Oh! The Colours of Knitting

The only way I actually “had the nerve” to start a blog was based on my knitting — I’d read many knitting blogs for a year or two, enjoying their variety, hominess, and inspiration, and I thought I could do something similar. I knew from the start, though, that I would wander off to talk about my other interests, but I somehow felt that the knitting gave me a legitimate reason to occupy blog real estate.

Obviously, I took that reason and ran with it, and I seem to have grown comfortable enough with being here that I don’t rely on displays of knitting to justify my cyber-presence anymore. As well, the wonderful social-network and personal knitting database that Ravelry offers means that I don’t so much need my blog to keep track of my knitting anymore. But every once in a while, I still like to include some knitting content here, even though I may only have a single loyal knitting reader (hi Jillian! — if there more of you, speak up, please!).

So here’s what I’ve done, knitting-wise, since I last showed you a project:Some socks for my son, who arrives today with his GF Joey, and will get to test them out. I used the Yarn Harlot’s basic sock recipe and a skein of Noro Kureyon sock yarn — the colour artistry of this company is mesmerizing, no clear repeats but rather an ever-unfolding colour story. If you want perfectly matching socks, these aren’t your yarns, but if you want gorgeous, subtle colour, mm-hmmmm!

Also great with the colour is the wonderfully squooshy Dream in Color (yes, I notice the spelling discrepancy: I use Canadian spelling for “colour,” but it’s an Am. yarn and is spelled without the “u”). This cute little Tulip Cardigan, which I’ve made several times, would cost a fortune to knit if I’d had to buy a skein of each required colour. Instead, I ordered it through Lettuce Knit in Toronto, and they sent me out a kit (well, several kits, 3 Tulip and 2 Rocketry so far). I can’t wait to see Nola wearing it! Mind you, the kit isn’t cheap at all, somewhere just over $60 I think, counting mailing costs. But the brilliance of the way those colours are dyed to blend together is worth it, imho, and turns this from knit to designer knit — I love giving these as gifts!

You’ll probably have to big-up the photo below to really appreciate the colours. This yarn is also by Noro; it’s their Sock Garden, and I’m making another striped scarf with it. My son tells me that he regularly fields compliments about hisand his sister thought I should make more — not sure if she wants one for herself or for her BF, but either way, I’ve got a good excuse to play with colour again.And finally, I got to start a new project for myself in a yarn I’ve been looking forward to working with: Rowan’s Felted Tweed — it’s always funny turning to a finer, lofty-so-light yarn like this and getting the crazy mileage from a single skein. I love the feel of the yarn itself, and I love the fabric it’s knitting into — good and “wool-y” but not in too homespun a way; a wee bit sheddy from the angora content, but again, not overly so; and just the tiniest flecks of tweedy colour — teensy splashes of white and wee punctuations of burnt orange.
Some day, it will grow up to be this

Eunny’s Tangled Yoke Cardigan

So there you have it! You’re all up-to-date with my knitting (altho’ I haven’t mentioned the Gathered Pullover I started last fall summer — it’s hibernating). I’m on Reading Break right now and have to get started writing some papers I’ll be presenting at conferences this summer, not to mention working through a pile of marking, and prepping the classes I have to teach in the final five weeks of term. But I suspect I’ll be taking a few Knitting Breaks during Reading Break. . .


  1. Susan B
    21 February 2009 / 5:02 pm

    Oh, I love all of those. But Nola’s cardigan is just delightful! Will you post a picture of her wearing it?

  2. jillian
    21 February 2009 / 6:27 pm

    You’ve been going knit-crazy! Nola will be uber-adorable in her Tulip!

  3. materfamilias
    21 February 2009 / 7:07 pm

    Pseu and Jillian: You bet you’ll be seeing just how cute my little girl is in her sweater — can’t wait to see if we can wrap her into it next weekend — I suspect it’s still way too big.

  4. Gina
    22 February 2009 / 1:10 am

    I’m your #2 loyal knitting reader. Sadly, I often read in Google Reader when at work, which cuts back on my ability to comment. But, I am reading faithfully!

  5. materfamilias
    22 February 2009 / 4:41 pm

    Gina, I’m so happy to know you’re still stopping by! I know what you mean about the commenting, though, and paid work tending to get in the way — I’m not nearly as good a commenter as I used to be.

  6. La Belette Rouge
    23 February 2009 / 7:08 pm

    That blue green yearn that is a work in progress is so gorgeous. Can’t wait to see the finished project.
    p.s I have an award for you over at my place.

  7. indigo16
    24 February 2009 / 10:25 am

    Thank you for your wise words on my 'Running on empty' post. One of the main rewards of blogging has been to know that I am not alone struggling to juggle the whole family, work, rest & play thing.
    I was sorry to read that you were unwell, I think we all hit that 'wall' sometimes, it is our bodies way of say enough is enough I think.
    I love both your dresses, especially the grey one of course! I am inspired by your red tights idea. I struggle with colour but tights would sit far enough away to not dominate my vision.
    You are right about the difference an outfit makes to our mood as well. It really irritates me how my partner disparages my love of clothes, because the pleasure I get from them frequently outweighs what I get from him! The feeling I get when I am dressed well is so uplifting, it can get me through some very tedious grey days.
    And finally, the joy you must get seeing your grand daughter in a cardie you have knitted must be fabulous. Give her a cuddle from me.

  8. Anonymous
    25 February 2009 / 1:15 am

    You know I’m eating this up!!!! The last one with the twisted yoke looks like a feat only a machine in CHina could crank out…I look forward to seeing this!!!!!

  9. materfamilias
    25 February 2009 / 3:50 am

    Thank you, Red Weasel! and thanks for the award!
    Alison: no wonder I missed you while you were away — your comments always extend the conversations in interesting ways. . .
    Karen: thanks — and I’m looking forward to finishing it. It’s such a clever design and it promises to be quite wearable.

  10. Mardel
    25 February 2009 / 2:17 pm

    Oh the colors, all the colors, are just glorious, but I especially love the color you have chosen for your tangled yoke cardigan. I am eagerly awaiting progress reports. And Nola must be adorable in her little sweater.

  11. materfamilias
    25 February 2009 / 3:43 pm

    Mardel: Hey, I should have counted you too as a knitting reader — turns out I do have a few. Good to know as I could shout out a knitting question from time to time — might happen with this Tangled Yoke — can you believe I’ve never done short rows before?


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.