Rest in Peace, old girl

We had to put our lovely old Golden Retriever, Skeena, to sleep today. She was over 11 and suddenly fell ill. Luckily Pater was able to fly home from work to take her on one last trip in the boat over to the vet’s. We could probably have kept her going for some time longer, but given our complicated lifestyle, we didn’t think we could do that in a way that would have given her the comfort and independence she deserved, so we made a tough decision and let her go. She will be very much missed, especially by me. I’ll probably be rather light on posting in the next few days while I get used to her absence.


  1. Anonymous
    7 March 2009 / 9:23 am

    Sorry to hear that. I don’t have any pets, but know from friends who do how much they come to mean to a family. Patricia

  2. Lesley
    7 March 2009 / 11:23 am

    That’s sad.

  3. Anonymous
    7 March 2009 / 12:50 pm

    Dear Mater,

    I am so sorry to hear of Skeena’s passing. As the happy owner of two Goldes…I know how wonderful they are as companions. It’s so painful when a beloved friend dies.

    Hugs from me and my Rosy and Timmy.

    Take care,


  4. jillian
    7 March 2009 / 2:34 pm

    Oh no! I am so sorry to hear of this. ((hugs))

  5. Susan B
    7 March 2009 / 2:56 pm

    Oh, I’m so sorry. Sending you virtual hugs.

  6. NancyDaQ
    7 March 2009 / 3:29 pm

    I’m sorry about Skeena. We know their lifespans are shorter, but knowing doesn’t make it easier to let them go. She had a great life with you and Pater, I’m sure. I hope that brings some comfort.

  7. Mardel
    7 March 2009 / 4:41 pm

    Oh, I am so sorry about Skeena. Knowing that their lifespans are shorter doesn’t make letting go any easier. I know I have been bereft at the passing of each of the animals in my life. Hugs and a nice cup of tea.

  8. Duchesse
    7 March 2009 / 7:18 pm

    I am so sorry you have lost your dear dog, Skeena. Her eyes are so wise and kind in the photo. I know what a space the loss leaves. Like the “River of the Mists” may she linger in your heart.

  9. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    8 March 2009 / 7:35 am

    So sorry to hear that – it’s a hard decision to make (I know, I’ve made it twice), but is the humane decision, and making her suffer is not.

    RIP Skeena

  10. Anonymous
    8 March 2009 / 2:08 pm

    Death is such a hard thing to deal with, beautiful Skeena had a lovely life i’m sure – be happy about that. Be kind to yourself.

  11. materfamilias
    8 March 2009 / 4:03 pm

    Thanks to all of you for your sympathy and support. Making the decision was really tough, but now I have to adjust to the house without Skeena. Pater convinced me to go to Vancouver for the opera as originally planned, despite my mood, and it turned out to be a great distraction. I’ll be heading back later today, though, and I’m dreading that great big empty spot at the foot of the stairs.

  12. La Belette Rouge
    9 March 2009 / 5:33 am

    I am sick with sadness to hear this news. I was so looking forward to someday meeting your dear dog friend.I offer my very sincere condolences. I wish I could offer some words that could comfort but since I cannot I send love and hugs.

  13. Anonymous
    9 March 2009 / 2:16 pm

    oh my god i am so so sorry.
    i went through this a year ago and i wish i had had someone who understood to talk to either before or after, because it was really overwhelming.
    we slept with a pile of laundry on the bed for months and months, to replace the familiar lump.
    i will spend the rest of the day feeling sorry for both of us.

  14. indigo16
    9 March 2009 / 2:28 pm

    It was the trip trap of his nails on our wooden floors I missed the most. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, sending a cyber hug XXXX

  15. Gina
    9 March 2009 / 3:11 pm

    How very sad. It is so difficult to adjust to the loss of a pet. I’m sorry to hear of Skeena’s passing.

  16. TheSundayBest
    10 March 2009 / 6:02 am

    The sportswriter Bill Simmons recently wrote an entire column to his golden retriever, affectionately called The Dooze. When you feel ready I suggest reading it. Will probably never get a dog again after putting my first and only dog to sleep. Just too much.

  17. Anonymous
    11 March 2009 / 8:48 pm

    Am just catching up with favourite blogs after going through exactly the same thing in late February. Oh my goodness, once these animals take up residence in a special spot in our hearts they are impossible to shift. I’m sure that Skeena had the the most wonderful life with you and that the tough decision you took was the best one for her. Which means that it was the right one.

    If you haven’t read Mark Doty’s Dog Years, I think you would love that too – once you are feeling a little less raw.

  18. materfamilias
    12 March 2009 / 1:58 am

    Thanks, 60/16 — I know Doty’s “Golden Retrievals” but haven’t come across “Dog Years” yet. I’ll make a note of it, for sure.
    I’m glad you recognize that an owner who loves her dog does make the right decision — we’ve found some folks get that while others want to second-guess.

  19. Anonymous
    14 March 2009 / 8:48 pm

    Mater, so sorry you lost your dear pet.


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