Versatility, Comfort, and Good Looks — Now I’m Feeling Better . . .

I’ve been home sick for two days, having been assaulted by something that began at the tummy — not the best timing for a household whose septic pump just conked out. Talk about Murphy’s Law! Luckily, our friend and knight-in-shining-armour aka “the pump guy” replaced the pump (only $1000, give or take a pair of shoes!), and the stomach troubles morphed into sheer exhaustion — I’ve probably slept 40 of the past 48 hours.

Tomorrow I expect to be back at work, and meanwhile, I’ve got energy enough to post these photos I took last week in response to Duchesse’ post on neutral “background” dresses. This grey wool flannel one is a favourite of mine — got it at The Gap last fall for something like $70, and I find it satisfyingly versatile — if only it had pockets, I’d consider it perfect. Last week, I wore it with red tights (I just needed to break out a bit!), a red belt and a red-fake-stone-blingy bracelet.
I like the simplicity of the dress and have considered looking for a pattern or getting a dressmaker to copy this one — the gathering/ruching at the neckline and sleeve cuffs would be easy to do and provides some design interest. I’ve worn this with a slim turtleneck underneath and keep meaning to try it with a white shirt. Since it’s a very lightweight wool, I anticipate being able to wear it ’til fairly late in the spring, altho’ it will look silly, I think, without tights. It’s great with boots or with Mary-Jane heels like these ones and it obviously accommodates a contrasting shot of colour — in fact, I’m thinking it might be the perfect foil for some yellow shoes or bag, as recently seen over at Une Femme.

Although in the spirit of shopping my own wardrobe, which I’ve been trying to do more of lately, I might try it instead with my pale pink long-sleeved cotton shirt and my hot pink Fluevogs. Or with the riffing-on-Hermès black-and-gold scarf I bought at Duchesse’s favourite shop in Toronto and some gold pumps or black boots. Or with brown boots, brown tights, a long grey grandpa cardigan and my silk, handknit variegated grey-and-brown scarf. I think this is what Duchesse meant about the versatility of a neutral dress . . .


  1. Susan B
    19 February 2009 / 2:29 am

    Cute dress! Why doesn’t the Gap ever have something like this when I visit??? Nothing but ass-crack jeans and belly shirts. ;-p

    I vote to see a combo with the hot pink Fluevogs….

  2. girlcook
    19 February 2009 / 7:37 am

    love it

  3. Anonymous
    19 February 2009 / 8:58 am

    I love this outfit, I bet you looked really smart in it! I second Pseu’s comment about the Gap – I haven’t been in one in a while, but this is the sort of thing I imagine finding there but never can. Patricia P.S. Hope you feel better!

  4. dana
    19 February 2009 / 3:42 pm

    are those Tsubo pumps? Are they comfy?

    Great dress!

  5. dana
    19 February 2009 / 3:42 pm

    are those Tsubo pumps? Are they comfy?

    Great dress!

  6. materfamilias
    19 February 2009 / 4:16 pm

    Pseu and Patricia: I was really lucky with The Gap last year — this dress and another similar one, my long grey pleated wool skirt, a jacket/coat I love for spring, a great white blouse, Philip Lim! — but any time I’ve gone in there over the last two or three months, I’ve been more than disappointed. The fabrics are flimsy, they don’t seem to bother steaming garments before putting them out, and there seem to be changes in the store that make it feel cheaper — there aren’t any mirrors out in the main area, for example. Something’s going on that’s bringing it closer and closer to Old Navy, which I never shop. Because it’s easily on my route when I’m in the city, I’ll keep popping in a bit longer, but I’m almost at the giving up point. Too bad, ’cause I’ve got Gap pieces in my wardrobe I’ll be wearing for years to come.
    Meg: Thanks! good to see you stop by.
    Dana: Yes, they are, and yes, they are! Even with the heels, these are almost like runners, with some athletic-shoe technology, I suspect.

  7. Mardel
    19 February 2009 / 8:15 pm

    Great dress! Gap, really? Admittedly I don’t go very often. The idea of yellow sounds very nice, yellow and gray are so lovely.

  8. Duchesse
    19 February 2009 / 11:07 pm

    Ooooh that is SO what I meant, I adore that neckline. Gray flannel has a warmth and casual air you don’t get with black. You could wear it with quite sheer tights in the spring. (Or if not in shock seeing your bare legs emerge, with slides.) Fab dress, materfamilias and I’m so glad you’re on the mend. (Isn’t that septic tank acting up about annually?)

  9. materfamilias
    20 February 2009 / 2:45 am

    Mardel: See my comment above re The Gap. This was a treasure; I’ve seen nothing like it in the last few months. And yes, I love yellow and grey together, but I’d need some other tone to flatter my skintone — maybe a grey-yellow-blue scarf?
    Duchesse: Thanks for the inspiring post — glad you approve of how I followed your example.
    As for the septic, we have a fairly unusual system here whereby we pump the greywater into the city sewer system and have a holding tank rather than a field for the rest. It’s our pump that did act up about a year ago, as it did this past weekend. Pater got talked out of replacing it by the pumpman who thought it worth a repair — this time, Pater got his way and we’ve put a new pump in so should be good for a trouble-free few years, knock on wood . . .

  10. Anonymous
    20 February 2009 / 9:05 am

    Now that dress was a great find, I think you should definately get it copied (and then send a copy over to me!).

  11. dana
    20 February 2009 / 3:29 pm

    And definitely glad you’re on the mend! Isn’t it amazing what a psychological lift you can get from an improvement in your health?

  12. Anonymous
    20 February 2009 / 3:55 pm

    Oh dear, that is the nicest dress I have seen. I must make one just like it. Does it itch at all? I love those shoes too and they go great with the dress.

  13. materfamilias
    20 February 2009 / 7:31 pm

    Cybill: ok, it’s on my to-do list.
    Dana: yes, altho’ I’m a bit impatient for more energy.
    Karen: so you’re really getting into the sewing! It is a great dress, and would be well worth tracking down a pattern for — obviously doesn’t have to be exactly the same. As for the itch, I don’t notice anything, but it’s quite a fine wool.


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