Pattern Mixing, Guessing. . .

Continuing with my themes of finding spring in sprightly dress (since it’s not showing up in the form of sunshine) as well as boldly combining patterns as inspired by Karen, Une Femme, and those academically chic young women over here, I bring you two choices. Which do you think I wore today?

Whichever you guess, did you think it was kooky or bold enough to distract my students and colleagues from my non-matching earrings (both balls, one onyx, one sterling silver)? Or do you think it was kooky enough that they thought “Well, if she’ll wear that together, her non-matching earrings are probably meant to be a style statement.” Not true! I was taken aback, removing the second one this evening, to realize it wasn’t the silver mate but half of another pair, sadly separated in the morning rush. I suppose I shouldn’t store similarly shaped earrings together. And I’m thinking I’ll check my shoes more carefully for the next day or two as well. Dressing under the influence of decongestants, not wise!


  1. Susan B
    25 March 2009 / 2:16 pm

    Love the yellow with the black! I’m always afraid to wear those two together lest risk looking like a bumblebee (or worse, John Belushi in a bumble bee suit!) but the black/white floral combined with the large floral pin and yellow bangle really works. Of the two combinations, I like that combo better, though they both work. Oh, and most cold medicine makes me totally loopy, can only take it right before bed!

  2. NancyDaQ
    25 March 2009 / 3:19 pm

    I like the pink combo the best. I have worn shoes from 2 different pair together, and not just 2 colors of the same style, either. Embarrassing.

  3. Duchesse
    25 March 2009 / 3:24 pm

    Oooh! I love the yellow but the pink works too.

    This is still a look I associate with “jeune fille” and think it nudges grown women toward the self-consciously eccentric, trying too hard. That’s just my old school/”strict” taste!

    I think you look great in it.

  4. materfamilias
    25 March 2009 / 5:26 pm

    Thanks, Pseu — I admit I haven’t worn the yellow out yet (that flower’s quite big!), but I will — it’s a fun way to get some yellow into my life.
    Nancy: Really? Two different shoes? see, I don’t want to think that could happen, but I’m beginning to suspect . . .
    Duchesse: Despite the careful framing of your comments, I have to admit my first response was “Ouch!” ๐Ÿ˜‰ But quickly getting over that, can I ask you to be specific about which aspect of the look you’re responding too? The black with brights? The brights themselves? The pattern-mixing? or the combination?
    I ended up wrapping the scarf more and tucking in the leftover ends, so the look was slightly more subtle, if that’s a term that can be applied here at all.
    I have to admit that the whole “jeune fille” thing, which I recognize can be a problem, doesn’t bother me too much, although I admire strictness in others and incorporate elements of it. That whole A chacun son goรปt thing, obviously.

  5. materfamilias
    25 March 2009 / 5:27 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous
    25 March 2009 / 5:31 pm

    Ha, I guessed right! I thought you looked amazing in the first shot, that yellow really suits you, but I know you are more of a scarf person. The pink scarf combo works (and looks) beautifully on you and that was very funny about the earrings.

  7. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    25 March 2009 / 7:27 pm

    The pink scarf looks an easier combo to wear – just because the yellow flower is so large and dramatic, and if you’re full of decongestant, you may not feel up to the boldness of a flower that size!

  8. Mardel
    26 March 2009 / 1:45 am

    I really like the pink scarf! The yellow is nice too, I love yellow and black together but that flower is large, it might be a little overwhelming while you are under the influence of decongestants…

  9. materfamilias
    26 March 2009 / 2:34 am

    cybill: I’m surprised how well the yellow suits me in that first pic, and one of these days, I’m going to take the look out of the house, but yes, for now it’s the pink! And the earrings, well . . . like I say, I’m double-checking shoes and earrings now before I go out the door.
    Imogen and Mardel: I think that’s it — the size of that flower requires some living up to and I just wasn’t quite there yesterday. Someday, though . . .

  10. Academichic
    1 April 2009 / 1:00 am

    So which did it end up being? I love the first one- the yellow-green with the black! Great pop of color!

  11. materfamilias
    1 April 2009 / 1:32 am

    S. Chic: The yellow/black combo is still in my future — I wore the pink scarf, and I wrapped it an extra loop rather than draping it, so the contrast was slightly more subdued.

  12. Anonymous
    8 April 2009 / 3:18 pm

    I love both the looks, but the yellow flower is super. You’re undergoing some sort of mid-life transformation the last few months, aren’t you? It’s wonderful to watch.

  13. materfamilias
    9 April 2009 / 1:37 am

    Thanks, Karen (you’re really doing a catch-up day today, aren’t you!). My transformation has been pretty constant through my life, what with having children young, then going back to school, etc., etc. — and I’ve always enjoyed dressing as stylishly as possible and appropriate, but I’d say that over the last few years, with the kids moved out and more disposable income and time, I probably have more resources. As well, I think, my work has nudged many of my other hobbies and much of my socializing to the side, so perhaps what you’re seeing is that kind of energy getting funneled into playing dress-up here with my blog friends! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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