More Fall Colour

I can see how blogs begin to fade away — busy day after busy day, I go longer and longer between posts and the posts themselves are a bit dull, I’m sorry to admit. But at least I can give you colour — I had some fun out in the garden with my Nikon this past weekend. Above is a purple oxalis spotlighted in the crisp sunshine.

And there’s more purple — the callicarpa, perhaps better known as beautyberry, a fitting name indeed. Although it looks striking enough on its own,

I love it next to its flaming companion, Aronia melanocarpa.

Doesn’t that purple just gleam against that fiery background?

We should all take a hint from Mother Nature. I’m looking for ways to bring some purples and rusts/oranges together in my wardrobe — I’ve already got that happening in my decor.

I got some very good news at work today, but it’s not official yet, so I’ll wait a bit before spilling the beans. But that, combined with the short work week post-Thanksgiving, has me in a great mood. I’ve just got the fire going and I have a pot of turkey soup on top of the stove and a casserole of baked beans (using up a leftover pork roast) in the oven. Meals for the next week, to sustain me through those days when the good mood and energy have disappeared. Good fall food to match the rich colours outside and the crackling fire inside.


  1. LPC
    15 October 2009 / 3:05 am

    I'm going to be a beauty berry in my next life…

  2. Tiffany
    15 October 2009 / 4:04 am

    Yum to the colours and to the food! Looking forward to hearing your good news when it's official …

  3. Patricia
    15 October 2009 / 7:41 am

    The colours in your photos are stunning and the food sounds scrumptious. Last week we were sweltering in the heat but the last few days have been cold and rainy here – with a teeny bit of snow yesterday! The soup and beans would hit the spot! Congratulations on your good news, can't wait to hear all about it. Patricia

  4. indigo16
    15 October 2009 / 9:54 am

    My oven broke yesterday, so I am having to plan some one pot cooking, so I amraiding my cookery books for some inspiration.
    The colours of autumn are so rich which is why they photograph so well. I would not worry at all about lack of posts, it should be a pleasure and we all need to take time off to 'do' rather than just write.

  5. materfamilias
    15 October 2009 / 2:44 pm

    I know, LPC, isn't it just the best name?! Except that there's also kolwitzia, commonly known as the beauty bush! (that's not what you want to come back as, right?)
    Tiffany: I suppose it will seem anticlimactic by then, but it makes me very happy.
    Patricia: From sweltering to snow? That's a tough adjustment. I'm feeling sorry for my sister in Winnipeg, where they had a 12 cm snowfall last week!
    Alison: Too bad about your oven — but one-pot is perfect for this time of year.

  6. Mardel
    15 October 2009 / 2:49 pm

    OH glorious colors! We are expecting snow tonight; only a little but it is too soon.

  7. Duchesse
    16 October 2009 / 4:24 pm

    What what what what what? I'm berry curious!

  8. materfamilias
    16 October 2009 / 4:54 pm

    Mardel: I would find the early snowfall dispiriting, I think, knowing there could be snow for six months. But we'll have frost one of these nights, very soon, and then, of course, snow is a possibility, altho' it rarely happens here even in November.
    Duchesse: I think I can tell in another day or so . . . (good pun!Miss C-worthy)


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