more lisbon beauties

My creation, originally uploaded by materfamilias knits.

Here’s another mosaic — as Patricia suggested in yesterday’s comments, sunshine is an integral part of Lisbon’s beauty, and the ubiquitous yellow walls intensifies its uplifting effects. I apologize for the mosaic being cut off on the right, but I’m not sure how I could remedy that — it looks fine as I draft and preview it, but gets cut off when it’s posted. If you’re techie enough to advise a fix, please feel free.


  1. Susan B
    16 August 2008 / 7:58 pm

    Gorgeous colors again!

    Have you tried clicking on the image while in Compose mode, then “pulling in” the lower right hand corner to make the overall image smaller? I have the same problem sometimes with images that are too large being cut off on the right side.

  2. materfamilias
    16 August 2008 / 8:38 pm

    Thanks for the suggestion, Pseu — too bad it didn’t work. I suspect the changes might have to be made back at the mosaic-making stage, and I’ll probably have to go check out the “help” features on the mosaic site.


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