a little Toronto knitting detour

Knowledgeable knitters might be surprised to hear that I came back from Toronto without any yarn to add to my stash — they’d know how many yarn stores I must have passed as I walked (this blog gives you an idea), and they might be shocked to know I never even stepped inside the famous Romni Wools. But those knitters might not know how big my stash is already OR how well stocked is my LYS OR how far too hot and humid it was to spend any time at all in any non-airconditioned room full with materials that screamed more heat — couldn’t do that, not this trip, nuh-uh, no-way!

But Megan knew I really wanted to see the famous Lettuce Knit, the Yarn Harlot’sLYS, the yarn shop that has mailed me out five kits so far for the Dream in Colour baby cardigans. And she figured Kensington Market should be on my Toronto must-see list anyway, so we headed over there and managed to peek inside this great little shop — where I was immediately complimented on my Indigo Ripples skirt, thank you very much. I did try to find a sock yarn to bring home, but the ones I kept gravitating toward were the same Noro Kureyon Sock that I can get at home (does that yarn ever look cute done up in the EZ February Baby Sweater!!).

Speaking of Kureyon Sock yarn, here are the socks I knit on in France, Portugal, and then finally finished up here a few weeks ago. I’m not keen on that bumpy-toe 3-needle bindoff, but not dissatisfied enough to fiddle with. Unless daughter number 2 wants these, I’m keeping them — they’re on the small side for my other girls. I’m really pleased with how well the colours match up, and surprised at how much yarn is left — at least enough for another sock, suggesting you could get 3 pairs from 2 skeins, if you valued frugality over variety (so far, that’s not me!).


  1. jillian
    11 August 2008 / 3:51 pm

    Visiting new LYS’s is such fun. Gorgeous socks! You’ll find a good use for the extra Noro sooner or later 🙂

  2. materfamilias
    11 August 2008 / 5:28 pm

    It is fun — I suspect if I’d been on my own, I’d have ended up buying something. I think the extra Noro might go for socks for a little person.

  3. Anonymous
    12 August 2008 / 7:31 am

    Hello, actually, I wanted to make a comment on your other blog, but don’t know how to deal with the ‘Open ID’ thingy! Do I really have to sign up with something in order to comment? I just wanted to say thanks for the recommendation of the Lee Child book, it sounds interesting. Plus I made an (I think) intelligent comment about casting in general, but now I’ve gone and forgotten it, so never mind! ;0) Anyway, looking forward to seeing photos of some of your Toronto purchases -the LBD shop sounded especially enticing! Patricia

  4. materfamilias
    12 August 2008 / 4:35 pm

    Patricia: I’ve changed the setting for my reading blog — thanks for the heads-up, as I don’t want to miss any possible feedback and I hadn’t realized that was the setting. If you remember your comment (and yours are always intelligent and welcome), please go back and try out the system. Last, sadly, there are unlikely to be photos of my Toronto purchases, since it’s so tough to photograph black — but never say never, I guess;-)


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.