Spring Colours

You can see in this photo how scruffy my garden is, but you can also see that spring is finally arriving, announced by her most recognizable messenger, the daffodil! These hellebore have been place-holding for sunshine over the past few weeks, and the poor things were broken down by dump after dump of snow. In the background there, you can see all manner of tired, overgrown shrubs just waiting for a spring trim — I obliged! I’m going to be moaning and groaning this evening and tomorrow, after bending and stretching with the secateurs, but it felt so satisfying to be out in the sunshine, working.

And tomorrow begins the last week of classes, which means I may survive the long winter term after all! How about you? Is your week shaping up well also?


  1. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    30 March 2009 / 6:27 am

    Gorgeous array of analogous colours!

  2. Patricia
    30 March 2009 / 7:19 am

    Hi there, I haven’t commented in a while as we’ve been so busy with the school fundraiser, which was yesterday. It was lots of fun, even though we didn’t sell as many pancakes as last year. Still, in two weeks’ time we will be in Barcelona – yay! If it stops raining I would like to get out and do some garden tidy-up here, failing that, some ironing would be good – I have a veritable mountain in the living room! Have a good week! Patricia

  3. Mardel
    30 March 2009 / 2:27 pm

    Gorgeous colors. The daffodils aren’t that far along here but you have provided a hint of what is to come. I should really find a place for some hellebores. I wonder if they grow here. I don’t know anyone who has them among my gardening friends; not that has stopped me before.

  4. materfamilias
    30 March 2009 / 2:44 pm

    Imogen: They are, aren’t they! The garden is such an inspiration for wardrobe, decor, etc.,
    Patricia: Glad the fair went well, even if the pancakes weren’t quite as successful as hoped. And I’d recommend gardening over ironing any day!
    Mardel: We’re rather spoiled here zone-wise, and I have no idea how hellebores would do where you are, but they’re pretty adaptable here — and their blooms are so welcome at the end of winter!

  5. La Belette Rouge
    30 March 2009 / 11:20 pm

    What kind of flower is that? It is just gorgeous. I love the colours. It would be beautiful in a bridal bouquet with white roses and tuberoses and maybe a few tulips.

  6. materfamilias
    31 March 2009 / 4:04 am

    LBR: This is a hellebore, and yes, I think they’re gorgeous — and wait ’til you see the dark purple ones, also stunning! Sadly, they don’t do well as cut flowers, but otherwise they’d look fab with the combination you suggest.


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