Weekend Sunshine!

We’re driving down to Victoria today where my husband has a meeting tomorrow for work. Much as we like to stay on our little island on summer weekends with beautiful weather, we’re turning this into an opportunity to see our son and his GF and to check out their new condo. It’s supposed to hit the high 20’s today (so getting into the 80s for you Americans) and our car is not air-conditioned, but the drive on the Malahat highway, with its stunning views of mountain and sea, will be worth it.

Meanwhile, here on the island, our Little Diggers will be meeting down at the Community Gardens. A few weeks ago, one of my neighbours, Flute Jenni as we sometimes call her (she’s a professional flutist) made this video and posted it on YouTube. I hope she won’t mind me posting it here rather than making you click there and back. Should you want to head over there and perhaps leave a comment for Jenni, click away. Jenni’s done a lovely job of marrying music to image, and seriously, if you can watch this video without smiling, you need to take up poker, quickly. Hope the smiles continue through your weekend.

NOTE: Some of our neighbours reasonably raised some concerns about having a video with their children on it so widely distributed, so Jenni’s taken the video down from YouTube. Following suit, I’m going to remove this as well. Thanks for understanding.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.