weekend plans and new scarf

It’s rainy and windy right now, with a possibility of flurries, but all that weather is supposed to be ushering in more sunshine — like last weekend’s, which I used to photograph this scarf (the same one I showed you in progress back here . You knitters will probably have seen a few of these — knit in Noro’s Silk Garden, two different colour stories mixing it up together in a 1×1 rib. I’m not sure who will end up wearing it. For now, it will get packed away, ready for gifting next Christmas. I have 4 more skeins of Silk Garden ready to start the next one — such fun to watch the colours change, although it does get a bit tiresome by the last, oh, say, foot or two.

The colours really show up in the sunshine — worn, they won’t be as flashy — here’s an example of how a similar (although admittedly more subdued colourways) scarf I made earlier looks worn, in winter light (and modeled by my good-looking son!).
I’m off to Vanc’r today after I get my hair cut and coloured. Baby Nola is traveling with her entourage in the opposite direction to spend some time with her other grandma, who doesn’t get to see her as much. So Pater and I will console each other for the temporary lack of granddaughter by seeing a movie or two, going for walks in the sunshine, eating in a favourite restaurant or discovering a new one, reading the Saturday papers, and possibly popping into a shop or two. While I’m there, I’ll try to find time to answer a bunch of questions for Mardelwho has passed a fun meme along to me. Meanwhile, what’s the weekend have in store for you?


  1. Susan B
    3 April 2009 / 4:52 pm

    Ooh, I love how the colors change. Fabulous scarf!!

    Have a great weekend, and hope you don’t miss Nola too much.

  2. Patricia
    3 April 2009 / 9:18 pm

    Our weekend got off to a great start with both boys away on school trips. We met at lunchtime in the city and went for a Japanese meal, then went to the National Museum to see a photography exhibit about when Hungary opened its borders in
    1989, precipitating the fall of the Berlin Wall. After that we were going to look at the shops then come home, but we came across a cute art cinema where we watched Mike Leigh’s Happy-Go-Lucky. Tomorrow we’ll do a bit of weeding, my husband has Scouts, then we pick up Number One Son in the evening. Number Two Son comes home on Sunday evening (he’s in Warsaw!). Hope your weekend is lots of fun too! Patricia

  3. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    4 April 2009 / 8:05 am

    Just been to the Beauty Expo and learned some new makeup tricks from Australia’s leading makeup artist. I will share some soon!

    Have a fun weekend!

  4. Anonymous
    5 April 2009 / 7:04 am

    Love the scarf!
    I have a restaurant suggestion for you in Vancouver. I just discovered Cafe Carthage on Commercial Drive. It’s French-Tunisian food. You and P would like it, I think.


  5. materfamilias
    5 April 2009 / 3:15 pm

    Pseu: Thanks, Pseu — hope your weekend is good as well.
    Patricia: That sounds like a lovely weekend! Was Happy-Go-Lucky good?
    Imogen: I’ll look for that — you enjoy your weekend as well (I s’pose, given the time difference, that you already have!)
    K: Thanks — and that restaurant sounds like something we would like. Haven’t had success trying to find Moroccan in Vanc’r, but we’d happily try Fr.-Tunisian.

  6. Jules
    6 April 2009 / 3:14 am

    Love that scarf..;D
    The color looks good.Hope you did to have a great weekend.;D

  7. Duchesse
    6 April 2009 / 3:52 pm

    Those colours just seem to breathe, fantastic! My weekend was very quiet, b/c when the Leafs play the Habs, the 3 males in the household are so focused on that, nothing else happens.

  8. materfamilias
    6 April 2009 / 4:32 pm

    Thanks, Summer — weekends are such a relief, no?
    Duchesse: yes, your household must be so different than mine was — we were 4 women and 2 men, as opposed to your 1 to 3 ratio. Sound levels, energy levels, kinds of squabbles, it must all be so different.

  9. Anonymous
    8 April 2009 / 3:14 pm

    Great scarf, love the muted colors…Okay, how cute is your son? How old’s this guy? Your kids are all so beautiful.

  10. materfamilias
    9 April 2009 / 1:31 am

    Karen: I know, isn’t he cute! (I’m just a wee bit biased) He was 22 when this photo was taken, almost 24 now.


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