No Costume? The Horror!

Not much Hallowe’en happening ’round here today, although as I write this I’m thinking I could surely do something a bit extravagant (is that like “a little pregnant”?) — not quite a costume, ’cause I’m not a costume gal (unless I’m invited to an’80s party), but a bit of quirky? Let’s see, I have this great dress that I bought while shopping with Duchesse in Toronto. Here’s how I described it earlier: it’s essentially several layers of black cotton lawn in a v-neck sheath, with long fitted sleeves of black net. Simple enough so far, except that it then gets a funky Victorian effect from triangular lace-edged pieces attached at each side below the waist, which can either be left to drape or can be buttoned where they meet in the front forming a v-shape below the waist (and a corresponding, wider, inverted v-shape above the hem). I haven’t worn it yet (Duchesse and I designated it my opera dress), but I’m thinking it might be perfectly Goth-ish with my leopard-print tights and my new Fluevog booties. It’s not exactly a costume, but it’s probably enough drama for my ride with BC Ferries this afternoon

I’ll have a little Horror going on before that though as I meet with colleagues for a colloquium — more about that here. Meanwhile, Happy trick-or-treating!


  1. Anonymous
    31 October 2008 / 3:05 pm

    Halloween isn’t really done here, but at the kids’ school they have something called ‘trunk or treat’ for grades 5 and down. Parents decorate the trunks of their cars, park in the parking lot (gates are closed for a certain time) and the little witches and ghouls can go from trunk to trunk to collect their loot. Tonight our oldest (14) is going to his first proper teenage party. We are on pick-up duty afterwards and we are not sure when we will see him… the party house is located in a district of Budapest where the GPS simply doesn’t work, so we have a bad track record for finding addresses there. That’s scary enough! Patricia

  2. Susan B
    31 October 2008 / 4:16 pm

    I’m dying to see pictures!!!

    I toyed with trying to put a costume together this year, but ran out of time and energy. So I’m wearing black jeans and a bright orange Halloween t-shirt from Target, plus my candy corn earrings. If anyone asks, I’ll tell them I’m going as a kindergarten teacher. 😉

  3. La Belette Rouge
    31 October 2008 / 4:52 pm

    I am going with my usual costume, a LBD. If I end up at my In-laws for handing out candy, I might throw on a witches hat and some red lipstick( no warts or bad nose).

    And, hey,”a bit extravagant” is not an oxymoron. A Chanel lipstick, a can of Godiva hot chocolate mix or other small luxuries bring in that “bit of extravagance” in an ordinary day. But, there is nothing ordinary or scary about you. Your planned costume sounds fun.

    Hope the colloquium isn’t too scary. Perhaps give yourself a little treat,a good candy bar or a blood coloured wine to to reward you enduring the horror. Mwah-ha-haha!!!
    Happy Halloween!:-D

  4. Anonymous
    31 October 2008 / 6:30 pm

    Deja pseu – going as a kindergarden teacher! That’s hilarious, ’cause it rings so true!!

  5. materfamilias
    1 November 2008 / 2:30 pm

    Patricia: That “trunk and treat” is an interesting twist — all of the candy, less of the walking-in-the dark. Hope your son is safely back home by now, pleased with his first teen party experience. Those years require a lot of faith, trust, patience, and sheer stamina — I’m glad I’m done them, but they also offer the rewards of watching your young’uns take on the world. I’m sure you have your seat belt fastened!
    And I’m sure you meant it rings true not that Pseu makes a good kindergarden teacher, but that so many of that species end up in a costume like hers — I thought so, too, and laughed with recognition as soon as I read it. You’ve got it bang-on, Pseu, although you really need to haul out some of that Renaissance costumery one of these days. . .
    LBR: The costume was fun and all elements I wear otherwise, just not usually together (the leopard-print tights only very occasion ally, and always with an otherwise very simple, black, clean-lined outfit). I think I might pick up a witch’s hat for future such outings — I like your idea which picks up the holiday spirit without any potential for humiliating photos.
    And thanks for the non-oxymoron reading — and what good e.g.s!
    The colloquium actually went really well and I felt glad that I’d avoided the temptation to skip class. . . and there were treats afterward (Pater started the meal with pan-fried fresh oysters, followed by a succulent filet m. with fennel risotto and roast baby carrots followed by . . . .well, you don’t need to know everything, do you? 😉

  6. Elizabeth
    1 November 2008 / 7:59 pm

    It sounds like that dress could provide great costume possibilities!

    Neither Mr.OM nor I dressed up yesterday, but we saw some cool costumes at the movie theater, including a couple dressed as Cave Man and Cave girl.

    Sorry it took me so long to come visit.

  7. materfamilias
    2 November 2008 / 4:33 am

    Thanks for visiting, OM.
    I loved your costume for Halloween fitness — silver metallic croc-print leggings — could it get any more dramatic?

  8. Anonymous
    4 November 2008 / 1:55 am

    I wore leiderhosen! Yodelay hee hoo!

  9. materfamilias
    4 November 2008 / 4:03 am

    Wow Karen, I’m impressed. You’d have to fill up my beer stein many times to get me wearing lederhosen and yodelling! Why aren’t we seeing photos of your stylish self in full Bavarian?


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