Back-to-school shoes

A colleague (at another university) was telling me this summer that she and her female teaching cohort advise their new academic sisters to wear some kind of a “power heel” for their first forays at the lectern — she wasn’t talking about a stiletto (altho’ not ruling it out for those comfortable with it), but a solid heel that conveys attitude and confidence.

I spotted this Michael Kors baby in my local boutique, From A to Zebra, when picking up my red bagthe other day. They didn’t have my size but are bringing it in tomorrow. What do you think? The perfect back-to-school-for-the-prof shoe?

I have to admit that I’ve been teaching long enough now that I don’t really need the props, but hey, you take the excuses you have and work with them, right? And I’ve been wanting a little ankle-boot-shoe. I like the heel on this and I like that the pump itself is clean and simple except for the zipper and the buckle. And zippers and buckles? Always a little sexy, no? Makes me think of a black leather motorcycle jacket, which on my short frame would definitely be de trop. Anyway, if they look good on my feet (and legs) tomorrow, they’re going to be taking my 1st-year English classes along with about 120 other new students (yes, it’s a heavy, heavy load, much, much marking — next term will be lighter and a nicer mix of 4th-year and 1st-year, but for now, I’ll be needing all the shoe joy I can get!).


  1. Anonymous
    1 September 2008 / 4:26 pm

    Those are definitely power back-to school shoes. You MUST get them.

    You’ll have to share your secret for getting through 120 first year English papers. Just thinking of it kis torturous.

    Enjoy your last day of summer.

  2. Anonymous
    1 September 2008 / 6:56 pm

    Wow – those have some oomph! All the best for your rentrĂ©e. Patricia

  3. Susan B
    1 September 2008 / 7:25 pm

    Those are definitely some take charge shoes. I like ’em!

  4. materfamilias
    1 September 2008 / 8:59 pm

    Leona: If I make it through, I’ll share secrets, but it might be on a “if I tell you, then I have to kill you” basis đŸ˜‰
    Patricia: Thanks
    and to all 3 of you, Leona, Patricia, and Pseu: you’re shoe-enablers, all of you, Thanks!!

  5. Mardel
    1 September 2008 / 10:45 pm

    Great little ankle boot! I love the angle of the heel and the way the buckle makes it a little tough but still classic. Definitely take charge shoes.

  6. materfamilias
    2 September 2008 / 3:49 am

    MardeL: I’ve missed you. Good to see you posting again today. And yes, I think I need to take charge of these take charge shoes.

  7. Anonymous
    2 September 2008 / 5:46 am

    I just love the heel on those shoes, make sure they are comfortable and then buy them anyway.

  8. indigo16
    2 September 2008 / 9:07 am

    I am officially ashamed, I have just schlepped up the hill to school in the pouring rain wearing my havaianas, even my bizarrely dressed daughter shook her head in disbelief. So I will probably greet my new intake on Thursday in a sou’wester and wellies!
    Happy New Term

  9. materfamilias
    2 September 2008 / 2:38 pm

    Cybill: Such good advice;-)
    Alison: I know, there is the reality of actually getting to work before I can don the “shoes with attitude.” I’ll probably be wearing trainers for the walk up the hill and carrying shoes to change into — the scoffers can scoff all they want at that oh-so-fashionable look, but I need these feet to last!

  10. Anonymous
    2 September 2008 / 4:54 pm

    Alison here
    chilly morning, sitting in my new sweater. It’s so soft and light, I can pull it over a camisole and am instantly warm. It’s hard to leave friends like Frances for a whole year, eventhough the adventure is exciting. The sweater is like taking a little piece of her along with me…

  11. Duchesse
    2 September 2008 / 11:50 pm

    I think these shoes will work for you, and they also demand pretty sharp clobber, so what’s on top?

    That is a monster class load, whew! Wish you a smooth re-entry.

  12. materfamilias
    3 September 2008 / 3:58 am

    Alison: glad you’re enjoying the sweater — hope the sweater likes its sailing adventure! (and glad there’s a wee bit of me along for the ride)
    Duchesse: Still have to try them on, so we’ll see . . . depends whether the ankle’s slim enough to work with a skirt or not. I have a few in mind, black pencil skirt, black pleated, possibly my jean skirt. Definitely jeans, then I have some skinny black pants . . . Hmmm, yes, I think these should work!

  13. Always In Style
    3 September 2008 / 5:39 am

    Those are gorgeous – very sexy but in a subtle way…you must get them!

  14. materfamilias
    3 September 2008 / 2:52 pm

    Thanks, Always — and welcome. It’s always nice to meet a new reader.


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