Antidote to Hysteria — Procrastinating Again

I love this rhodo, Temple Bells, and am pleased to see that after being broken by the dog several years ago, pruned by an over-energetic Pater the summer before last (he pruned branches with next year’s flower buds! I couldn’t believe it!), it’s finally going to put on a decent display. I’m pleased that it will get its bloom out while there’s still enough Ribes sanguineum (flowering red-currant) nearby to get a nice echo of the pink going on.

As you see, I’m still procrastinating.

And I’m glad that I have my spring blooms to distract and please me while I’m doing so, thus keeping my mind away from the frustrating media hype and the attendant hysteria among the general population over the flu situation. While my motherhood worrying skills mean I will not relax ’til certain loved ones are back at home (they’re in Mexico right now, yes they are, although far from the madding crowds, thank goodness), I don’t see this threat as any more than the reality that’s always with us: yes, people, someday we will die! Meanwhile, let’s not waste our life over such fearful nonsense. A commenter over at The Yarn Harlot (not surprisingly, sensible Stephanie prefers to save her fear for spiders!) directed me to this very useful linkwhich offers a reassuring science-based assessment of the so-called pandemic.A favourite in my spring garden, this creamy-buttery primrose came from my neighbour Carol’s garden and until the work we had done over the winter for the arbour/pergola/new terrace, I had many of them. Sadly, none have emerged in that area (I suspect they’ll be back next spring, though), so I was really pleased to see them in the side, shadier patch, where I love the way they are complemented by the blue of the Brunnera and the sharp green of a euphorbia.


  1. indigo16
    29 April 2009 / 10:41 pm

    Procrastination = marking. I hate it, once I get going I’m fine , but the thought….
    You have an amzing selection of flora and fauna, maybe one day I will get around to planting the various cuttings mother has ready for me.
    Kings Cross is very close to a new concert hall called Hans Place. There are some very trendy places to eat and the HUGE Gagosian is round the corner. One block across is Sadlers Wells with The Angel and Upper St Almedia close by.
    Google them for some ideas.
    Hey nothing beats a spot of Googling when you are putting off something!

  2. Puttermeister
    30 April 2009 / 3:17 am

    I learned a new, very useful word recently:

  3. materfamilias
    30 April 2009 / 3:45 am

    Alison: I’m not bad with marking, because it’s so concrete — tiresome but you can just move through it. Writing means wrestling an idea to the ground and that’s so tough . . . Lots of beautiful perendinating potential in these suggestions for things to do in London, though. Thanks for all the tips.
    Puttermeister: Missed you! This one’s definitely a keeper — reminds me of when I discovered “penultimate” back in Latin class in Grade 9.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.