a paris buzz

I came across this lovely graffiti in the Butte aux Cailles today and then the one below was just around the corner from us at Gobelins — somewhere in my photo files I have a 3rd I’ll have to track down, a series of photographers, flâneurs comme moi, I like to think. . .

I’m so happy with what my camera and I found today, in the Jardins Luxembourg — I’d read about Paris’ beehives before but I’ve been met with skepticism when I try to convince others. Now I’ve got proof!

On the grass right near the hives is a warning — if you’re not afraid of being gently chided (as I was yesterday in Jardin des Plantes) or scolded and chased off (as we saw happen to several groups in a square over on L’Ile de la Cité yesterday), perhaps danger of Bees will keep you off the grass! (Personally, I have respect for, but not much fear of, honeybees — although I keep my distance from wasps!)

I’ve always been delighted, as has Pater, with the Lux. Jardins, and if anything could have further charmed me, hives fit the bill — in truth, it’s long been a secret wish of mine to keep bees and once Pater’s retired, who knows . . .

We had a lovely last day in Paris and made a happy discovery, besides the beehives, which I’ll tell you about later. I’m afraid that there will be several more holiday posts as I organize my photos back home. Right now, we’re trying to cram everything back into our suitcases, and then we’ll head across the street for one last tagine. After years of taking a very early morning RER to the airport, we’re going to try a cab tomorrow, and it’s been ordered already. I’m always fretful, no matter how well I try to disguise it, the night before a flight, but soon we’ll be back home relaxing by the water. It’s been another wonderful holiday, but I’m just about ready to click my red heels together. Talk to you soon from my island.


  1. Susan B
    16 June 2009 / 6:30 pm

    Great shots! I'm looking forward to more.

    Safe travels and we'll see you in about 10 days!!

  2. Jules
    17 June 2009 / 2:59 am

    Wonderful photos. Love those paintings on the street walls i guess?! =D They are so lovely. Hope to see more from you.=D

    A Writers Den
    The Brown Mestizo

  3. Tiffany
    17 June 2009 / 11:45 pm

    I wish there were more grafitti like that and less of the ugly tagging variety! I've really enjoyed your photos and descriptions – time to start planning the long-promised family trip to Europe, methinks.

  4. Duchesse
    17 June 2009 / 11:51 pm

    Leaving is always a wrench, isn't it? And I get travel-cranky too, for me it is like a hangover after pushing too hard, knowing time in a favourite place is limited. I look forward to your stories and photos, safe trip!

  5. TheSundayBest
    19 June 2009 / 12:02 am

    David Sedaris told us we must watch a puppet show in the Jardins Luxembourg…Less than a month now!

  6. materfamilias
    20 June 2009 / 8:08 pm

    Tiffany: I've noticed spots where the City of Vancouver seems to have invited graffiti artists to create larger-scaled works. These have then prevented any further tagging because of the respect they apparently engender among their peers — smart approach!
    Duchesse: We were away a bit too long this trip, so were both ready to leave, but it's still hard knowing that I'm savouring my last macaron for a year!
    Thom: We've often passed by the Marionette theatre but haven't yet taken in a show — I'm sure you'll post about it if/when you go and I look forward to that. I love the Lux. above all for the people-watching and for how many activities it contains right in the heart of the city. And I love the Fontaine des Medicis and several of the sculptures — you'll see!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.