december snow

december snow, originally uploaded by materfamilias knits.

This is what I woke up to this morning. I’m glad I walked to campus yesterday while the snow was not yet so deep. Much better to be able to stay home by the fire today. I was out clearing the walk, though, and having fun with the camera, and bringing in firewood. I’ll probably go for a walk later and watch the kids sliding wildly down Snowball Hill. Meanwhile, though, I’ll alternate between marking and reading, marking and reading, with these beautiful scenes just outside to distract me.


  1. Mardel
    18 December 2008 / 8:59 pm

    Now that is the part of snowstorms that I love, that almost magical period when the world is transformed. I don’t think I will ever outgrow that moment of childish wonder when I first see the newly snow-covered world, before the snow falls from the trees, and when everything seems glistening and full of promise.

    Promise of death and the cold flatness of winter. It seems there is always hope of transformation

  2. Gina
    19 December 2008 / 4:11 am

    Gorgeous. It could only be more perfect if there were not already tire marks on the road.

  3. materfamilias
    19 December 2008 / 6:03 am

    Mardel: You put it beautifully — the magical transformations of snow make the cold tolerable.
    Gina: yes, somehow footprints are much more poetic in the snow than tire marks;-)


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