relaxing weekend — even finished my scarf!

This weekend was exactly what I needed. What with the past few weekends being so busy and having such a heavy teaching load, PLUS having decided to amp up my running, I’ve been feeling as if the torque wrench was one twist away from snapping off something that would result in instant madness or sheer collapse. I skipped my Pilates class on Thursday afternoon to come home early, but had to run ’round town on Friday for errands and then had the pleasure of attending a colloquium where a colleague gave a brilliant (and award-winning) paper on an episode of Joss Whedon’s Angel — a brilliant reading of pop culture via Sartre’s existentialism with an impressively-entertaining delivery. I wouldn’t have miss it for anything, but it was yet another of the Fridays I used to be able to keep for myself.

Luckily, Pater had no plans for the weekend other than hunkering down here and cooking for me (!), so Friday night we cuddled up and watched the end of Heroes, Season 2 and enjoyed comfort food: homemade veal meatloaf (my contribution) with yummy garlic mashed potatoes and squash (his) accompanied by a perfect ’04 Chianti our daughter-out-of-law gave us last year (unfortunately, Pater recycled the bottle before I grabbed the label, so I’m going to have to get Joey to give me the deets — it’s definitely one I’ll want to get again).

Saturday, as on Friday, I made a point of not running, instead curling up in the armchair with the fire going and working my way through, alternately, the weekend papers and a pile of marking. Pater provided his fab weekend breakfast — bacon, eggs, baking-powder biscuits — and I hit at least a 9 on the comfort scale. I even napped in the afternoon, but was awake in lots of time to enjoy rack of lamb served with pasta and homemade pesto, and a side of green beans roasted with cherry tomatoes and anchovy fillets — brilliant! Appetizers first, of course — Smoked tuna with a wasabi mayonnaise dip followed by the 70s classic, shrimp-and-avocado. And after dinner, an assortment of fruit and cheeses, all eaten while we again vegged with DVDs, this time Season 6 of The Sopranos.

Today, I did go for a run, about 12 K, enough to justify another big breakfast, although not the extravaganza of Saturday. I could really notice the drop in my tension level, and I’m so glad I got a chance to take this time before the baby comes and we’re dashing to Vancouver every weekend. With time to nap and read and even knit — you’ll notice that I’ve finally finished the Seasilk scarf I’ve been working on forever — I’ve even begun to get excited about a research proposal I’m working on. Now that my marking’s almost caught up, I’ll have Tuesday to work on that project and nothing else.

‘course, as you’ll notice from these pictures, rest and relaxation sometimes comes at the cost of any grooming or sartorial elegance — clearly, I’m not wearing makeup and my hair lacks its usual volume, but at least you can see the scarf. Pater seems to have a knack for waiting until I have the least flattering expression on my face before he snaps the shutter, but my arms weren’t long enough to take a self-portrait which included the whole scarf!


  1. jillian
    10 November 2008 / 6:38 pm

    Ah yes – sometimes you need to relax in order to do 🙂 That paper sounds very interesting!

  2. jillian
    10 November 2008 / 6:38 pm

    Oops – I also meant to say your scarf is beautiful!

  3. Susan B
    10 November 2008 / 7:15 pm

    That’s a lovely scarf!! Enjoy those “down time” weekends; they seem to be few and far between, don’t they?

  4. teabird
    10 November 2008 / 8:52 pm

    The scarf is beautiful!

  5. Anonymous
    10 November 2008 / 8:56 pm

    You pack so much into your ‘down time’! The scarf is lovely, and I love the look of your curls in that first photo. P.

  6. La Belette Rouge
    10 November 2008 / 10:49 pm

    Scarf, seaside, squash, Sopranos and Sartre all in one weekend. I love a weekend full of alliteration.

  7. Duchesse
    10 November 2008 / 11:58 pm

    I say you look gorgeous, your hair is splendid in that new cut, and the scarf- you have changed my impression of knitting!

    Restoring with rest, wonderful meals and love, it’s the best. Sometimes the best care is just to stop.

    “When the baby comes”- what a deicious phrase.

  8. materfamilias
    11 November 2008 / 3:08 am

    Thanks, all, for the scarf appreciation. Duchesse, I understand your reservations about knitting, but there are many of us who have moved past the acrylic or novelty yarn, and there are some very clever, stylish designs and stunning yarns. Have to be judicious, though, to avoid the dreaded frump factor! Glad to hear you think I managed with the scarf.
    LBR: You weaselly alliterator, you! I’d never have spotted the surprising surfeit of S’s that soaked my Saturday and Sunday!

  9. materfamilias
    11 November 2008 / 3:12 am

    Teabird: Lovely to have a new visitor. I’ll have to spend some time checking out your blog, especially since I note you’re a librarian, as is my daughter (altho’ she tends to represent herself rather as a cybrarian!)

  10. TheSundayBest
    11 November 2008 / 5:31 am

    Lack of contacts means no running for me…but rather than feel relaxed I feel tense. Maybe I should go to the gym…

    or maybe not.

  11. indigo16
    11 November 2008 / 10:06 am

    An afternoon nap, how wonderful would that be!
    I am now salivating over your prawn and avacado, and the scarf is pretty scrummy too. It never ceases to amaze me how much time exercise can take, and although I feel better for it, it does impact on those less onerous activities I like doing over the weekend.

  12. materfamilias
    11 November 2008 / 5:10 pm

    Thomas: I occasionally see people running with glasses and wonder how they do it — mine fog up or get rain-covered, plus I don’t find them comfortable at all. So glad for my contacts ’cause I love my running — keeps me relatively sane. The gym is good, too, but a totally different enterprise.
    Alison: I don’t function well if I don’t prioritize time for exercise, but sometimes, a girl’s gotta give herself permission to kick back, right?

  13. Gina
    11 November 2008 / 6:15 pm

    Lovely, lovely, lovely! Your hair is looking spectacular.

  14. materfamilias
    12 November 2008 / 1:01 am

    Thanks, Gina, I’m really happy with it.

  15. Anonymous
    12 November 2008 / 2:20 am

    I feel quite refreshed just reading about your week-end. By the way, you look fabulous in that scarf!

  16. materfamilias
    12 November 2008 / 2:53 am

    Thanks, Cybill — good to hear I was generous and productive while I rested up, passing along my renewed energy to you who hadn’t time enough for rest yourself!

  17. Elizabeth
    13 November 2008 / 12:26 am

    This post makes me hungry and desirous of scarves!

  18. Anonymous
    13 November 2008 / 2:30 am

    Wow!!!! Can I put my order in for one of those scarves???? Missoni, eat your heart out!!!

  19. materfamilias
    13 November 2008 / 5:19 am

    Enc: It really was about the food, wasn’t it? Didn’t realize how much so ’til I reread.
    Karen: Never thought of Missoni, but you’re right that the chevrons evoke those fabrics. Thanks.

  20. Mardel
    13 November 2008 / 1:50 pm

    What a fabulous weekend and it sounds like a lovely mix of stress reduction and stimulation. The scarf is beautiful and definitely without frump. Your new hair style is also fabulous, even without plumping. All in all, it sounds fabulous (and yummy too!)

  21. Anonymous
    15 November 2008 / 3:17 am

    Mater, you have the nicest profile!

  22. materfamilias
    15 November 2008 / 3:51 pm

    Mardel and Karen — thank you so much. You’ll turn a girl’s head!


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