from the long winter – definitely the hardest winter* since we've been here, and probably the snowiest they've had here for many years. I am still swathed in puffer coats and woolly scarves. Patricia
    * It's still nothing like an Ottawa winter though!

  5. Mardel
    9 February 2010 / 11:15 pm

    Love the menswear inspirations that have been rolling in with your new shoes.

    Ahh, glimmers of spring. I think we are months away yet, with snow promised for tomorrow.

  6. Angie Muresan
    10 February 2010 / 6:03 am

    I am swooning! Although I love the heat and sometimes wish I lived somewhere warm, I am a cold weather girl. I love coats and layers, hats and gloves, scarves and boots. Absolutely!

  7. materfamilias
    10 February 2010 / 3:25 pm

    LPC: Bloomsbury– high praise indeed! Thank you!
    Pseu: Thanks — I'm still surprised at how very versatile this red bag is — almost as versatile as any neutral, but it makes my other neutrals pop!
    Thanks, Lesley.
    Patricia: I didn't used to think I could wear hats, but the last few years I've been "owning" them, and I get the occasional compliment so I'm assuming they work on me.
    Sorry about your winter, but then Ottawa made you hardy enough to take what most winters can throw at you and just laugh. . .
    Mardel: And your winter just sounds horrid — the photo ops in the snow just aren't worth it!!
    Angie: Yes, I'm happy being not too far above the 49th, on the coast so the weather's always temperate — that way I get enough cold to provide some variety, not enough for serious discomfort.

  8. indigo16
    11 February 2010 / 9:23 am

    Emin has on his computer 3 sets of temperatures, one for home, one for Berlin and one for Cyprus.
    Since before Christmas Berlin has been stuck at -4 we have barely scraped over 0 but the paper is FULL of how spring has arrived with your olympics! Apparently your bulbs are out and people have even been spotted playing tennis!
    I have noticed snowdrops and the parrots are back out, but it is still so cold here.
    I do love that look, very Margaret Howell. I too am still wrapped in a duck duvet puffa coat, thank God for the hood.

  9. Duchesse
    12 February 2010 / 12:21 am

    What a marvelous assortment of textures. Looks like a 1930's noir movie heroine!

  10. materfamilias
    12 February 2010 / 1:12 am

    Alison: Yes, we have fairly warm temperatures, but I'm afraid tomorrow there's a good chance we'll show the world just how grey it can be in Vancouver — those crocuses and winter-flowering plums will be the only spots of colour in a drizzly world.
    Duchesse: Aw, shucks! thank you.

  11. Glennis
    12 February 2010 / 3:25 am

    Oh, my those shoes!! And then I clicked on your "shoes" category! And read and read and read…..

    Hello! I came here from Pseu's place, and now I've bookmarked your blog.

  12. materfamilias
    12 February 2010 / 4:42 am

    Hello, and welcome G! So nice of you to leave a comment. Isn't Pseu's a great blog?! I admit to loving the shoes and not for one minute regretting breaking my January shopping embargo for them.


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