Print Studies

So I’m trying to do my homework for Karen’s Print-mixing 101: what grade would I get for this? Remember, I’m just shopping my own wardrobe here, and I have a limited number of prints to work with. But as I started warming up to the idea and playing around a bit, I did like the way this scarf looks with this dress. Normally, when I wear this dress I keep everything else very plain — black tights, sometimes boots, sometimes Mary-Jane heels, and either a black cardigan over or a black turtleneck under, my only jewelry a pair of onyx ball studs. But we’re moving from winter to spring here, and maybe I should lighten up how I’m wearing it.

What do you think? I’m waiting on your word before I take it out of the house — should I stay or should I go? I’d probably still wear it with the black tights and shoes/boots, but I keep thinking of a fabulous pair of heels I saw in Fluevog’s window this weekend. I remembered them as closer to the blue in the dress but the photo I’ve downloaded below shows them as not quite right. Still, mood-wise they’re a very nice match, I think, and maybe in person, in the right light . . . I’ll have to at least go back and drool at them, I’d say. The pair of ankle boots I have from this Fluevog “family” is the most comfortable pair ever, even with the 2 1/2″ heel, so I know I’ll be picking up something like this before my trip this summer. Meanwhile, maybe I’ll settle for some cheap-and-cheerful bracelets in the sky-blue.

And now, just in case you think I can’t recognize “too much” all on my own, here’s my homework answer to the question asking for an example of way-too-much-print, print-gone-wild! You might recognize the cardigan whose print I tried matching recently. Can you imagine my students trying to keep a straight face if I walked into the classroom wearing this? Actually, this might be the perfect April 1st teaching outfit, if I could keep a straight face!

What? You like it?


  1. Duchesse
    3 March 2009 / 4:40 pm

    Those shoes are so cute and feisty! Sure you have loads to wear with them and they’ll go with a so many colours. Nice spring print-pairing (top photo) and I chuckled at “too much”- what I call ‘walking wall-paper sample book’.

  2. Susan B
    3 March 2009 / 4:55 pm

    I think your top combo works well. It’s more complementary than contrasting. Love those shoes!!! I wish I could wear Fluevogs, but my arch/instep is just too high.

  3. Susan B
    3 March 2009 / 4:56 pm

    Oh, and the bottom combo looks like something you’d see in a fashion spread, though I think for most of us it would be a bit much for “IRL” wear.

  4. jillian
    3 March 2009 / 8:09 pm

    I like it! (Sans cardi). The scarf is a muted watercolor-y version of the top – just enough matchy but also a bit contrasty.

  5. TheSundayBest
    4 March 2009 / 12:08 am

    Pattern mixing for the win. It’s surprising what can work when you just stop thinking about it.

  6. Julianne
    4 March 2009 / 12:27 am

    I really like that dress. I love it with the scarf. The cardigan is too much for me, but I could see it working if you liked it.

  7. Julianne
    4 March 2009 / 12:27 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Mardel
    4 March 2009 / 1:59 am

    Oh I love the dress and the dress with a scarf. The shoes are really cute too. I was trying on print dresses today and have to really reconsider my addiction to solids. I love prints, am just shy about wearing them. Must.change.that.

  9. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    4 March 2009 / 3:04 am

    Yes that scarf and dress work well together, the shoes are cute too – especially if the colour is right.

    The cardi is too much – if you wanted to add in another pattern I’d go for something very sparse I think and probably in the blue.

  10. materfamilias
    4 March 2009 / 3:29 am

    Duchesse: Thanks for the enabling — I am seriously considering them, but am also tempted toward the same ones in a gorgeous orange!
    Pseu: Too bad about the Fluevog fit. The print play is really fun, isn’t it, once you start to see the possibilities. But I can’t ever imagine wearing that bottom combo!
    Jillian: You know I’d never wear the cardigan with that, right?
    Thom: You’re right, sometimes the thinking gets in the way.
    Julianne: The cardigan is absolutely too much for anybody, I’m quite sure!
    Mardel: I tend to go for the more practical solids as well, but I do like a lively print.
    Imogen: I hope you know the cardigan-combo was intended as a joke, hence the ref to April 1st (April Fools Day!) — Even the top combo is stretching myself — no way I’d put together the bottom photo craziness.

  11. indigo16
    4 March 2009 / 12:38 pm

    Awesome, especially the latter. This works better now that spring is here. If you wear it you will officially join the ranks of the stylish arty farty crowd.
    For more confidence/ideas check out some of the past Dries van Noten shows. He is the master of mix and a huge influence over the whole ‘mash-up’ your wadrobe.

  12. materfamilias
    4 March 2009 / 2:54 pm

    Alison: Sorry, but I won’t be joining those ranks any time soon. I do love what Dries van Noten does, but I know he’s got a huge palette of prints to choose from and his mixes more fortuitous than this. A tall, young woman with real presence could pull this off, but I’m quite sure I’d disappear inside the cacophony! It’s fun to play though — and I can see that I might like playing these prints off one another if the dress were a skirt. might, I said . . .

  13. Miss Cavendish
    5 March 2009 / 12:35 am

    That’s a very cheerful shade of blue–I’d pair it with a yellow print dress just to funk it up (I do my best to avoid matchy-matchy, which is why I also like your pattern mixing).

  14. materfamilias
    5 March 2009 / 5:16 am

    Miss C: I’ve been trying to work some yellow into my wardrobe, but I haven’t yet found a print with enough mitigating colours to allow me to wear it near my face. I wish they made this shoe in yellow, actually, but they do have it in orange, which I’m very tempted by (and would not be matching!)

  15. Anonymous
    7 March 2009 / 12:49 am

    I love the scarf with the dress, but not those two with that particular overpiece. I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe a solid outside would work better. Keep playing!

  16. materfamilias
    7 March 2009 / 6:09 am

    Karen: YIKES! Once again, I have to say, no, no, no, I was just joking. Please don’t think I would ever suggest wearing such a combo. But playing is fun, for sure.


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