Mixing It Up — Prints

Ever since Karen, Of a Certain Age, posted her fabulous examples of how to mix prints, I’ve been trying to think whether or not I dared follow her lead. But I seem to have a dearth of prints in my wardrobe, or at least nothing popped out whenever I looked. Then the other day I bought this little light wool scarf by Mexx and suddenly I saw possibilities. I think I could combine it with this dress — what do you think?

My blogging friend, Pseu, over at Une Femme d’un Certain Agemodeled a very convincing, bold mix over at her weekly foulard post, and spurred me on to finally post some combinations. Do let me know whether you think I should take them out of the house or not. The one below is with the same scarf, obviously, and a little cotton knit cardigan from Banana Republic.

I’d love some feedback — let me know what you think, please.


  1. indigo16
    27 February 2009 / 4:39 pm

    I wish you could have met one of the girls I went to art college with. In fact make that most of them. As textile students we HAD to carry the torch of eccentricity at ALL times. Trust me some of the girls wore at least eight different clash to match patterns. I wore eveything I printed by making it into various garments. I am so sober now, but I know a day back at college and I would revert to type.
    Be brave, wear what makes you happy, remeber the mantra CLASH to MATCH!
    I love the red, but better still if you had a scarf that was a rich creamy yellow to wear with your B&W stuff, that would look amazing too.

  2. Susan B
    27 February 2009 / 5:10 pm

    Both of those mixes are great!! Love the rose print sweater!

  3. NancyDaQ
    27 February 2009 / 10:40 pm

    I think the scarf looks great with the dress. The colors go well together and the scale of the prints is different enough to be interesting yet not clash.

  4. NancyDaQ
    27 February 2009 / 10:51 pm

    Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. The scarf also works with the cardigan.

  5. Anonymous
    28 February 2009 / 12:09 am

    Absolutely spot on! You can do this! Do you dare to add a patterned tight? A tone on tone stripe could be just right!

  6. Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP
    28 February 2009 / 8:04 am

    So great- absolutely wear it! The red scarf has a larger more sparse pattern that goes with the more dense pattern of the top.

  7. Anonymous
    28 February 2009 / 9:57 am

    I think the scarf works better with the dress, because the black and white are more evenly dispersed and so it looks more neutral – does that make sense? The pattern on the cardigan looks more uneven in terms of colour mix and the flowers look the same size as the flowers on the scarf. Or perhaps it’s just the picture quality. That’s my take anyway.
    :0) Patricia

  8. Lesley
    28 February 2009 / 1:40 pm

    Definite thumbs up. Looks very fifties French for some reason

  9. Duchesse
    28 February 2009 / 2:42 pm

    I really like the scarf with the dress and like others admire its retro-chic vibe.

    With the rose sweater, scale of two pieces is closer so it looks more muddled, not as deliberate.

  10. materfamilias
    28 February 2009 / 4:09 pm

    Alison: You made a comment quite a few months ago about something that made me start wishing I could wear yellow and now you’ve got me going again. In fact, I went out yesterday after I saw your comment and tried — I did find a piece or two I’ll show you later. I love the idea of yellow against this, but it’s generally a bad, bad, bad colour for me. bad.
    Pseu: Thanks, because it’s cotton I haven’t been wearing it much, but as we head into spring I think it will see some serious wear.
    Nancy: Thanks — and thanks for bothering to come back and modify your comment to include my cardigan!
    Karen: Had NOT thought of tights, but do you know I have a pair of leopard-print ones? Don’t worry — I wouldn’t wear them with this;-)
    Imogen: So glad to have you visit my blog — I’ve admired yours often, although not sure if I’ve commented yet. You’ve got such a good idea, spotting the openness of the scarf pattern which isn’t nearly as clear in this photo.
    Patricia: Also an observant eye, but I think that it is the picture quality you’re responding to and perhaps the way I’ve folded the scarf here. But since you and Duchesse both say the same thing, I’ll perhaps take more care with this look — altho’ in the end, I have to say that what I should be learning is that if it pleases me, just wear it. . . . right, Karen? (within reason, folks, don’t worry!)

  11. La Belette Rouge
    1 March 2009 / 4:33 pm

    I am not print or scarf expert( I hardly ever wear either) but I love these combinations. I say yes to both. These print combos read French to my eye too which is always a good thing.

  12. materfamilias
    1 March 2009 / 5:16 pm

    The ultimate stamp of approval, LBR, thank you!

  13. Anonymous
    2 March 2009 / 1:48 am

    Don’t forget to carry your fabulous red bag with this outfit too!

  14. Julianne
    2 March 2009 / 2:28 am

    I love the red and black print together. I say wear them.


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