what i wore: ’round town errands

around townby materfamilias

Inspired by Karen Of a Certain Age, I’ve been wasting timeplaying around over at Polyvore. Quite a few weeks ago, when I posted about my new back-to-school shoes, Duchesse wondered what I’d wear above them. While not quite the “sharp clobber” she felt they demanded, I’ve been having fun wearing them with a dark denim pencil skirt or jeans (or, alternatively, with a black wool pencil skirt) and accessories similar to those above. The red patent purse is more like the colour of my doctor bag, which is shown here in brown (’cause I work with what Polyvore has available — can’t import my own photos, or at least I don’t think I can). My silver-and-coral pendant is rectangular rather than the circular shape above; my Michael Kors belt is all animal — none of the black leather trim; and my own First Nations carved silver cuff features Raven stealing the light. But the Polyvore collection captures the effect. I’d ask what you think, but I’m not sure that’s wise. No matter, really, as I like wearing this attitude — to me, it’s classic with a bit of a rock edge. And it works much better with my new shorter curls than with the old.

I have to admit, though, that while I posted this on Polyvore as a “Wearing ’round Town” outfit (again, inspired by Karen, who posted recently on attractive alternativesto sweats), the shoes have such a precipitous rise through the instep that I’d only wear them ’round town if I were driving most of the way — I’ve got about 500 steps in them before Plantar Fasciitis sets in! I picked up a much more comfortable, but still very sassy, pair from Fluevog on the weekend — I’ll show you soon!


  1. Duchesse
    19 October 2008 / 8:12 pm

    Wondered if you could walk in those booties, but damn they look good! It’s interesting how your new hair changes your entire look. Looking fwd to seeing the Fluevogs.

  2. materfamilias
    20 October 2008 / 4:10 am

    Duchesse: Don’t they, though! But no, sadly, not so much for the walking. Pater will have to call the cab when I wear these ’cause I’m not traipsing many city blocks in them. He seems to think they’re worth it, though!

  3. Anonymous
    22 October 2008 / 5:13 pm

    LOL “wasting time” on Polyvore!!! Keep working at it Mater, you will get better with practice. email me if you need help; I still struggle! Glad I inspired you, makes me feel “useful” in this community!

  4. materfamilias
    23 October 2008 / 3:27 am

    Karen: yes, you definitely have been an inspiration — I’m so impressed with what you’ve been putting together with Polyvore, and I might take you up on that offer. Thanks.

  5. Anonymous
    28 October 2008 / 3:10 am

    I’m so surprised my Polyvore’s look good to you; I still don’t quite “get it”–Seriously, email me and I can help you with the “bugs.” My daughter taught me so much and she’s only eleven. Many of the sets on my profile were ones she did in her spare time!

  6. materfamilias
    29 October 2008 / 2:35 am

    thanks, Karen — that’s really generous of you and when I free up some more “playtime” I’m going to take you up on the offer.


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