Grande Old Dame of Paris

While we haven’t gone inside Notre Dame this visit, or even too close, quite frankly, not ready to tangle with the hordes of tourists nearby, we enjoy seeing the cathedral’s magnificent profile almost daily. Perhaps not as dramatic as the illuminated nighttime view we saw the other night, the daytime view is nonetheless spectacular. And if you get tired of it on its own, you only have to wait and some additional interest will appear.

The other day, for example, we took a detour after seeing this row of pêcheurs from the bridge and went down to the bank to investigate. Apparently an organization of Handi-pêcheurs (disabled recreational fishers) were demonstrating their techniques, their patience, and their intolerance of anyone making noises that might frighten away the fish. Before we saw the signs explaining what was going on, we got shushed and moved to a more appropriate spot.

This old fellow had been particularly incensed by a young child running, jumping, and making fish-scarifying noises.

And, of course, if you’re talented, you could always take home your own painting of Notre Dame as a souvenir. I’ll have to content myself with peering over this painter’s shoulder.

Yesterday was hot and sunny here — enough that I have just a bit of sunburn on my arms, shoulders and neck. Today, sadly, I need fear no more burning — outside of our room right now Il pleut comme vache qui pisse (thanks Tiffany!), and we’re hunkered down, debating which is the driest possible undertaking for the day (I’m holding out for a trip to Boulevard Haussmann and then a stop at Ladurée for macarons). Today is our penultimate day here and I’d like to cram in hundreds of activities but really don’t want to get soaked.


  1. Patricia
    15 June 2009 / 7:46 pm

    I can't believe your Paris trip is almost over! I hope you manage to squeeze in lots more before you have to leave. Patricia

  2. materfamilias
    15 June 2009 / 8:17 pm

    Patricia: Yes, we've actually been away from home almost a month — we've had a great time, but I admit we're really looking forward to seeing our little girl again.

  3. girlcook
    15 June 2009 / 10:21 pm

    well, I will have to assume omethat you are not talking about me. I am glad to have you two arriving home soon. i kind of missed you;). Your boots are very cute and you look very very good in the pic in the last post.
    Get a good soaking up of Paris . Get it… cause it's raining?!
    And have a safe and pleasant trip home

  4. Anonymous
    16 June 2009 / 4:03 am

    You certainly packed a lot into this trip – coming home from France with sunburn, that should be a first shouldn't it?

  5. materfamilias
    16 June 2009 / 7:22 am

    Missed you too, GC, and hope to see you soon. Thursday p.m. we'll be over visiting Nola 'til her bedtime and then we'll be back at the apt. for an early bedtime — heading back to P.I. on an early ferry Friday a.m.
    Cybill: I think the burn got washed away yesterday!

  6. Anonymous
    27 June 2009 / 5:27 pm

    The best thing I did last September in Paris was go UNDER Notre Dame. It's amazing the layers of history under that spot. Gave me goosebumples.


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