Master-ful Ageing, Canadian Style!

I borrowed this photo from a CBC news report about this local example of vibrant ageing — Noel Morrow, 90 years old, with Olympics and Empire Games and a few gold medals in her past, took up swimming again at 85 and is currently preparing to compete at the World Masters Games in Sydney, Australia in October.

Obviously, genetics makes a contribution here, but if vigorous daily exercise can also shape our senior years, I think I’ll leave the keyboard now and head off for a run! I wanted to show you the video of Morrow as she dives powerfully into the pool and begins her laps, but sadly, despite too much time devoted to the search, I can’t locate it again. Take my word for it, if I had that strength now, never mind in 25 years, I’d be happy!

I think Morrow also represents Canada very well, so I’ll use her photo to segue into shouting out a great big Happy Canada Day! Pater’s flying straight across the country today, all the way to PEI, so I’ll hang out on my own, watching folks flock down to the beach at English Bay dressed in red and white and decorated with maple leaves. Maybe I’ll even hum an anthem at some point, as I work my way through David Copperfield — that Dickens might not have been Canadian, but oh, what a storyteller!


  1. indigo16
    1 July 2009 / 10:41 pm

    I LOVE Dickens with a passion. My Mutual Friend and Great Expectations are my favourites. I really enjoy the gentle pace and the characterisation I could go on and on..
    I envy your sister in a way, I begged my Dr for a Hysterectomy. I would love to get it all over and done with, sadly I am stuck with rude health and a looong menopause!
    A very Happy Canada Day

  2. La Belette Rouge
    2 July 2009 / 12:25 am

    Happy Canada Day to you and your family! Right now He-weasel's family is up with their Canadian family celebrating Canada day. How many times can I say Canada in this comment? It seems that the answer is four.;-)

    Morrow is amazing. I love her smart little hairdo. She is an inspiration.

  3. Anonymous
    2 July 2009 / 5:04 am

    I love hearing about people like Morrow. Hope I'm still swimming at 90!
    I spent the afternoon on a lawn chair in the backyard celebrating Canada Day with "Lauchlin of the Bad Heart"
    Canadian Author D.R. MacDonald (very good and very Canadian!)
    Happy Canada Day

  4. materfamilias
    2 July 2009 / 6:52 am

    Alison: I started reading Dickens again a few summers ago after not much at all for decades — and I love his writing! I read Great Expectations Summer 2007, last summer was Bleak House, and now David Copperfield — perhaps I should put Our Mutual Friend top of the list for next year!
    LBR: I know! Isn't that hairdo great? (I swear, if I thought mine would go that gorgeous shade of white, I might even stop colouring)
    Hil: I suspect you'll be running at 90! I'll have to check out that book — perfect way to spend the afternoon, eh? (That last was to show how Canuck I am! eh?)

  5. Duchesse
    2 July 2009 / 3:53 pm

    I love swimming because it's a sport or activity that can often be kept up for life. She looks so vital!

    We have a city worker's strike here, which caused the cancellation of many celebrations, but the evening was still full of fireworks set off in yards.

  6. Anonymous
    2 July 2009 / 6:22 pm

    hey there, Frances: looks like you're having lots of fun from your recent posts–nice to see! We made it to China Beach for a nice Canada Day time; everyone was happy and friendly–sweet!

  7. materfamilias
    3 July 2009 / 1:46 am

    Duchesse: Agree about the swimming — in fact my sister, despairing of her marathon training being upset by the hysterectomy, has just realized that the pool near her new house is the perfect answer — we're reminding her that she's supposed to be on bedrest for another week (and the stitches have to heal!)
    I missed the fireworks here last night but had a lovely Canada Day barbeque at one of my daughters.
    Lisa: It's been so busy! Glad you had a good time on Canada Day — really seems to be taking hold on this Coast much more than I remember from a decade or so ago.


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