Not a Shy Orange At All!

So Girlcook was sure she knew what orange surprise I had for today’s post (see yesterday’s post comments) but she was wrong . . . the orange-ness that girl’s thinking of is for a future post, as is my new orange wardrobe acquisition.

Instead, for your orange viewing pleasure today, I present . . .

La Belette Rouge’s comments yesterday suggest that she might be well on her way to becoming La Belette Orange, which has rather a nice ring to it, although in English I think Red Weasel sounds somewhat better than Orange Weasel. But maybe that’s just me . . .

Check out her list: 1) I wear my Jo Malone orange blossom cream and perfume daily. I can’t stop sniffing myself.2)I am trying other orange based fragrances to see if there is another scent I could love as much or more than3) I am shopping for an orange handbag.4) I considered getting orange nail polish last night.5) We bought a Parisian cake to take to a dinner party. Because it was Parisian? No. I picked it because there was grand marnier in it, and chocolate.

Rouge or Orange, I think our Weasel might use this lily as a guide to colour pairings for her prospective new handbag — easy to see here how well an orange bag could work with a rich burgundy or chocolate brown.

Anyhoodle, as one of my favourite knitbloggers occasionally says, today’s orange surprise comes to you from the garden, as did yesterday’s. Also like yesterday’s, this orange beauty is a survivor, having been planted decades ago by the previous owners, and withstanding such indignities as major home renovation and landscaping upheavals. With no encouragement from me other than my admiration of its July/August blooms, this lily toughs out a rocky soil, salt air, and raucous fall and winter winds to produce this stunning orange, flaunting its come-hither stamens like the flashiest decolletage.

The lily’s leaf pattern also fascinates, with green swords spiraling up the stem — and I love the way the blooms open day by day, rather like a summertime Advent calendar.

Below, you can see that lavender and orange work well together also, and of course blue and orange . . .

If you’d care to mention your own forays into the world of orange, I’d love to add them to mine and Belette’s. Comments welcome, as always . . .


  1. La Belette Rouge
    23 July 2009 / 5:03 pm

    (((((Mater)))))!!! I love this post.:-) Hee-hee!! Yes, I am expanding my colour story. Not just a Belette Rouge any more. So sweet of you to give me this gorgeous Lily. You know how I LOVE Lilies!!! Those little chocolate brown freckles on the orange are lovely.

  2. girlcook
    23 July 2009 / 6:03 pm

    you tease!

  3. Patricia
    23 July 2009 / 9:02 pm

    Hi again, just back from our trip to France and Italy. In Venice in a shop window I saw the most beautiful leather bag – orange with brown trim, really chic. I have an orange story. We once bought a sofa set from Ikea; we saw the fabric in the store and ordered, and 6 weeks later the set was delivered to our new house in Wainwright, Alberta. One of the delivery guys said, 'It's ORANGE' -as in 'Are you sure you ordered this???' I must admit to being put off at that moment, but once the wrappings came off, I loved it as much as when we ordered it. The fabric is a kind of shaded orange background with a light scattering of flowers which look like they've been painted on. I really like something orange in a room – makes it seem so cosy. Unfortunately, that was 10 years ago and it's getting rather worn, so my husband wants to leave it here when we return. I've enjoyed catching up with your posts – love the lighter hair!! Patricia

  4. materfamilias
    24 July 2009 / 1:41 am

    Girlcook: Why yes I am! btw, you could volunteer your fabulous FCUK orange maxi-dress — that's doing orange in a really committeed way!
    LBR: I can't believe I never realized how much this post was really an LBR post, all the way — Lily, of course!!!
    Patricia: Welcome back! I've missed your lively comments and this one is a great example of why. Your sofa sounds wonderful and it will be difficult to replace its spirit — your story reminded me that the first home we bought had just been carpeted with orange broadloom — and, oddly enough, it worked (at least, we thought so in our late 20's wisdom!)

  5. Miss Ripley
    24 July 2009 / 4:59 am

    Ah, orange. I'm drawn to orange like a magnet to steel. All of my purses are either green or orange. I have tow pieces of art in my living room that are orange, along with numerous orange accessories of the wearable and home variety both. It's so pleasing to me. Also, I love these photos, as i do have a tiger lily tattoo as well!

  6. materfamilias
    24 July 2009 / 3:19 pm

    Miss R: Green and orange are great colours for purses! I, too, live with much orange in the home altho' I can't wear it very well.

  7. Duchesse
    27 July 2009 / 2:49 pm

    MMMMM. Though I do not have them in the grden I buy them with delight, and they last and last. Your photos are thrilling.

  8. materfamilias
    27 July 2009 / 5:08 pm

    Duchesse: I'd love to have enough of them for cutting and bringing inside, and I'm hoping that some day this lily will become a happy parent . . . Thanks for the compliment!


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