Shopping with Nola

I warned you, didn’t I, that I’d come back from Vancouver with all kinds of Nola pictures. Well, I’m still over here, and I’m already foisting them on you. But I managed to sneak a bit of Paris in as well, and there will be shopping, so perhaps you’ll bear with me?

So Grandad managed to get Nola into the carrier, and she commenced staring at him with wonder.
And the awe and amazement continued.

Eventually though (and perhaps it was the switch to the Baby Bjorn that did it or perhaps the sunglasses), she becomes a bit more blaséWe’re standing in front of some wonderful windows on Main Street. I wish I remembered the name of the shop (**Thomas helped me out here; these windows are at Front & Company — I’ve never managed to make it inside, but I’m going to check out their great consignment stock next visit; they get rave reviews) because their windows are always magical, Paris-worthy, in fact! Below, the same window with all our little family reflected in it.And here’s the wonderfully fantastic adjoining window.

Here’s another story-tale window — I love the contrast with the very everyday streetscape reflected here — she’s definitely out of this world.
And I told you there was shopping. Look how cute! And we found all these goodies at a nearby consignment shop where the prices were between $5.50 and $14.00 for each item — I could shop like a millionaire, money no object!
Oh, you thought I meant shopping for me? But isn’t this more fun? I didn’t have to worry about proportion or shape, and I think this is all quite age-appropriate dressing, don’t you?
I’m sure Karen is noting the pattern-mixing potential — I know I did! And I don’t need to worry about this look being too jeune fille on Nola, do I?!And after a shopping session, there should be some modelling — here’s Nola in her new sunhat. We know I’m a very biased Nana, but cute, non?


  1. Susan B
    20 April 2009 / 4:59 pm

    Fabulous windows, and great capsule wardrobe for Nola! She is amazingly cute. The pics of her and Pater are adorable!

  2. Anonymous
    20 April 2009 / 5:39 pm

    Grandma, don’t you know by putting Nola in a printed bottom her hips will look wide! And those horizontal stripes on the cardi will do NOTHING for her waistline! HA!

    I always loved that “Garanimals” mix and match concept that JC Penney had for children’s clothes. I think that’s when I started to understand the potential of the capsule wardrobe. Bear tops go with bear bottoms. Giraffe shorts go with giraffe plaid shirt.

    I think I’m too Nola crazy. I started having dreams at night about infants. I sometimes wish I could have had ONE more baby, but then I would be really saddled still at 45. I just can’t wait to be a grandma though…

  3. La Belette Rouge
    20 April 2009 / 6:43 pm

    My FAVORITE part of this post is how Nola looks at Pater. Sweetest thing ever.

  4. Anonymous
    20 April 2009 / 7:31 pm

    Nola est mignonne Mater!


  5. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    20 April 2009 / 9:16 pm

    So cute – what a little sweetie! And isn’t shopping for baby clothes so FUN! I think it’s also because everything is so small (unlike shopping for my own clothes), you never feel fat shopping for baby clothes!

  6. TheSundayBest
    20 April 2009 / 11:27 pm

    I'm guessing those are Front & Co.

    She's a sweetheart.

    Did you get my email? Just making sure.

  7. materfamilias
    21 April 2009 / 2:07 am

    Thank you, Pseu — it is, indeed a capsule wardrobe, isn’t it! See, we’re already getting the girl ready to travel to Paris.
    Karen: I have to say, there are so many advantages grandchildren have over children — don’t get me wrong, I loved raising my 4, challenges and all, but so far, this is all of the fun, none of the hassle.
    LBR: Doesn’t she just look mesmerized?!
    Orane: Merci. Je la trouve mignonne aussi.
    Imogen: Absolutely!
    Thomas: Thanks for the name — they deserve credit for their fab windows as well as for their fun stock. I did get your e-mail and will respond asap.

  8. Duchesse
    21 April 2009 / 2:31 pm

    OH! She is beyond adorable. Used baby clothes are terrific buys…babies don’t wear clothes out. Once they hit crawling/walking that changes, as I’m sure you recall.

  9. dana
    22 April 2009 / 4:03 pm

    One more set of artful photos from mater! The layered images are wonderful. Did you ever consider becoming a photographer? Oh, and Nola is too cute for words. I see you’ve got “enjoying her” down to an art!

  10. materfamilias
    23 April 2009 / 2:45 am

    Duchesse: Yes, and of course now that she’s starting to take an interest in solid food, the laundry challenges truly begin . . .
    Dana: You’re too kind! I love taking photos and I think I have a fairly good eye, but I really lack technical skills. Check out what Tara over at ParisParfait can do with windows — click on the link above — she’s great!

  11. Lesley
    23 April 2009 / 9:36 pm

    Mignonne much?

  12. Mardel
    24 April 2009 / 1:48 pm

    Oh I am finally catching up with you after a week of joint swellings. What a marvelous wardrobe you found for little Nola. That looks like such fun shopping. And Nola looking up at Pater, priceless.

  13. materfamilias
    24 April 2009 / 5:28 pm

    Lesley: Well, I have to agree with you, but I’ll admit I’m rather biased.
    Mardel: Sorry you’ve had an uncomfortable week. I did have fun shopping for my little girl. And I love that photo as well.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.