weekend fun ahead

Hope you don’t mind more garden photos, but I like to share the spring bounty. These are all shots of a favourite Japanese maple, so fresh and delicate and precise as it opens out leaves and flowers.

For all my whining and procrastinating (and perendinating — thanks Puttermeister), I’ve got over half my first draft of one paper done, and I know the second one will be easier, so I’m going to kick back a bit over the weekend (altho’ I’ve packed my files and will probably do a bit of writing).

So what form will kicking back take? Well, we have opera tickets for Saturday night — Salome, a pretty dramatic way to close the season, and we’re bringing my mom. She was so excited when I mentioned the possibility on Monday that I went ahead and bought the extra ticket; Tuesday she was ill but determined to be better by Saturday — I’ve got my fingers crossed. She’s had a tough time with chemo, and the hair loss has really bothered her; a night at the opera would be a well-deserved treat.

I’m also really looking forward to a shopping-and-lunch date with my 17-year old niece. We did this last September and it was such fun! Don’t tell my daughters, but they’re not getting any younger, moving into their late 20’s and early 30’s, and someone’s got to keep me in touch with what the young folks are wearing 😉

And with any luck, I’ll visit the little girl who’ll keep me informed about youthful fashion after my niece is too old — yes, Nola should be back from her first beach vacation and I should get some cuddle time in. I hope you have some pleasant and relaxing weekend plans as well.


  1. Lesley
    1 May 2009 / 5:14 pm

    I’m up to my eyes in the middle of a first draft too and “perendinating” is exactly the word I was looking for! Have a great weekend.

  2. girlcook
    1 May 2009 / 5:41 pm

    … I heard that!
    crepes on Sunday? it’s roberts birthday on monday

  3. Duchesse
    1 May 2009 / 9:02 pm

    Japanese maple is a favourite and the unfurling is magical. I so hope your mother is up to the opera. Looks like M. has proposed a delicious close to the weekend.

  4. La Belette Rouge
    1 May 2009 / 10:15 pm

    I went somewhere yesterday and there was an amazing garden and I thought of you and took pictures and will be posting them. I was even into He-weasel’s gardening ideas as I now am getting into the idea of gardening. You have inspired me.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Mardel
    2 May 2009 / 2:38 pm

    Wonderful photos of the unfurling of the Japanese maple. Have a lovely weekend. Odd I was just thinking about Salome a day or two ago. Enjoy!

  6. materfamilias
    2 May 2009 / 7:15 pm

    Lesley: Isn’t it a great word! Hope you balance writing and relaxation to have a good weekend.
    girlcook: just checking! good to know you listen in once in a while. last night was fun — looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow a.m.
    duchesse: according to my li’l sis, mom should be up to the evening altho’ I’ll keep my fingers crossed a bit longer.
    lbr: did you go to the getty gardens? (I saw what you wrote over at Mardel’s) I was there almost 10 years ago — pretty impressive alright!
    Mardel: Yes, I’m curious about the special effects having recently seen a student production of Macbeth with a very convincing severed head — have to see how the VOA does John the Baptist on a plate!


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