Here she is, scarf and all!

Yes, you guessed correctly! The visiting blogger I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon with on Saturday was Deja Pseu of Une Femme d’un Certain Age, widely known and loved for her posts on living stylishly and deliciously after 50. Pseu’s the fourth blogger I’ve been lucky enough to meet in person, having been preceded byDuchesse (in Toronto), Aimee (in Paris),and IndigoAlison(London),and as with those other meetings, it took us no time at all to feel comfortable with each other — a first meeting that had the flavour of chatting with an old friend but with the delights of meeting a new one!

I worried a bit about wearing out Pseu and her charming MIL with the walking I had in mind, but I needn’t have — both could keep up a good pace and seemed indefatigable. Reassured, we trekked down to Gastown, through the Jazz Festival crowds enjoying the sunshine and the live music, to check on the fabulous new (well, it’s been open a year or so, but I hadn’t made it there yet)Fluevog store. And I can happily report that Pseu and I are now shoe twins — well, boot twins more properly, Pseu having brought home a pair of the black patent Operetta Gulias (as well as re-igniting my lust for the Malibrans, which she’s trying on above).

She also checked out the knot bags and tried on a jacket or two over at M0851where the helpful, friendly, fun sales assistants seemed impressed that we were longtime blog friends, newly met in the material world. I see one of these bags in Pseu’s future, but as far as I know, she resisted temptation on Saturday (she did enquire about Sunday opening, and her flight didn’t leave ’til mid-afternoon, so . . . ).

Later that evening, Pater and I met Pseu’s family and enjoyed a rather retro meal at a real Vancouver family place, The White Spot — not gourmet but oh those burgers are good with their Triple O sauce (Pater and I each ordered a side of dills — best pickles ever!

Pseu’s back home now in California and I’m walking in Vancouver sunshine thinking of the visit — lovely to meet you, Pseu, and I look forward to more visiting in the future. Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy blogging alongside you, reading each other’s posts and commenting . . . all the best!


  1. Susan B
    29 June 2009 / 8:45 pm

    I had such a blast, thanks again!

    I never did make it back to m0851, as we decided Sunday morning to hop over to Granville Island (mon mari was still trying to get himself a Dungeness crab cocktail), and then had to dash off to the airport. I did buy a beautiful hand woven silk scarf over there, which I'll post pics of later this week, and MIL found a great handmade leather cross-body bag which she'll use for traveling. But I'm still thinking about that bag…may have to wait until the credit card bill comes in to see if I can manage another big purchase before August.

  2. Mardel
    29 June 2009 / 8:54 pm

    It seems like you had such a lovely visit. It strikes me that Fluevogs always look better on a foot than they do on the shelf, (unlike far too many shoes which look beautiful in and of themselves and are horrible as well as painful on the foot).

  3. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    29 June 2009 / 11:43 pm

    I'm sure you would have had a blast – Pseu is gorgeous – as is her MIL who I also met in LA when I was there.

  4. Tiffany
    30 June 2009 / 12:06 am

    I want to come shopping too!!! I looked at the M0851 website and drooled. Most unbecoming. Plus I have now spied some Fluevogs that I must must must have. Best I do some work to save some pennies … It's so much fun reading about people catching up as a result of blogging. Thanks!

  5. materfamilias
    30 June 2009 / 12:15 am

    Pseu: So glad you got to Granville Island — it would have been quite lively in that sunshine yesterday!
    Mardel: Interesting comment about the Fluevogs — personally, I'm always quite happy to see them on my foot rather than on a shelf or website 😉
    Imogen: Pseu and her MIL were equally complimentary about you, and I couldn't help envying that workshop time you'd all spent together.
    Tiffany: Well, drooling over great bags and fab shoes might not be terribly attractive but it's something we can all understand. Glad you had fun reading about our blogger meet-up — I hope someday you'll write your own blogger meet-up post!

  6. NancyDaQ
    30 June 2009 / 12:42 am

    It sounds like you two had a great time. I hope we'll be able to do a meet up sometime!

  7. Duchesse
    30 June 2009 / 2:59 pm

    I love that shot of Pseu trying on shoes, her glee is like a kid's! M0851 will ship!

  8. Susan B
    30 June 2009 / 3:04 pm

    Duchesse – I LOVED those green shoes, but they didn't have my size. It's probably a good thing as my resistance went out the window as soon as I walked into that Fluevog store!

  9. La Belette Rouge
    30 June 2009 / 4:26 pm

    Deja looks great in Vancouver. I am delighted you two got to meet. Sounds like a wonderful day!

  10. materfamilias
    1 July 2009 / 2:02 am

    Pseu: As Duchesse points out, your resistance will continue to be tested, what with the mail order possibilities . . . and I can always pick stuff up for you and mail it.
    LBR: It was fun — when do you arrive? 😉

  11. dana
    1 July 2009 / 3:13 pm

    Pseu has a delightful shopping face, doesn't she? Oh, it's all around delightful. Sounds lovely. Good for you both!

  12. Anonymous
    2 July 2009 / 4:10 pm

    Mater: I'll be in Vancouver next May–Can I come over and play with Nola????


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