Links I liked this week

With all the supportive, encouraging comments after my last post, I’m feeling a bit like Tinkerbelle, revived by the clapping hands of children who believe in fairies (did I just date myself appallingly? does anyone still recognize this reference?). I’m feeling much more energetic and positive this weekend, altho’ realistically there is simply much less time available for blogging during term. Karen, from Of a Certain Age, suggested that I could be strategic in my posting, doing shorter, lighter posts or posts with photographs only in between my longer, more thoughtful, even confessional, posts. I like this idea better than the thought of taking a break: I’d miss you all too much!

So today, a post of links and photographs. This is the sunrise yesterday morning from our terrace where I sit with my cuppa getting ready for the day.

Une Femme’s made a foray into Un Homme’s territory: check out her post on les hommes et les foulards and read the comments to see what her readers think about this supposedly European, metrosexual trend (I wonder, do we really need that last adjective anymore?–it’s not Une Femme’s btw — or have we accepted that men, too, can care about style and fashion without having their sexuality questioned).

Another blogger thinking about men’s style is the oh-so-funny Olivier over at Stuff Parisiens Like— his post on the Parisien man’s love of the barbe de trois jours or shave that is permanently three days old and sexily scruffy is guaranteed to make you laugh. And, as always, Olivier even offers you a little French lesson to help you sound very au courant.

But in case that didn’t make you laugh, quickly click over to Float On’s post about malapropisms made throughout the Olympic sportscasting at NBC. Seriously funny: I was doing a bit of web-surfing while eating lunch in my office the other day and spontaneously snort-laughed so loudly my buddy/colleague next door came out to see what was going on. I shared some of the quotes with him and he was still laughing while he headed off to class. Then I read some to my husband during one of our evening phone calls (we live in separate cities so try to chat each night) and I could hear the day’s tension being laughed right out of his system. Not quite David Sedaris, but a belly laugh’s a belly laugh, right?

Still not laughing? Check out this video, which Jillian over at Sknitty alerted me to. Although if you’re likely to be offended by a chuckle at Sarah P’s expense, perhaps you shouldn’t bother.

Come back and tell me if you laughed, would you? And which link was the funniest?


  1. Susan B
    28 September 2008 / 5:40 pm

    The malapropisms were pretty funny, but that video…brilliant! And spot on, IMO.

    I’d seen the “barbe de trois jours” bit yesterday and mentioned to my husband that now he has an excuse not to have to shave every day when we’re in Paris. His response, “being on vacation is excuse enough.”

  2. Anonymous
    28 September 2008 / 10:05 pm

    I’m very partial to the faux pas of sports commentators – Private Eye in the UK used to have a regular item called
    “Colemanballs”, after David Coleman of the BBC. I have a book of ‘Colemanballs’ somewhere and I am guaranteed howls of laughter every time I read it. However, I agree with Une Femme (one day I have to find out what ‘pseu’ means!!) – the video was super. Patricia

  3. Anonymous
    28 September 2008 / 10:28 pm By the way, I just found this clip from SNL this past weekend, Tina Fey as Sarah Pallin and Any Poehler as Katie Couric – also hilarious! Patricia (Hope it works!)

  4. Lesley
    28 September 2008 / 10:46 pm

    Here’s something I enjoyed this week – this slideshow of trendy professors: Class Acts – The New York Times Magazine Slide Show

  5. materfamilias
    29 September 2008 / 3:43 am

    Pseu: Pater and I have a little discussion after day 3 in Paris, at which time I point out that while we’re on vacation, yes, we are nevertheless on vacation in Paris, not the beach, and after a certain point — say 3 days! — a scruffy non-beard is not as sexy as one might perhaps imagine . . .
    Patricia: good find!
    Lesley: I’ll be sharing this one, thanks!

  6. Mardel
    29 September 2008 / 10:58 am

    Oh my what a fun post, and beautiful photos too!. I loved the malaprops, what fun! But the video was really right on the mark and a great way to start my day. Thanks for the links.

  7. indigo16
    29 September 2008 / 3:10 pm

    The malapropisms are excellent.
    The video sadly did not make it through the draconian filter!
    The photographs are beautiful. We have had some great sunsets too with the promise of an Indian summer, fingers crossed.

  8. materfamilias
    29 September 2008 / 5:00 pm

    IndigoAl: try googling “Sarah Palin Disney Trailer” and you should be able to get right to the website and view the video there.

  9. La Belette Rouge
    29 September 2008 / 10:18 pm

    Grr!! I have tried so many times to leave a comment but my internet is being mean and has lost my comment several times. Let me try again!

    Loved the malapropisms!

    I adore the blog “Stuff Parisiens Like”—it is my favorite new Frenchy blog.

    I could not watch the Pallin video because of my internet problem. I am hoping it will be fixed on Wednesday and when it is I will come back and watch.

  10. materfamilias
    30 September 2008 / 5:01 am

    LBR: OOOohh, I HATE when that happens! If the link for the Palin video doesn’t work, just google “Sarah Palin Disney Trailer” — definitely a chuckle!
    Isn’t that STuff Parisiens Like great?!


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.